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Everything posted by JohnMcLane

  1. Someone some numbers/tipps for aerobreaking, coming from earth, going for mars and venus, wanting to aerobrake and capture around the planets? Some periapses heights in km would be best
  2. Something really interesting for the canadarm, its early dev, but the videos are amazing :
  3. For a new node: open spaceshuttle\parts\shuttle\shuttlecargo.cfg and you will see the node-section. node_stack_RA is the right canadarm attachment point. create a left one: node_stack_LA = -2.25792, 6.170912, -0.05, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 the only difference is the ' - ' before the 2.25792, because you want the node to be on the negativ side of the x-axis. node_stack_bottom = x, y, z, angx, angy, angz, size First three values are x, y, z, next three the orientation/angle of which other nodes can be attached to it and of course the size of the node. Hope you learned something With the texture switcher i cant help you.
  4. OK, always a possibility that its a combination of other mods i have installed. Was weird because it worked fine after i deleted the pluginfolder in the spaceshuttle folder.... I only had the problem with the SSTU-parts from the sstu mod, not with the one from the SpaceShuttle (Airlock and docking port), just so that is clear.
  5. Found this today, so we can try it out https://github.com/Trufiadok/IKRC-for-Kerbal
  6. @Esq. Scisms I have (almost) no problems right know in 1.3.1, i testes only a little bit, because i use the shuttle in RO and did the configs for that. And because the pack is only parts it should work. BUT: @Radar i think its a problem that sstu plugin is in the mod, did you try your install with sstu extra/normally installed. All the SSTU parts(from sstu not the ones in your mod) become invisible. If i delete the plugin from your mod everything is alright. Also i missing the tail fin, but maybe thats a problem on my configs.... EDIT: Note to myself: Idiot. searched for tail fin and not for vertical stabilizer.......
  7. So you know which mod is causing the crash? When you install 4 or 5 mods, start the game and when it crashes install them one by one, launch the game after every installed mod. You will see where the problem is. I have RO v12.0.0 and TF-Core installed, no problems. Semi saturable reaction wheels causing a crash my game, but i dont see that in your log. I have not much experience with logs, i couldnt find out whats the problem, normally i look for "exceptions" and "errors" to nail it down.
  8. Go with the instructions from RSS/RSSVE/RO/RP-0, on 1.3.1 everthing works fine! If you want more help post your log or the mod versions you used. When installing mods, always check after a few if the game still works, than you know where you did something wrong
  9. WIth RO you only gain a lot of features that the standard game (RSS, RealFuels/engineUllage, limitedIgnitions and and and) cant give you! Much higher immersion into rockets and spaceflight. I also recommend using Realistic Progression 0 the developmental version (which is for 1.3.1), that makes it even more real and gives you contracts and avionics and stuff (https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/tree/Developmental green button: "clone or download"). If you never played Realism Overhaul it can be it little bit overwhelming, it has a high learning curve, but: RO/RP0 are the BEST
  10. You have to do a lot of MM patch changes/tweaks to get the shuttle right. i only fly it with RSS and its very hart to control on reentry. you need to put the center of mass further back if i remember correct.
  11. Answered your question pretty much yourself. Install Ksp 1.3.1 via steam (right click on ksp-> settings->betas and choose 1.3.1) and than install the RO and its dependencies
  12. Doing a lot of moon landings right now and noticed that LEM awith descent stage have problem staying on (prograde) vectors with SAS and Mechjeb, they start to go slowly all over the place.... with manuel correction its okay, but not what a Kerbal want. The Ascent Stage alone doesnt have the problem. Somebody expierencing this in stock with the LEM? Using BDB 1.4.2 in RO (changes the @CoMOffset = 0, 0.29, 0.0 of the ascent_cockpit) that may be the reason...
  13. i noticed that KER and Mechjeb sometimes have problems calculating the right deltaV of the rocket if something else than the last stage is selected as the root part. Maybe that helps... But both of them work with RSS
  14. Thanks! to my shame i have to say i use mechjeb right now and stopped with kos, because MJ has PEG for RO now and its very easy to use
  15. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=0 like on the previous page mentioned a lot, RO is working in 1.3.1, if you use the right downloads and dll. Nathankell has allready a youtube series running, where he is testing RO and RP-1 in 1.3.1
  16. The new release of Mechjeb has PoweredExplicitGuidance for RO/RP0 in Ascent Guidance mode, with that you dont have to write your own script nor change GravityTurn. Its good and easy to use.
  17. I want to keep the parts, just have more overview. Not bring them back everytime, i deleted or get rid of them. Just greyed out like if i didnt purchased them.
  18. In a late carrier with a lot of parts and a lot of try and error i unlocked/purchased almost every engine, with 100 or more enigens youre not finding what your are looking for. Is there a way to lock/ reverse RD purchase again, to have a better overview. Like editing the save file? Dont want my money back, just lock engines again. Maybe in the savefile under SCENARIO { name = ResearchAndDevelopment ........... Tech { id = prototypeHydrolox state = Available //making this unavailable mybe?! cost = 37 part = SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-3 part = engineLargeSkipper }
  19. See the spreadsheet, the mod isnt finished yet and there are missing parts. But nonetheless you can build your own ISS, and it will look awesome.
  20. No thats not right. You want to add the ignitions to your engine module... thats how i would do it. MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 15 heatProduction = 50 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.18 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.3 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 335 key = 1 95 key = 3 0.001 } ullage = True ignitions = 1 IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.5 } IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = TEATEB amount = 1 } }
  21. See Memgraph or use less mods who are always running in the background, like remotetech, xscience, scansat ....these all check in the background all the time if requirements are met or not and that couses lag.
  22. Without more, i cant help. Maybe post the cfg you wrote/added?!
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