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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. Mod list: Modulemanager 2.5.13 Mechjeb (1.0.5) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement NoOffsetLimits I was trying to land a plane on my new aircraft carrier. So, I launched it and there were no markers around any of my craft. I set the carrier as my target, and I followed it. Then, after a couple of minutes, the target marker disappeared. I went into map view to look for it, but it was gone, except for at the tracking station. I reloaded, and the same thing happened. Anyone know why this happens? It's the same on my other save files, if that helps.
  2. you don't really need the offset mod to do this, stock should work just fine.
  3. Yesterday my dad launched his first satellite I'm so proud of him.
  4. A combination of laziness and the fact that the save kinda got nuked by an attempt to dock two of these helicopters in mid-air. The computer kinda just shut off when I launched the second one.
  5. 1.0.5 is the key word here. Much harder to make one not than it was back in 1.0.4. And besides, we had a little conversation a while ago about this.
  6. Well, apparently this little number is the one percent. Pun fully intended.
  7. New! For all your farming needs! Durable! Edible! The F4R-M tricycle unit. Propelled by 8 eco-jets! Buy yours today for the low low price of too much. Extremely functional! 100% rubber-free tires. Cutting-edge tricycle technology, with Ultra Super Safety Brakes! (USSB technology not included). Only 80% chance of spontaneous detonation. Top speed: 12 m/s of pure farming power! Exceeding this speed exempts us from all responsibility. Occasional explosions may occur. Do not go down slopes steeper that 8 degrees. I will post the download if someone likes it. I don't know if this is the first stock wheeled vehicle, but it's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. The jets themselves create very little forward movement since there's a pair pushing in opposite directions on each wheel, so it's actually mainly the wheel doing the work. And with the 'low' part count of 252, it's actually kinda practical. I'm going to stop talking now. Improved version (v 3.21) link: Stripped-down version (less CPU-intensive): https://www.dropbox.com/s/u5o09dbcm6c71f3/Tractor%20%28F4R-M%29%20MK3.craft?dl=0 Actual version (280 parts): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6e5a3ivgjikztpi/Tractor%20%28F4R-M%29%20MK2%20-%20Copy.craft?dl=0
  8. 70,000 dollar suborbital rocket -> Scott Manley vids -> 60,000 dollar orbital rockets -> more Scott Manley -> Mun rockets -> Watching random documentaries -> Interplanetary rockets -> Cool helicopters I saw online -> self -made helicopters -> Blenders -> A machine that crushes kerbals with a piece of metal We've come a long way boys!
  9. Not being creepy, don't worry. I was assuming that the OP wasn't very old, from the grammar of his posts.
  10. Sometimes, when my uncle isn`t looking, I plug my PC into his monitor. Normally, I just try to play the game by ear.
  11. Also, can you send me the .craft file? My own hinge isn't working.
  12. I shall investigate... To the nerd-cave!
  13. It- It- It's m-m-magnificent. I need to rethink my life. Thank you.
  14. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129609-workaround-technologies-presents-the-hp-4-combined-thrust-helicopter/
  15. Turboshafts are hard to make. Helicopters with jets on the blade are easy to make but difficult to throttle. No more! The HP-4 is a early design combining the two sources of thrust, the central turboshaft and the wing-edge auxiliary jet engines. It (slowly) descends when the turboshaft is shut down, a huge improvement upon our older designs. But anyways, less text more pictures! In this photo, you can see the turboshaft but not the wing-edge thrusters. You can see the wing-edge thrusters in this airborne picture, along with the built-in lightweight orientation system (RCS). Top-down view. The craft handles just like a real helicopter! Except without any of the sophisticated autopilot systems. Stock SAS can't keep up with the craft's inherent lack of stability. It is controllable, but only if you are very careful. And of course it's unmanned. Because we here at Workaround Technologies care about our employees. (Disclaimer: We are licensed to utilize death row criminals as test pilots. So don't mess up). Thanks!
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