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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Where is it? Oh wait, your British, I'm American. Nice accent btw, I haven't heard it, but I bet it sounds awesome
  2. @martincmartin Wizards, Aliens, and Starships is pretty good, and has a lot of math in it too
  3. Thanks! Well, it'll be 10 pages longer so.... it'll take awhile to finish, but hopefully I can get it done before the end of the month and begin the 3rd chapter before April. At least I've finished 3 pages so far And @KSK I added a couple parts to the areas you suggested I do
  4. Whoooo! Btw, you need to change the thread name
  6. This my work in progress "The Void" Plot: The year is 2030, and scientists discover something unusual within the Oort cloud, a black hole, heading straight for the inner solar system, traveling at several hundred kps, they don't know how it got there with no one noticing, but shortly after the discovery, the worlds space programs decide to unite to build a spacecraft capable of saving humanity by launching it to a nearby star, and colonizing one of its planets, they have less than a few decades to build an launch it before the black hole enters the solar system, so they need to work fast, but everyone is asking the same question; will humanity go extinct? The first chapter is on the 7th page I have proofreaders, and I am getting writing tips from them, but It'd be nice to have some more feedback. Now, before you read, I have a couple things to add to it, and I know it's a bit fast-paced, but I wanted to get it done and over with so i could move on to the more interesting stuff Btw, please quote me so I can see you replied
  7. Or a day where SQUAD staff/Moderators plays career mode multiplayer for several hours on Twitch or Youtube, or when someone makes a thread "What's the most you can do in KSP in one day?" and does a challenge to see who does the most in the span of 10 hours in their respective time zones.
  8. Hey! That's similar to my plan if I get a space program! (No seriously, I'm not joking)
  9. Oh, wow, that's pretty impressive. I think it's called that.
  10. And Solar panels have a limited range, but anything to keep costs down I guess, we don't want anymore budget cuts to NASA.
  11. Yeah, but still, RTGs are better. You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today.
  12. The solar panels are a result of Budget cuts (I'm pretty sure, I'm not sure why you'd want solar panels so far from the sun either)
  13. Alright Looking forwards to it. Btw, you've earned a new sub.
  14. Thanks Yeah, I didn't want to drudge up stuff and have a really slow start, I wanted to finish that chapter, and get on to the more important stuff, although, when I (Likely, maybe) publish it to kindle, I'll add more. In hindsight, I should've made the Security guard part a bit longer (), but again see above Okay, good points, you know, I think I'll just edit it and add some more, not necessarily more to the beginning, but to the security guard/black hole discovery. I'll add more later. I will, I had the same thing happen Side note, "First flight" is really good.
  15. Hahahaha, that was awesome
  16. I don't have the full game yet, but I'm still hyped! Can I get on?
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