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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Take it easy, Mage. Focus on RL issues, the game is awesome but is not going anywhere. Love all the stuff you keep coming up with, as I think a lot of other people do as well.
  2. Good point(s)! © notice... I've just added a small license I found on another mod. Will look into this further, as I don't have any original artwork here, just some lines of MM patching.
  3. Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory I have a lot of patches in my own game-play to make every day chores a bit easier and to streamline rocket design in some cases. Below is a brief description of what is included in my patch directory, I've tried to keep it to a minimum of new parts and tweaks that everyone can use. I recommend using these patches when using my Career craft files. However if you do not like one of the patches I use, simply delete the corresponding .cfg file. Some patches I found on the KSP forum and have tried to credit the original authors as much as possible. Almost all these patches are related to SSTU or stock parts and are meant to increase "Quality of Life". CREDITS The parts contained in these patches refer to models and plugins from the following awesome people: - @Shadowmage - SSTU - @Nertea - Near Future Propulsion, Far Future Technologies - @Angel-125 - WildBlue DSEV - @RoverDude - ART, MKS, LS - @CobaltWolf - Bluedog Design Bureau - @linuxgurugamer - FTL Continued - @Bonus Eventus - KerbodynePlus - If I missed you, please let me know... The required models and plugins have not been redistributed or copied, but are required as dependencies for the respective parts to show up in the game. New parts cloned from existing models are listed under JPL as manufacturer for sorting purposes, but all credit goes to their original creators. I am grateful that these awesome modders produce their parts packs so we can enjoy this game to it's fullest extent and beyond. Jimbodiah's Patch Laboratory [1.11.x] download from SpaceDock latest version: v1.11-001 (11-04-2021) I'm in the process of revamping this pack as it originally dates to KSP 1.3.1, so some errors in the description need to be ironed out. Fly Safe! INSTALLATION To install: Unzip the archive and move the contents in the /GameData folder to your ../KSP/GameData directory. Requires ModuleManager, get the latest release here. All containers on my newly patched parts support resources from the following mods: - Stock (Ore, MonoPropellant, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, ElectricCharge, XenonGas) - SSTU (Aerozine50, NTO, LqdHydrogen, RocketParts) - Near Future Propulsion (Lithium, ArgonGas, XenonGas) - Near Future Electrical (EnrichedUranium, DepletedFuel) - Far Future Technologies (LqdHE3, LqdDeuterium, FissionPellets, FusionPellets, MetallicHydrogen, NuclearSalt) - TAC Life-Support (Food, Oxygen, Water, Waste, WasteWater, CarbonDioxide) - DeepFreeze (Glykerol) - WildBlue DSEV (FusionPellets, Coolant) - USI ART (Rock) - USI MKS (27 resources; yeah, I'm lazy) - USI LifeSupport (Supplies, Mulch, Fertilizer) - USI Karbonite (Karbonite) - USI Karbonite+ (Karborundum) - Extraplanetary Launchpads (MetalOre, Metal, RocketParts) - TheGoldStandard (GoldOre, Gold) TWEAKS ADDED PARTS PICTURES RSS and SSRSS Patches Check out my other thread for a simple patch to allow you to play RSS with stock parts (no Realism Overhaul or Smurff) and also a SSRSS patch to make flying stock parts more difficult in the stock -szies real solar system. TU/SSTU Color Presets
  4. I feel like a little kid that just got handed the large crayola box and put in a room with white walls. The coloring feature is really cool to customize your rockets, adds an extra dimension. I'm working on a blue/silver and blue/gold version for my upcoming Mars missions
  5. I tend to only play RSS with a side install of SSRSS to test stock stuff; I even have a patch running on SSRSS so I can use my RSS ships and not be OP. My 1.2.2 RSS install is running with RSSVE, so full scatterer and EVE eye candy, on 1.3.0 I am still just plain RSS as EVE/Scatterer have not been updated yet. What problems have you had in RSS?
  6. I spotted a real live Kerman in the real world.
  7. But, but... it's Kerbals!
  8. I am a blasphemer in that regard: I run my own simple patch to adjust thrust/ISP to get realistic looking and performing rockets without the need to rescale, adjust weights, add 20 other mods and have something I don't like playing (RO is not my thing). The patch can be found in my download in the SSTU Craft repository, here
  9. Jimbodiah


    If you bought a copy, you could try asking Squad if you can get a copy. I'm sure they keep the old versions.
  10. They walk among us! They are trying to convince us that orange is the new black, but we all know they mean green. It's disinformation spread by the great(headed) invasion force.
  11. Yes, it was suggested by someone when I was looking for an LHO engine between the RL10-B3 and J2.
  12. Updated my patches file with v1.0.1 New parts - Added RL87-LH2 engine to SSTU, an LHO engine variant about 1/2 thrust of a J2 (using rescaled J2 model). - Added RL60 engine to SSTU, an LHO vacuum bell engine about 2x thrust of the RL10-B2 (using rescaled RL10-B2 model). - Added RL10-C1 engine to SSTU (using RL10-A2 model) Tweaks - Added tweak to RL10 engine variants to match RL values, also see RL10-C1 addition. - Changed SSTU Soyuz DM pod to hold 3 crew. - Added tweaks for Bluedog DB (mainly aardvark/block3 versions with TAC LS). - Added tweak for Coatl ProbesPlus to move the 1x2 and 1x4 solar panels down one one and get them together with the stock foldable panels.
  13. Started a new RSS career in 1.3.0 and made some nice looking science vessels along my progression. I love the new coloring GUI and the metallic effects. Launch 3: Orbit Earth Launch 4: Orbit the Moon Launch 5: Orbit the Moon Launch 6-7: Moon landing #1-2 Launch 8: Moon landing #3 Launch 9-11: Moon landing #4-6
  14. Works fine. A kerbal head is about the same size as the entire mkI pod, so lets forget realism
  15. Oh, how can you resist this? I made a 2,5m 3-man version, mainly for the Orion SM (sort of like a modern apollo mission). I'd use the apollo capsule, but the port would become so small as to look weird. BTW: The mkI does not need a stand-alone heatshield for re-entry from Kerbin orbit or Moon returns.
  16. So what you are saying is, that Mage needs to add an alternative for a one man pod?
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