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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Yay! http://www.readitforward.com/longform/artemis/
  2. Awesome! Some of the mods I'm using have been updated now Also, the Pluto engine seems almost impossible to use, it's heavy, has weak thrust, it sucks down fuel, and takes forever to get up to speed. Do you have any example crafts that use Pluto and fly well? Thanks in advance
  3. One word, wow. My favorites in no order whatsoever, are Mars/Phobos,Titan, Triton, Sedna, and death of meteors.
  4. No problem, I saw that update, I can't wait for the release though
  5. @Angel-125 1. What engines will be added with NautilusX? What will be the Isp? 2. Will there be a centrifuge? What size? 3. Do you know how excited I am for this? The Nautilus is my favorite concept for a spacecraft.
  6. Oooh, I can't wait for the update, are there going to be any more parts?
  7. @SuicidalInsanity I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this mod, with your mod, I actually landed my 1st plane without the engines exploding or plane coming apart!
  8. Just downloaded, excited to see what it has to offer, especially the nuclear engines
  9. Oh, wait, brain fart, I actually made it 15x further, so how would I make a network, I tried doing that with stock, but it didn't make a web of communications, I'm a noob to this as well, so... uh... yeah.
  10. Update! 72k words overall, working on Chapter 19, only a few after that!
  11. @Snark Will this work with Extrasolar? I edited the orbit of Valentine to be about 10x further than Eeloo. Btw, I'm still using 1.2.2
  12. I'm playing with Extrasolar, so make sure you have a decent warp drive, and maybe a timewarp mod as well
  13. I need them for Interstellar Travel Links would be appreciated.
  14. I've successfully placed the mining base part of the spacecraft into orbit around Fust It's big, I'll be landing it once I have communication with some other satellites in the Kerbol system.
  15. Currently putting the first mining sections into orbit around Fust.
  16. I'm going to be launching a sat network soon! There's 6 satellites, so I may need 2 or 3 launches, but the plan is to get 1 sat in LKO, HKO, Trailing Kerbin Orbit (TKO) A sat in or near Dres' orbit, one between Jool and Eeloo orbit, and one beyond Kebol orbit. There will also be a couple scattered between Kerbol and Valentine as well as a few orbiting Valentine. I've also finished making the base in the spaceplane hanger, so far only the central part of the base, 2 habs and 2 labs, I might launch a greenhouse for aesthetics, since I don't have life support, but I might not.
  17. We are Groot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Original_PacMan.png
  18. My first successful mission to Fust! Next up: A sat network, (And then, probes all over the Valentine system so I can collect sci-, oh, who am I kidding, I'm in sandbox, I'm there for the awesome screengrabs!) because I can't throttle anything, and that's prob a good idea anyway. I might also put bases on Solyth and its moon (That's how you spell it, right?)
  19. I now know why the game crapped out! 1.3 decided to update without my consent!! Urg. I needed to update some mods anyway, so I'll do that
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