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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. Just a couple of things I've noticed with the octosat parts: The side dish module texture for the case is darker than all the other parts. With Remote Tech, the antennas don't obey the 'can control antennas without a connection' option in RT. With the option enabled, you can turn on antennas on a probe even without a signal, but the octosat antennas still say "no connection to send command on". Not sure if this is easily fixable, I'm surprised it doesn't automatically work... The M900 survey scanner could do with a patch to add SCANsat support, as you can disable stock scanning with SCANsat, but when you do, the M900 still behaves like stock. I'll try making a patch for this soon anyway, I'll post it if it works out. Otherwise loving these parts, all the animations are particularly awesome!
  2. (quoted my last post from the '1.1 64bit always crashing' thread) My system details to go with the logs: MacBookPro11,5 (2.8GHz i7, 16GB ram, Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB integrated graphics, and AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2GB card), OS 10.11.5. Modlist from KSPAVC: http://pastebin.com/jrBmtHrh I've recently deleted everything and re-installed KSP and all my mods from scratch, and it still crashes. Edit: I have the vab cpu fix dll, and it still crashes.
  3. Quick question, but are the experiments meant to be able to be run anywhere, around any planet? For some reason I thought they were meant to be restricted to Kerbin, but in testing it doesn't seem to be the case.
  4. I'm not sure if it's the LVT15, it could be the command pod. Ven moves the center of mass of both the mk1 and mk1-2 to make them off-center. You can edit the patch in VenStocRevamp/Squad/Parts/Command.cfg to change it back, just set "CoMOffset" to all 0s
  5. Well I've tried that too, though I just replaced all my mods from GameData, and it happens still. If it helps I've uploaded my KSP and unity player logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zzc5ltrezk130nb/KSP.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/huf5r5cigrzyrv4/Player.txt?dl=0 I did try it vanilla too, after the re-install, and couldn't get it to crash, but it's not a crash I can re-produce on demand anyway, so don't know if I was just lucky, or if it is because of my modded install.
  6. Tried that, deleted local content in steam, and re-installed, but it's still happening.
  7. For me when it happens, it's mostly when I dump a part back into the part tray to delete it, then it just freezes and I need to force quit. Before I started this post, it was always when deleting parts, but just now it also crashed when picking a part up... I get the usual "(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)" every other line in the unity player log, and when it crashes: Receiving unhandled NULL exception Obtained 10 stack frames.
  8. I made a quick RT patch a while ago, feel free to use as a starting point or whatever.
  9. The EEX menu from the app launcher button won't stick, so you can't press any of the buttons in it. The app launcher button will toggle the highlighting, but even when it's highlighted the menu won't get pinned.
  10. If you have MJ, double check you don't have MJ's autopilot also trying to hold orientation.
  11. Yeah, I get (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) every other line in my player log too. (running on a mac)
  12. Well here's a quick MM patch for Remote Tech, the ranges/angles/power use was only adjusted by 'feel', no maths to balance them properly... But they'll at least work. http://pastebin.com/9KX28c5e And @Thahat, good luck with trying to get the hatch ven-alike, post the patch if you get it to work!
  13. Haha cool I'll check that out. I was thinking of making vens com32 a longish range short range dish, say for covering the jool system, as there is a dish in the model. Just thought you might want to check out this mod - there's a pointy shielded docking port which looks quite nice, tho the hatch isn't ven-alike (maybe that'd be tweakable with some MM trickery?):
  14. Thanks to everyone involved for this! Will attachment nodes be updated in the next official version? Some seem off to me, I tend to need to manually adjust stuff like decouplers/heatshields. And to people using RT, I might make a MM patch later today to add compatibility to the new antennas. And maybe change the name of the communitron 32, since RT already has one of those lol (@Ven maybe a name change in the next version would be good?). If people have suggestions for ranges for vens' antennas that would compliment the standard RT ones let me know
  15. Does this version have the "easy mode" option where you can activate antennas without a connection? (I.E. what Remote Tech XF did)
  16. Actually it just looks like CapCom is displaying the advance amount as a negative value, the numbers are the same, just a negative instead of a positive. And it's only the advance amount that's affected. I also fixed the exception by clearing finished contracts in alt-F12 - contract tools, so the vanilla contracts window works again. The clue was when I checked my contracts archive in the alt-F12 menu, and it broke the whole menu lol. Maybe from upgrading Orbital Science recently to the new version, or some other mod removal, but I've never seen something like that break mission control before!
  17. Yep, got exceptions like these when I clicked to select contracts or accept/decline:
  18. Small suggestion, could the surface laser be able to adjust the direction it fires, like the hammer? So I can attach it to the side of a vertical surface pointing down, and have it just fire down, or maybe outwards a bit, instead of only firing in 'rover' orientation?
  19. No idea if it's CapCom, and/or something else (maybe Strategia? @nightingale, I have contract roulette 3 active), but I'm getting a weird bug where I can't accept a contract from the mission control building in the KSC, only from the capcom window. When I press the accept contract button in the vanilla contracts screen it looks like it worked and the contract gets removed from the list, but I don't get the advance money, and if I recheck the available contracts, the same contract will be available still. If I accept the contract via CapCom, it works normally. Another weird thing is the listed money amounts for the contract rewards are wrong in the CapCom window with the contract roulette strategy active (which randomly modifies the contract rewards). The money amounts are correct when viewed in the vanilla contract window, and even though I have to accept contracts via CapCom, it still gives the amount of money listed in the vanilla contracts window.
  20. I'm getting NRE spam in the log when I activate FSC, and it's not actually moving results to my command pod. It just outputs "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" every second to the in-game log, and in my KSP.log file it posts The ship it happens with has some DMagic experiments: Anomalous Signal Sensor, Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons, Multi-Spectral Imaging Platform, and Orbital Telescope, and some vanilla ones, if it makes any difference... And I set it to not actually run experiments by setting Science Cutoff to 1000. It seems to work fine on other ships tho, so maybe it's the DMagic Anomalous Signal Sensor or something?
  21. Nice avatar lol, love EVN :)

    1. Perry Apsis

      Perry Apsis

      Loved that game. Played it way more than any sane person would. Hmm. Seems like a trend. I seem to be doing that with KSP for the last couple of years. 

    2. Rodger


      Right? If only EVN was on steam I'd be able to compare hours to KSP... about to hit 1k in KSP tho lol

    3. Perry Apsis

      Perry Apsis

      Makes me really glad I don't play on Steam, so I don't have anybody telling me how many things I should have been getting done instead. Probably coming up on a Ph.D. dissertation. :-/

  22. Yep, putting it on facing towards the ground helped lol. And a couple of observations from playing with this for a bit: The power conduit plugs are very heavy, considering how many you generally need to set up a few experiments. If you're carrying more than 1 or 2 of them, you can't lift off from the mun's surface with a kerbal's EVA suit thrusters. The cold-cathode ion detector experiment has a tendency to explode when you attach a power plug to it. Not all the time, but I've had one explode 3 times out of 6 now. (liberal use of F5 is my recommendation when setting these up) And power plugs attached to the central station are in a slightly different position when the scene is reloaded (eg F5-F9), the spacing between each one is smaller than normal. I think this also happens with the battery somewhat as well, plugs attached to the end sockets tend to sink into the model, making right-click access a bit tricky sometimes. Otherwise, really liking the mod! The models especially are great
  23. I don't know if a bug or intentional, but with my setup on the mun the solar panel doesn't work. It's directly surface attached to the central station, and when I switch control to the central station and right click the solar panel, it says 0 sun exposure, during the daytime. Does it require the girder to work? http://i.imgur.com/QQFZLur.png
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