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Everything posted by JohnMcLane

  1. SSTU has a lot of parts, Orion capsule launch abort system and Merlin, Rocketdyne engines, and station parts ( i think the station parts are not supportet, engines and capsules are) For Station parts use CX Aerospace (ISS looking parts), they are supportet.
  2. ULLAGE AND LIMITED IGNITIONS RealFuels now integrates limited ignitions and support for ullage and pressure-fed engines. * To start an engine, you must have the resources it requires to start, and you must have ignitions remaining. * If ullage is enabled for the engine, and your propellant stability is not "Very Stable", there is a chance that vapor can get in the feed lines and the engine will flame out. You will need to set the throttle to 0 to reset things, then stabilize your propellants. Some forward RCS thrust, or thrust from ullage motors like small SRBs (solids and RCS aren't subject to ullage issues) will do that. Then you can try throttling the engine up again to restart it. * If the engine is pressure-fed, it requires highly-pressurized tanks (see above for tank descriptions). It will not ignite and run without such tanks. New parameters in ModuleEnginesRF: ullage: Whether ullage simulation is enabled. Defaults to false. pressureFed: Whether the engine is pressure-fed. Defaults to false. ignitions: the number of ignitions the engine has. Defaults to -1 (unlimited). IGNITOR_RESOURCE nodes: If you specify limited ignitions, an engine will consume these resources when it ignites, and will fail to ignite (but still use up an ignition) if they are not available. name defines the resource name (like ElectricCharge) and amount defines the amount required (just like EngineIgnitor). Note that if you used to configure Engine Ignitor per-CONFIG in RF, those configs are still compatible. You only need to worry about the above parameters if you don't have ModuleEngineIgnitor {} nodes in you CONFIG nodes. So you need to put in your engine config ignitorresource:
  3. You could download the master branch: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem [via green button] and merge the gamedata folder with your gamedata folder. + the textures https://github.com/pap1723/ScaledRSS-Textures/releases + kopernicus and dependencies and MM
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=417044107
  5. Hey, really nice Probes! Till now i only used the bigger and modern Probes, with a new carreer in 1.3.1 and RN_US_Probes 0.68 and the dependencies for 1.3.x i tried using pioneer, explorer and the other early probes. Weirdly, on the launchpad they roll away from what they have been mounted on and fall through the fairing on the ground....they dont want to get to space. Someone encounter this problem?
  6. NathanKell has a nice tutorial series, where you can learn and see if RO and RP-0 are something for you. I only play RO and i must say, once you go RO you never go back If you start as a beginner you will sit like 90% of your time in the VAB and try to get the numbers, ullage of engines, fuels, masses, avionics and so on, to get your rockets right. ( I did).
  7. What does this mean? This mod works fine in 1.2.2 AND in 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 if you update the dependencies.
  8. Hey @Citizen247 could you solve your problem with the floating statics? I have the same problem, after restart of the game they float, open the editor snap them back to the ground. And i can also not choose the static as a Launchside in the VAB. (Yes, i used "make Launchside"/ "enable colliders" and every save button in the different menus) Seems like youre using a scaled Kerbin system as well?! Thanks
  9. Thanks both of you! The patch works well for me and i know which values i have to tweak to make adjustments.
  10. Hey Shadowmage, i want to try something similiar. Not quite sure what to change? For example: SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-A ....... CONTAINER { name = Main Tank percent = 100 tankageVolume = 0.15 tankageMass = 0.15 ...... i would write a patch to change tankagemass to reduce the mass of the fuel slightly ?!
  11. Dont wont to make you more angry. Why is RSSVE not working with 1.3.0? I have a 1.3.0 install with RSS with the test dll. https://github.com/PhineasFreak/DocBin/blob/master/DocBin/dll_files/RealSolarSystem.dll RSSVE with the 1.3 Branch https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/tree/KSP-1.3-Update EVE and Scatterer 0.0320b didnt notice any major bugs so far. The planets have clouds and looking visual pleasing and my kerbals having a blast.
  12. Hey, got a problem with my rcs and PEGAS: - If i activate RCS via 'R' during active Pegas, rcs is coming out of every rcs engine nozzle.... - If pegas completes his mission and i/or smart a.s.s (mechjeb) try to use rcs to change attitude of the craft also the rcs comes out of each nozzle and it seams a invisible force (like SAS, but SAS is deactivated) tries to keep the ship in the same direction (with quicksave and quickload the problem is gone).... Thanks!
  13. Look at the 4 posts above, youll find your answer there Spare Ram and stutter-> bigger heap size
  14. Yeah, thanks for the info. I only get a small cross when i click the white placeholder symbol in the VAB, but thats probably because i use KSP 1.3 and the master branch of RO, RP-0 and some compiled dlls. So nevermind i will keep using a calculator and keep track of it myself.
  15. Yes KerbalKonstructs is compatible/works for me with RO and RSS. - SSTU, lot of low count parts and a lot of real engines, that why its called Realism Overhaul. But you can easy choose between one and 18 engines via right click configuration in the vab. - RealScaleBoosters, comes with real life rocket craft files, so you dont need to choose a engine at all. And you have a rocket for every situation. But i never heard of configurable engines in KSP.
  16. Using KerbalKonstruct and KerbinSide and construct a bigger and bump free runway next to it. Works like a charme for me!
  17. With 6 gb to spare right now, no need for more RAM. On the other side, more ram is always better glad i could help!
  18. I had the same problem with my 8 GB of Ram and i upgraded to 16, like your system. First thing is to increase the padheap size in your install: \GameData\MemGraph\PluginData\MemGraph\padheap.cfg change the "total" number to 4096 or even 6144. If you have 16 GB you should take a look at yout task manager to find out how many free ram do you have when the game is running. 16 Gb - ~5/6 GB from KSP - 1/2 GB Windows = 8 GB free, this RAM you can use for your padheap total size (in MegaByte 4GB=4096MB), always have some Ram to spare of course. Padheap is the volume memgraph is using to save the junk and than deletes it when its full. And you should use alt+end ingame to reduce the frequncy of garbage collection, youll need to have the memgraph display open (alt+*). For me that brough my freezes down from 10 sec. to over 80 sec and dont notices them anymore. EDIT: Also delete old crafts, the more crafts you have flying around, using resources and mods, the more lag you get.
  19. Some Pc specs and how many mods you are using, that would be interesting, because if you have spare ram you could make memgraphs heap size bigger. And it looks like you have quite a few mods, Mods like remotetech, scansat, x science all running always in the background and slowing down the game. Maybe think about what mods do you REALLY need/want and keep your install as clean as possible.
  20. There is no need for such a Launch Vehicle, as long as we only do science missions who are in need of a lot of deltaV to get to wherever they go, this is just fantasy. Only commercial use of huge launch vehicles will bring them alive. And it will be cheaper to build moon construction facilities and start your solar system colonization from there, than build the paris VII.
  21. LEO rated heatshields come from Deadly Reentry and Lunar rated heatshields are from Squad with RO change them a little.
  22. Hey Krases, some data to your rocket would be nice. How much does it lift to LEO?
  23. With Kerbal Konstruct you can place a new Launchpad and resize it. In the VAB (via the KK button) you can than change the default launchpad and your rockets will start from there. If you want more than the standard runways, Buildings and launchpads: Kerbal Konstruct Slopey Glidey Cape Canaveral There you find a selection of Konstructs to use, for example a nice looking real Cape Canaveral, i woulkd guess that has the right size. If you looking for the real thing
  24. Use KerbalKonstruct and Kerbinside, there you can construct your own flat! (and normale sized or huge) runway next to the bumpy standard one.
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