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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. *Waves* I think this is the right place, never placed anything here before. Anyway, nothing has crashed, I was wondering the exact definition of separate saves, like, could I have one save with the stock system, and all of my regular mods, and another with stock sized RSS? STUPID QUESTION INCOMING And uh, how do I make separate saves if it works like that? Would 2 saves dig into my game and make it unplayable? Thanks for putting up with me
  2. Visual effects probably doesn't help much. Forgive me if this has been addressed before, I haven't seen anything, but how's 1.3 stuff coming along?
  3. What was supposed to be the thrust? With everything you've added so far, I think that'll hold us over for a long time So many designs floating around in my head.
  4. One day.... When I have a better setup, and better understanding of orbital mechanics Looks beautiful though!
  5. Oh wow that is pretty recent. At first glace, I feel it shares similarities with the Zubrin nuclear salt water rocket, and fission fragment rocket.
  6. @Nertea Small error with the EF-1k graphene radiator panel, it has the same description as the VF-25 Alpha radiator fin, that's all I noticed
  7. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I want it to stay that way if it is a mistake.
  8. I made/Launched my 1st SSTO!!

    Oh wow Spaceception, I did that years ago. NOOOOOB!!

    I'm on mobile because the WiFi went out, but I'll have some pics soon :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceception


      I really like both, it's just rockets are easier :D

      Spaceplanes look really cool too!

    3. electricpants


      Yeah, but I actually like rockets more than spaceplanes. :P



      Spaceplane hard to build

      Rockets less hard to build

      Spaceplane have complex controls

      Just go left in rocket

      Most of the time you have to land at KSC w/ Spaceplane

      You can land wherever you want with rocket

    4. NSEP


      I like spaceplanes better than rockets even though i dont know how to build them.

  9. Cool, do you still have it? It'd be cool to read What do you think of the idea? Do you think that the other players would use this mod?
  10. I have the star's properties finished for my mod! You guy's are welcome to check my math :) All units were made to represent a portion of the sun (In this case 0.67x the mass of the sun, as opposed to the same in kg) to make life easier.

    In the case of Luminosity and Radius, the numbers were rounded.

    Star Mass of star: 1.326e+30 kg = 0.67, Radius, 1043550000 meters = 0.743, Surface temperature, 4622.4 K = 0.816, Luminosity, 0.30, Hab zone inner, 0.52 AU, Hab zome outer, 0.75 AU

    Now I just need to shrink everything down to stock size :D

    How would the HZ be affected?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProtoJeb21


      Just scale everything (except temp) down by a factor of 10 and you'll be fine.

    3. Spaceception


      Even luminosity? 

    4. Spaceception


      Actually, scaling down luminosity makes sense now that I think about it, otherwise the planets would burn hotter than Venus :P

      My star would be smaller than Saturn!

      Over 15,000 km smaller!

  11. Working on the star/planet properties, so I know how big everything will be
  12. Wow... I mostly screw around in KSP, and I'm not the type of person who goes for realism in the game, but this would be amazing to have for a mod I'm working on, so would this mod make mine more possible? How well does it work with mods like Kopernicus, KittopaTech, and Sigma binary/dimensions?
  13. Well, I am making cracks, ridges, canyons, mountains, etc in the middle of the planet inward, to show the tidal stress. And Also, they're small, and will be between the size of the Mun, and Moho, scaled up irl, I think their Roche limits are pretty small. Yeah, good thing this isn't US^2 Isn't that what Robert Forward did in his novel? Rocheworld had an elliptical orbit that lined up with a gas giant Gargantua. Also, because of their rotation spin, the centrifugal force of the lines helped keep them separate, but over time, they were bound to merge. Uh, good, or bad thing? Also, is there a link and thread talking about it (And does it support Kopernicus)? I looked it up, but there were only a couple threads, none were for the mod itself, but if I could figure this out, that figure 8 moon may very well be possible. Nvmd found it.
  14. I don't mind the contrast, especially given what the parts do, besides, I'm more about functionality than stock alike. I can't wait to play with these later, so. Many. Ideas.
  15. Awesome, should we link him the forums? He might have some cool crafts to share here.
  16. The Rocheworld? It'll basically orbit like a regular moon, only really really close, it might use Sigma binary to work, but it shouldn't have anything too fancy.
  17. :'( Well, I can meet in the middle, have a large Rocky moon orbit a giant, with the moon orbiting between them (I'm a slightly elliptical orbit) and just carry on with the rest of my idea.
  18. So, small block with the gas giant binary, apparently, it's not possible, so as middle ground, it'll be a has dwarf with a large Rocky moon (2x Kerbins gravity, 8x the atmosphere, fun!!) With the moon orbiting between them, mountains, ridges, canyons, seas, all that good stuff. Alright, time to watch tutorials on making planets in space engine.
  19. Yeah, I guessed that, wasn't very sure though. Crap, so they can't orbit both in a wide orbit, or can't orbit in a figure 8 fashion or something like that?
  20. It says it all in the title, how do you scale the planets to be really 1/10th real scale, and yet have the correct gravities? Same with stars. And while we're at it, how do you set up a moon orbiting two planets?
  21. When you're in the VAB or SPH, choose any of the tanks included, and right click on the tank, on the top of the UI for it, you can change the texture
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