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Everything posted by atomontage

  1. I have the same issue which causes a side of fairing to detach itself on the launchpad once physics is initialized. I can confirm that disabling auto strutting resolves the issue.
  2. Hello there. First, thanks for the great mod. I mean.. its really fantastic. I've spent a few minutes or so trying to find my jaw. Found it on the lower floor of my apartment building - poor neighbour never expected that something would break his ceiling. Anyway... I got an old pc - xeon x5460, 8gb ddr2, win7 x64 and a gf 650 gt 1gb. This mod halves my fps. Well, beauty comes at a cost doesn't it? xD I could understand the volumetric clouds and reflections and other fps eaters but I can't understand why it still lowers my fps during interplanetary travel. Is it distant object enhancer? (I think I will try to configure the mod more precisely to meet my fps requirements later.) I also noticed that shadows behave differently. They are darker and smoother. Could be the case. Anyway I'm looking forward to keep using KSPRC - I just have to find the right config or to create it manually. Also I have lost my rover due to migrating to KSPRC. I think its related to spawning the rover inside a rock. How is collision with rocks implemented btw? That's really, really awesome! What also makes me curious is that it also drastically lowers my sim speed on the launchpad. Seems like clouds or some other graphical feature is calculated on a cpu.. interesting. ps: will provide any additional info on request. For now I simply don't know what info I could provide - it seems very normal that this awesome mod that lifts the game to the upper level of detail and beauty causes dramatic fps drops.
  3. Cool! Glad to hear that the bug is hunted down! Since my, lets say, Kraken meetings recently I don't really use KAS for docking yet. Its not related to KAS but to the whole docking system (as I mentioned earlier). So why would I tease the cosmic beast? BUT. Yesterday I tried to replace a telescope (just a part) on my station. That involved detaching it and reattaching without putting into inventory. And it.. worked. No error messages, no mass limit messages. Just for you to know - maybe it helps somehow. But as you said the bug has been fixed now.. meh. Nevermind then! xD BTW I have never encountered the cloning bug. How do you guys do it? I could find a use for two Jebs! lol I have a small question though. I have zero experience in ksp mod development but recently I talked to the DR developer to fix an issue with KIS - they were conflicting a few days ago. Its fixed now though. But.. It seemed that DR somehow failed to properly finish executing some OnUpdate() method - it threw a NRE exception or something, I can't really tell. My understanding is that some mods subscribe to the lets say internal message queue or an event so OnUpdate or any other similar callback that they implement will be called. I guess KSP chains it - like when you have a bunch of listeners and just iterate over them and call their respective callbacks (like OnUpdate()). The question is: isn't it wrapped in the try-catch block? One mod throws the exception and other subscribers' callbacks will never get called. I may be completely wrong about the internal subscriber/callback mechanism though. Thanks in advance. xD
  4. It was the stock Kerbal X - I used the capsule seat inventories.
  5. Nah, nothing. I simply docked two vessels in orbit. Did nothing with help of KIS or KAS. Just launch, rendezvous and dock. The Kraken has awaken instantly. Later I docked 4 times to the same vessel (after restarting the game because of the bug) and it worked perfectly. I disabled SAS and MJ's Smart ASS right before docking. Even commented the debug log - nothing happened, docked flawlessly. As a programmer sometimes I hate bughunting.. Now. In my testbox I tried to grab a battery from my inventory while sitting on the launchpad. It worked. A few beers restarts after adding/removing mods later I figured that it only happens while in flight. Even while in atmosphere as well as in orbit (screenshots below). It does not matter if the active kerbal is a female or a male. Requesting a medal for Bill Kermal for EVA'ing at 58km! Mods installed: KIS only. Nothing special appeared in the log as far as beer allows me to judge. Tell me if you need the whole log - I'll reproduce the issue again. Clean KSP loads quite quickly. Thanks as always. I can imagine how much pain those patches delivered for modders.
  6. Mini AVC said there were two updates - one to KIS and another one to KAS.. Downloaded em. I have a kinda KSP testbox where the only mods installed are the ones I test. Plus Module Manager of course. So I can't grab the Connector port from inventory anymore - says its mass is 0.08 > 0.00. So I can't really test the issue with the lastest versions of KIS/KAS. No actual errors or exceptions were thrown in the log. Just normal messages: And the kraken bug I mentioned in my previous post seems to be a conflict between KAS and some other mod. I've installed the previous versions of KAS+KIS - the kraken still sleeps and does not smell me. I've even tried to install Deadly Reentry (a few bugs of which I've reported to the developer earlier - it was conflicting with KIS too; it has been fixed yesterday though). To be honest I do not want to test it to the point when I find the conflicting pair now. Spent an hour with my ksp testbox. A bit tired and I gotta go soon. Its ok, no rush as usual and thanks for your mods! I'll report any more info if I find anything. ps: oh yeah I forgot to answer your questions! It occured while in orbit. And my modlist is (hold your breath): UPD: the issue seems to be unrelated to KIS/KAS. THE KRAKEN is unleashed! I've disturbed Him, awaken by simply docking in orbit. Great phantom forces, the orbit is all messed up. After I reverted to launch I got this: What a beautiful shot with autosigning thanks to Historian! lol Was too distracted so I kill&restarted ksp instantly.. so.. the log vanished
  7. Now scroll up and scroll down. How readable is this page now? Your post is like screaming "LOOK AT ME, I HAZ PICTUREZ!" You could have shown some respect to the developer as you are thankful (aren't you?) as well as to other people who would read this page.
