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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Yeah, agree. Imo, education would probably be a requirement, maybe even a punishable one if they neglect it. If one idiot screws up a life support system, or hydroponic row, they could create a lot of work for someone, or waste precious resources. So everyone will need solar system class (heh) education or risk getting in trouble, along with their parents. For the 2nd chunk. Yeah, also agree, but how long would it be post scarcity? It'd definitely be at least many generations. Hmm, there's a video on that on YouTube, I'll have to watch it xD
  2. Yeah, early on, I can see the colony being socialist, with capitalism being mixed in later. And payment could be some sort of cryptocurrency, but I don't know what they would need to pay for, food, water, and air will at least be guaranteed early on. Maybe different pieces of art and entertainment could be something they buy, there will always be a market for that. Perhaps they are guaranteed only basic rations and water, if they want say, a pizza, or soda, they have to pay for it (This would exist once they have a town though, and people to spare for small business). And payment could be based on how much they did, rather than hours spent (Like setting up propellant lines, making solar panels, servicing robots, etc) since it might be physically draining, and one who does something else for 8 might have the same value, yet they would be payed more. Does this make sense?
  3. The point (At least by Elon) is that if it had to be cut off from Earth, it'd be fine, but just like between other countries, some trade deals, and resupplies will always be wanted, and improve life there. And regarding economics, I wonder What kinds of things it could export. Them eventually having some sort of entertainment industry could be cool, but that's more digital trade. If they begin terraforming, I imagine they could give Earth new, or better technologies (Bit of a stretch in at least the 1st half century, but they'll catch up eventually). I agree with most of your other points.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      Add that to the list of things I need to add to Constellations...

    3. ProtoJeb21


      That's the planet around the star AC 54 1646-56. It was found a few months ago and is most likely a "Super-Venus". I don't know why there's a second wave of news coverage about it now. 

    4. Spaceception


      Ah. Well, I saw NASA, the date, and figured it was new, my bad :D

  4. I agree, it seemed more like a cool what if thing to me. The cinematic was cool at least.
  5. Ok, so, assuming 4 million a launch, divided up by 100, is $40,000 a person. Minimum (But that's grossly unrealistic). So, crunching some numbers (Not that hard though hah), that's 48 million (480k a person) for all 12 launches dedicated to 1 crew (1 crewed, 1 cargo, 10 refueling) that will be spread across 100 people. 500k a person is pretty good. And I'm guessing the lower the price, the more crowded the rocket. Be sure you want economy style before you book your trip
  6. That might be something else the BFS could do on the Moon, mine the regolith, and refill those tugs, they could receive fuel from Earth, but hey, another reason for a Moon base. EDIT: or just use the cargo version of BFR, and do above, to save costs in developing another vehicle, and keeping everything integrated easily. EDITEDIT: they could slightly redesign the front for spaceship tug purposes, but the fuel/engine part would stay the same.
  7. He mentioned in passing about there being a solar storm shelter. The ship could also be angled so that the engines face the sun, and the crewed section face away. And the drinking/waste water (separated of course) could wrap around the inner walls of the ship to protect against cosmic rays.
  8. Maybe. But it'll be something people who were born on Earth would miss. The kids wouldn't know anything else, and would probably be fine. We could have domes instead, but the glass would need to be thick and strong to block radiation and micrometemeteorites. Maybe small ones above ground, like really big enclosed parks and stuff, and then everything else would be underground. The parks could be accessible by stairs instead of elevators for instance so it doesn't feel too mechanical. (There would be an airlock though).
  9. After the 1st few colonists and cargo ships arrive, I can see them digging out a huge underground cavern (40 meters tall, to make it feel open, and a few square kilometers big to have room. it'd also be at least 5 meters under for radiation, micrometeorites, etc) perhaps with glass or something coating most of it to mimic the day and night cycle (That might be much further down the road when they have more colonists, and better power though). But they could grow plants everywhere, and build a small city with short buildings, storefronts, lots of walkways, etc. Make it feel cozy, not cramped. Edit: it would need a lot of support beams though. Maybe it could be covered in plants to hide it more.
  10. I like the new design better, sleeker and cleaner. And as for cost, wasn't it in the 10 billion range for the 12 m version? Think it's safe to say it'll be somewhere between 5-10 billion. And yeah, 2024 is aggressive, but humans on Mars before 2030 is definitely possible, especially with the new plans. Course, a lot of things are possible in the next 12ish years, but I'll remain optimistic.
  11. Rapter firing This feels realer than ever, just 6-9 months, and construction will start, they've built and tested hardware, and are busy making facilities. We're getting there, we're going to the planets and beyond.
  12. My likes will be gone soon There's gonna be a lotta iou's
  13. Well, seeing as they seem to have plans, I daresay they made it make sense. Also, how much contribution could Starlink make? Could lunar colonists get WiFi? That could give a good incentive to go along with the 1.3 sec delay, near real time chat with family.
  14. I wonder how many less people it will carry, something tells me less than 50. But that's still really impressive for one ship xD
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeet looking pic of a Mars city. Makes me all warm and fuzzy xD https://www.instagram.com/p/BZm_FXPg6YZ/
  16. Yay!! Unfortunately I can't make late night snacks xD
  17. This'll be at 1230 am where I am, will I be watching it live? You can bet Jeb's right buttocks I'll be watching it live!!! I'm going to be so tired tomorrow
  18. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/912829943301754880?s=09
  19. I'm so excited for this, anyone know the time (EST) of the presentation, I don't think I've seen anything yet. Friday can't come soon enough.
  20. Ayyy, I think it's that time once again for a Spaceception isn't dead status :D

    Remember when I said in November I'll be doing a co-op writing session with a friend of mine for both our novels? Well, with that same person, we'll be writing an urban fantasy series, think magic crossed with tech. On our outline doc, we've already finished over 30k words, for just ideas!!! 

    I also have an idea for a time travel book where a couple guys go back in medieval times and brings humanity up with steampunk. 

    1. Spaceception


      Also, I got 42 followers :wink:

    2. cratercracker


      That is pretty niftym i would say.

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