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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I sure hope so, perhaps before 2020, we could have limitless energy. 102 seconds is a HUGE milestone, I expect the dominoes to fall shortly
  2. This is huge! http://www.popsci.com/chinas-experimental-fusion-reactor-hits-major-milestone One step closer to fusion energy for all
  3. My dad retired earlier this year from the USN after 20 years of service, he served on the Enterprise once
  4. When did you become moderator? Congrats!

  5. I might write a steampunk novel. Dunno though
  6. Oh... When I googled 'von Braun's 1952 plan' the first thing that popped up was 'The Mars project'. But still, I'll only write 3, maybe 4, alternate history novels taking place during the space race.
  7. I might incorporate parts of it in the novel, maybe making it a Congress oriented project, but getting improved and replaced with Orion instead. I don't think I'll write many books written in the same timeline to present with similar topics, but I do like the idea of writing at least a couple.
  8. The Orion project could very much help with that. Also, when do you think the US could've gotten into space if the army didn't restrict von Braun? I know it was sometime in the fifties.
  9. I have an idea for an alternate history scifi novel set in the mid 50s to present and explores a possible history where the United States becomes first in space before '57s Sputnik, and Project Orion gets picked up as a small project, which quickly overtakes Apollo. The novel not only will explore how the astronauts felt during 'The great expansion' (What I'm calling the era when humanity rapidly begins colonizing the solar system) but society as a whole as technological progress quickly accelerates, and we begin exploring the stars. What do you guys think? There aren't any novels like that, are there? Also, as you can tell, I like alternate histories related to space exploration
  10. Just noticed you're a moderator, great job :)

  11. Ooooh!! I'll check that out tomorrow.
  12. Will this be on YouTube?
  13. Go to Khan academy, they have a programming section https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming
  14. I have an idea for a novel in the POV of an alien race between the late fifties to now, and their opinions and views on our space programs. AKA, it'll be a 'We're not mad, we're just disappointed' type novel
  15. Well, that could be up to your imagination, sad could look ridiculous, and happy could look outraged. But nodding, shaking, and shrugging is pretty much the same.
  16. So, when you read the chapters, what do you imagine the worlds and bases to look like? I'm wondering.
  17. Well, over the past month, I've written almost 4 chapters, so... once a week I guess. Sorry, it still needs editing.
  18. Chapter four is finished, I'm working on chapter five, 27k words total so far
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