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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Yep! She asked about my address in November, and then I gave her mine, and she gave me hers. Like I said, we sent each other cards (Personalized ones, her's was really nice), and books on Christmas, and I've read some of her stories over, and 'listened' to her novel ideas. We also help each other out on stuff sometimes.
  2. Oh... I guess so. So, do it before, or after?
  3. Alright... maybe saving it until Valentine's day would be a good thing. Idk. I definitely don't want to keep it bottled up.
  4. I edited, it's more intro/ambivert, but I see what you're saying. Okay. Keep it short, and relaxed? Mention it as something small that I like her? Or am I lost?
  5. Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking too Well, er, she's an intro/ambivert. We met each other over a teen writing contest, she's native to her country. I was thinking, 'Hey, can I tell you something important' or similarly along those lines. I liked her well as a friend, and felt close to her, but over time, I realized I developed a crush on her too. Yeah, that's what I'm worried about too. I think we could make it work... but yeah, I agree, it would likely be rocky if she and I become a thing.
  6. So, gonna keep this brief. I really want to tell my crush I like her near Valentine's day. I'm not really good with subtly steering the conversation, so saying something indirectly may not work; so I think I'll be more direct. And also say that if she doesn't feel the same, I still want to be friends. I know she's single, so there's not a problem there, but any ideas on how I should tell her? I know I should be myself though. Also, I heard talking about our futures is good? She and I talk about what we want to do with life, and careers and have sometimes suggested that we could meet each other in person (In passing). Is that a good sign?
  7. I don't/can't drink alcohol, so either Iced water, or soda/juice. I don't drink tea though, and we don't have coffee.
  8. I'm taking a look at some of my early posts trying to jog my memory of one of them... sorry for being an idiot. :P:confused:

    1. daniel l.

      daniel l.

      Forgiven. :)

      I have some pretty silly posts from my newbie days as well.

    2. NSEP


      My early posts are embarrassing too.

      But look who we are now!

  9. 10/10 I've talked to you on the relationships thread.
  10. I'm thinking of doing stellaris playthroughs at some point soon. Maybe talking about book ideas I have, and even roleplaying as alien species in it. Would you guys be interested in that? I already want to do one for an alien invasion story idea I have
  11. Wait, there's such things as heated keyboards!? And I know I'm dead, social media isn't gona help
  12. @ARS yeah, my only problem with energy mid-late game is keeping it positive with fleets. Galactic force projection is a fun perk, I like that one. And I've never gotten far enough to build a Dyson sphere, oh how I'd like one though. I'm doing a play through now, and I'm rushing research and unity mainly, and trying to expand via colonization. A nearby Empire is actually inferior in tech, that never happens!! I'm usually the inferior one I've faced the contingency once, and scrouge twice (other games were done earlier because I had almost no hope), not the Unbidden though, but I have gotten jump drive before - but different crises. And I lost badly each time. Not nearly enough fleet power.
  13. Hey! I got the game on Christmas, and I've been having a lot of fun with it, roleplaying, creating interesting empires, the like. What's your experience with the game? I may even do playthroughs in the future for the game, we'll see. Are you excited for Cherryh? I am, the update looks really cool, and the Apocalypse expansion looks amazing. What kind of empires do you like making? What's your go-to strategy? Do you have a favorite end-game crisis? What's ascension path do you like going down (In my latest playthrough, I'm trying to go down the synthetic path)? Any tips for newbies like me? And here's the Apocalypse expansion trailer which released earlier; And the Utopia trailer, which I really like;
  14. *Saturn Oh Well then I hope there's a geyser nearby. maybe a small impactor to make it easier? I dunno.
  15. I was honestly thinking they did it when I saw the tweet.
  16. Target: Enceladus "Ground" Activities: use an internal RTG and/or drill to go through the ice, or if possible, enter through one of its geysers. Then swim around. Propulsion: Chemical Goals: To find life of course
  17. Oh dang... A worse hell than Venus then? Could this be a Volcanic world? In a way, this could be a good thing, if this planet can hold such a thick atmosphere that close in, the others should be able to as well. Can't wait for JWST to give us data that changes a bunch of stuff again
  18. I was literally just about to post that :D Sooooo cool
  19. It's late, so I may be lost right now, but... what?
  20. I know this is more than half an hour late, but happy New years!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Piatzin


      Yeh. 2016 was personally a bad year lol :D

    3. NSEP


      2017 and 2016 where ok years for me.

    4. ProtoJeb21


      2016: not the best for the rest of the world, but it was pretty good for me!

      2017: very bad year for the world and had some terrible things I had to go through, but otherwise I found it to personally be a good year. 

      2018: *apocalypse*

  21. I got a lot of candy, Ringworld (Footfall is coming in the mai!), and stellaris (plus utopia expansion) for Christmas. And last month I got a book trilogy from my best friend, so pretty great! It's also the last one I celebrate as a teen. So that's... kinda weird.
  22. I've been playing stellaris all day.

    No, I do not regret it.


    Anyway, I have 9 planets, and terraforming another. But there were practically NONE tundra, artic, or alpine worlds near me, which stunted my growth, and let my neighbors box me in. So I'm pretty clustered. Thankfully they like me.

    And because of me needing frontier outposts to keep territory, my influence dropped, so when my scientists and leaders started to die, research went slow, and I couldn't get new ones.

    Ascension perks are good, should be able to get megastructures at some point, and my tech level is ok, but everyone is superior or overwhelming (again, crap planets at the start). I think I'll increase the hab planet percentage and play in a small galaxy next time (I'm in a tiny one).

    I think it's picking up again though, mineral/energy production are around 50-65 right now, unity is really high too 70 something I think, my food limit is still 200, but I'm making more than enough, and I have a 4.4k fleet. I also have 400-500 influence, somewhere around there.

    1. Spaceception


      Well that was fun while it lasted.

      Freaking AI contingency got me while I was still stunted, add to that I had just ended a war with a fallen empire (I won by waiting and going back and forth)

      So I started a new game,  similar traits, except militarist instead of zenophile. Growing better, but everyone is still bigger... gonna need to build up a fleet. 

  23. @SuperFastJellyfish I just went to Instagram to see if he shared pics there, and sure enough
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