  8. Sure. I've upgraded my KSP testbox to 1.1.2. Installed addons: ModuleManager v2.6.24.0 DeadlyReentry v7.4.3.0 KAS v0.5.6.7 KIS v1.2.7.6 Equip works, button label is ok. It seems the bug is fixed. Now Im gonna test it in my actual game... xD Will report if anything is broken! Thanks!
  9. KSP 1.1.2 KAS Attaching two ships together unleashes THE KRAKEN. Even if I attach a docking port onto the first ship then try to dock with it with the second ship. Thanks.
  10. Haha and then 1.1.2 came out. Unfortunately KCT window does not work now. The log reads: [EXC 16:58:03.500] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog'. UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) Happens when I hover over the KCT button in the space center. Thanks as always.
  11. Yeah KCT is absolutely ok with 1.1.1 (played for several hours). Thanks.
  12. Hey @Starwaster! Thanks for the update, but unfortunately the KIS incompatibility bug is still not fixed: cannot equip a screwdriver. The log is: Mods: ModuleManager v2.6.23.0 DeadlyReentry v7.4.0.0 (but the .version file reads 7.4.1.. and the download was 7.4.2.. lol) KIS v1.2.7.6 MiniAVC v1.0.3.0 warning: was tested on KSP 1.1 before the patch! I haven't yet updated my KSP testbox.
  13. Same here. 1.5g of acceleration and it says Reaching G limit.
  14. I have the prerelease version of KCT [1.3.3-pre2] and everything works perfectly fine. Maybe you have an incompatible mod of some sort installed?
  15. Thats cool man! I've just checked your repository - it didn't contain any new builds, just wanted to test it out and play with it if its stable enough. Its ok, I can wait for the actual release. Keep rocking! There's always more ppl who must BURN during reentry and flip their tables!
  16. The screenshot in case you need it: Updated log now: Another little thing is that with DRE installed the action menu button that opens inventory reads 'ShowInventory'. The default KIS label is just 'Inventory'.
  17. YAY! Good to hear that! Now it is time to try this new (for me) awesome mod! 1.0.5 prevented all of us from installing many mods. Thanks dude!
  18. Hey @Starwaster! First, lemme thank you for DRE. Second.. really laughed at your IM THE MODDER NEED MORE INFO pic. Third, that guy who said about incompatibility with KIS/KAS was, well, right. But I haz logz! Here we go. KSP 1.1 x64, DRE 7.4.0. Testing environment: shiny clean KSP 1.1 install with three mods: KAS, KIS, DeadlyReentry. The stock MK1 capsule on the launchpad, Bill Kerman inside ready to rock. Now to the log. This is what I get once I EVA and try to equip the electric screwdriver: Without DeadlyReentry KIS works fine. But I want DRE really badly!!1 /babycry Thank you for your work! Moar sarcasm and evilness! xD
  19. Yeah so.. The conflicting mod is Deadly Reentry as you guys mentioned above its one of the conflicting ones. Now what are my next steps - should I report it in the DRE thread? In case you need it, the log is: Happens when I try to equip the screwdriver. upd: Ah crap, I think it all was in vain at least for me. People in the DRE thread already reported that DRE breaks kis/kas. Sorry for taking your time guys! Should've checked the DRE forum first. :|
  20. Dear @Enceos! I'm in no way willing to make a complaint or to require quick fixes! I'm quite thankful for these mods and I think mod developers are great dudes who contribute their free time to make things happen. FOR FREE! Its a huge work and all we can do is to help them or at least say thanks. Seriously, I thought my post could have simply been missed because of the reason that it appeared before 3 or 4 posts that have been published later. Thats why I wrote that. Now to the topic. I couldn't test it out earlier. Now I am. Yeah I know how to test such things out - at least as a 'customer'. Many days before the release of 1.1 I have been trying to figure out what mod causes huge FPS drop coz my 100-parts base lagged as hell and by hell I mean 2 (!) fps. And on core i7 it gave 5 fps. So I spent a few hours restarting KSP and removing extra mods. The good part is that equipping the screwdriver works with the new clean shiny KSP install. Now I'm gonna add a few mods over and over until I find the conflicting one. Thanks!
  21. Hey @IgorZ! Sorry for being intrusive but I have a strong feeling that my reply has drowned in newer posts as I pressed Submit after a few posts have already been published so you may have missed it. If I'm right then my post is a few scrolls up.
  22. I don't use any mods that modify Kerbanauts' models (as far as I know). Well, here's Jeb: My mod list as reported by KSP-AVC (there's also the OS and KSP build info of course): The GameData\KIS\Sounds directory contains:
  23. Hello. First, thanks for your great mods. xD Encountered an issue. I can't equip an electric screwdriver. The log: This happens if I try to equip a screwdriver (tried twice). The model appears in Bill's hands but then slowly floats away as I move. But it appears to follow Bill as if it was in his hands. I have many mods installed. But since there's NRE spam in the log I think it may be an internal KIS issue. I heard there was an incompatibility issue between Kerbal Krash System and KIS but among these two I only use KIS. (KIS 1.2.7 build 6, KAS 0.5.6 build7) Thanks!
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