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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I've actually seen a number of Tesla's around. Really only enough to count on two hands I think, but I guess that's what happens when your family travels a lot.
  2. I'm personally too busy to commit myself to this, but I'd be happy to leave suggestions, and answer questions (If I have an answer ), or share tips. One thing right off the bat though, 10-20k words would be a long short story, or novella in one go. My longest chapter was around 9k words, and that's way too long. So I'd suggest no longer than 5k words, maybe even less than 3-4k, just to keep it digestible. Good luck though! I hope someone else can help out with this. It sounds really cool.
  3. I was going to post this in the SpaceX thread, but I didn't want to throw it off. But it has over a quarter million views!!! I wonder how long it'll take to reach a million. A few more years?


    Yeah, yeah. This is a excrementspost, so here's something a bit more serious.
    A video about designing Earthlike atmospheres!


  4. I wonder what my meme would be. But anyway, whenever someone posts a topic that's already been discussed (I'm guilty of that ); And technical support;
  5. You can't do that. It can be as hot or hotter than a star I suppose, but it has to have a certain mass to sustain fusion in its core. And that's around 14 x the mass of Jupiter (But that's only for Deuterium fusion), up to around ~80 Jupiter masses or so. Above that, and you have a legitimate star.
  6. The "official" code name is Big F-ing Rocket, but that's not forum appropriate
  7. About the Moon-forming part, wasn't there a study or something similar that talked about how a planet could appear to be bigger than it really is during a transit due to a Moon? If that's the case, could Kepler 62f be smaller than 1.4 Earth radii? I wonder how that would affect ESI or potential habitability.
  8. Hey!! Nearly forgot to update you guys. I passed my board of review!! Paperwork is going through now. It wasn't nearly as stressful as I thought, and they liked my essay and everything.
  9. Hey everyone. Er, not much to say except we're still going strong We've even talked about long-term plans and everything. So yeah, pretty happy right now
  10. I loved this movie. Saw it yesterday.
  11. When I was typing something in the spoiler box, it wouldn't let me backspace without skipping on characters before, and kept jumping back, before I pressed backspace again, and for whatever reason, it went back to the lounge forums. I don't seem to have the same problem while typing in this format. Is there a bug or something? I don't remember this happening before.
  12. We're seeing Infinity war this afternoon! Super excited for it xD I heard it was really, really dark too, so that sounds really good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GDJ


      Watching it tonight at 10PM. Late night but why the hell not?

    3. GDJ


      Okay, lets just say that this was an awesome movie, but the ending was completely unexpected.

    4. Spaceception


      Yes. Yes it was



      Peter's and Gamora's deaths were the most emotional. And the fact Peter was the only one freaking out was probably because of his spidey senses going haywire ;.;

      Obviously, at least some of the people killed by the snap could come back, but not all of them, and those who do will probably have PTSD I guess.
      Anyway, really dark movie, I wonder how dark Avenger's 4 will be.



  13. I read in one of the comments that the mirror would heat up if it didn't have perfect reflectivity too. I'm sure that's true, but it wouldn't be instant, so they would probably let it get to a certain threshold before harnessing the captured energy, right?
  14. Hey guys, I was watching this video, and thinking it would be a cool science fiction topic. I don't think I've heard of getting energy from a black hole this way before, but is it plausible? (This is worthy of a thread right? Or should this have been in the "For questions that don't merit their own thread" or the "Serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions" thread(s)?) Anyway, here's the video.
  15. @YNM Judging by that picture, am I correct in assuming we should expect to only find potentially habitable planets, and other long period planets around the dark blue, green, orange and red area's? Or at least the majority of them? And the light blue, and brown area's would be red dwarf planets and hot Jupiters mostly? With like a handful of chance transits for long period planets too in the light blue and brown area's.
  16. Board of review is all that's left aside from a few signatures.
  17. Yeah, I'm writing fanfiction of Stellaris. Anyway, new chapters every week In 2319, the United Nations of Earth, Commonwealth of Man, and various Alien empires receive a strange signal that affects their Synthetic citizens.Within the year, it's revealed to be the Contingency; A rogue AI that was thought to be extinct, and has one goal - Exterminate all life. With a military that might be too weak, and an unrelenting force threatening the galaxy, will they be able to stop them before they destroy all life? What do you think? Figured it'd be good while you wait for me to finish my actual books
  18. Hey guys :)


    Do you think I should make a thread for this?


    Anyway, 1 week until I'm a legal adult! :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceception


      I'd like to work in the Aerospace industry (Like SpaceX or something), so I'm thinking either a Mechanical or Aerospace degree would be good.

      Thanks :) I'm kinda nervous tbh.

    3. Dman979


      Be careful about letting people know your date of birth online. All sorts of bad things can happen.

    4. Piatzin


      @Dman979 Yes

      Like congratulatory spam

  19. It's happening!! Any idea on how soon we could hear about TESS candidates? What will their numbering be like? TESS-1, TESS-234, similarly to like Kepler-556 or whatever?
  20. I can't wait! Launch scheduled for tomorrow. I really hope we get some new, really cool Earth-like planets to study. Especially ones close to Earth so they're easier to study. I wonder how many there are within 20 light years of us.
  21. Well, each one has the new titanium grid fins, it's much easier to reuse, so some new structural changes. Engine improvements, better fuel tanks I suppose. Updated landing legs. Here's a video, should have all of them;
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