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Everything posted by JohnMcLane

  1. There is a mod called Deadly Reentry, maybe that could be interesting for you, but it changes thermodynamics of crafts not aerodynamics.
  2. @Reddy I will take a look at my problem again tomorrow and message you then. Thank you for the reply!
  3. MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = APAS_CXG gendered = true genderFemale = false acquireTorque = 0.5 acquireForce = 0.5 captureMinRollDot = 0.99999 <------ modify this parameter for both ports. change it to 0.99 or 0.9 and it should give it some more tolerance with docking. snapRotation = true snapOffset = 120 } Make shure to use a passive and a active docking port.
  4. Iam missing my Avionics/insufficiant avionics window in the VAB, maybe i closed it. How can i get it back. is there a key shortcut/bottun?
  5. Thats actually true, you would need to write a sstu.cfg for realfuels, maybe there is one with something like this: @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-*]:FOR[RealFuels] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = ..... type = ..... } } But iam no expert on that....
  6. SSTU has a "Upgrade" (can be unlocked in the techtree) for its ModularFuelTank (Active Isolation or something like this), if i remember correctly, thats what you looking for. Edit: In the tank cfg there is a Upgrade available, so if RO dont cancel that and i remember seeing that unlock in the RO-Techtree, you have an option. UPGRADE { name__ = SSTU-VCMod-LightweightZeroBoiloff }
  7. Is this still a thing? In my 1.3.0 install i can undock but the craft will not seperate when using the apas docking port, the crafts are two seperate craft but no rcs helps to bring them apart. The only working "solution" is using timewarp.
  8. Hey, have the same problem, on reentry the Shuttle is rolling on its side/back. What configs did you tried? This is a standard liftingmodule: MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = True deflectionLiftCoeff = 7.8 // 27,41m^2 dragAtMaxAoA = 0.6 dragAtMinAoA = 0.0 } (Its from GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\airlinerWings\Mainwing.cfg) This is the from the shuttle: MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = True deflectionLiftCoeff = 9.5 // normally for the SS per wing ~125m^2, compared to 7,8 ~27,41m^2 its seems 9.5 is to low... dragAtMaxAoA = 1.2 dragAtMinAoA = 0.0 } and then there is the FARWingaerodynamicmodel-Module: we dont have that one.... but i think that FAR puts his modules in every part via ModuleManager.
  9. @Reddy Thanks for the response I read the tutorial again, maybe i overread it the last time or i forgot it. "total mass of the entire vehicle at the moment of ignition of each stage," is stated under vehicle. So its should be clear.... maybe, in the example AtlasV-532 file put something like this: "massTotal", 334872, //the massTotal is common booster core + engine+ centaur upper stage.. that would help people like me a lot EDIT: For my AtlasV-532 with a 5t payload, i get a massTotal of 343899kg without clamps, launch tower, srb's. Its ~10t difference to your number. EDIT2: Forget Edit, the RSB craft files have liquid fuel and oxidizer plus lqdoxygen and kerosene in the tanks, somehow RO doesnt get rid of that. Without the unnecessary fuel load and payload i have the same Totalmass. One question remains: why does PEGAS stage my payload (its the last stage), in the mission.ks there is my payload weight listet and in the sequence list is no additional command, there are only the standard commands of the example AtlasV-532.ks file. The more launches i made, with different launchers, the happier i get. Man, nice program. WOW!!!
  10. Nice mod you developed! I just tried to get behind the numbers of your "tutorial"-vehicle, the AtlasV-532. AtlasV-532.ks: GLOBAL vehicle IS LIST( LEXICON( // This is a sustainer-type stage. It ignites on the pad, but UPFG takes control over it mid-flight. // Therefore, no ignition or separation happens, and the actual mass of the stage at activation is // inferred automatically. "name", "Common Core Booster", "massTotal", 334872, "massFuel", 207720+76367, My version of the RSB AtlasV-532 common core booster has a wet mass of 299200 kg, what do i have to add to get to 334872? The rest of the numbers are clear. Thanks
  11. @MisterFister I think i never had a mooded game without silent errors/ zeroexceptions, so as long as there are no noticable bugs, iam happy. There are links to compiled .dlls for 1.3 in the spreadsheet!
  12. take a look https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=0
  13. Take a look at this beautiful spreadsheet, i have a RO installation on 1.3.0 running, no major porblems so far. Testflight works as well with the dlls from the spreadsheet links. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=0
  14. Note that in the new beta will be a lot of changes and some of the stuff i copied isnt gonna work! I copied that from the old threat, from Targa who postet this on page 22: Found this helpful to create your own filter extensions categories. TAC Life Support cfgs This is what I did to create a new VAB/SPH Filter by Function category named "Life Support", place all the TAC-LS parts in it, and remove the TAC-LS parts from the Utility category. You're free to mess around with your own config files if you want something different from Filter Extensions. Step 1: Download and install Filter Extensions mod. This should give you 2 folders. One named 000_FilterExtensions and another one named 000_FilterExtensions Configs. Step 2: In the 000_FilterExtensions Configs folder, delete the subfolder named StockRework. Step 3. In the 000_FilterExtensions Configs folder, open the file named FilterByFunction.cfg with Notepad or similar text editor. Add another line reading: list = 8,Life Support. It should look like the code below: FilterByFunction.cfg - adds a new category named "Life Support" Step 4: In the 000_FilterExtensions Configs folder, open the file named SubCategories_Stock.cfg. Scroll down until you find the line "name = Utility". In this section add a check for Life Support and TACLS title. The code of that part should look like this: Subcategories_Stock.cfg - Removes TAC-LS parts from the Utility category Step 5: In the 000_FilterExtensions Configs folder, create a new text document named Subcategories_LifeSupport.cfg, paste the following code into it and save: Subcategories_LifeSupport.cfg - Adds all TAC-LS parts to the new Life Support filter by function category Enjoy a spam-free Utility tab in the VAB/SPH! Universal Storage parts for life support can also be added to these filters. If you wish to move them to the Life Support tab and remove them from the Utility tab, change the following two files that you've already edited to this: Subcategories_LifeSupport.cfg
  15. Great mod! Wanted to give some feedback: On my "till August"-System with 8gb ram and i5-3570k with heavy 1.2.2 Realism Overhaul install, 50 mods and padheap 1gb, i got from: - Early Game (<50hours): Inflight from 25 sec intervall to 30-35 sec intervall - mid game (>50hours): inflight from 15-18 sec intervall to 20-25 sec intervall In september i got a new System: 16gb ram and ryzen 5 1600, again with heavy 1.3.0 Realism Overhaul install, 50 mods and padheap 4gb, i got from: - Early Game (<50hours): Inflight from 35 sec intervall to 90-120 sec intervall If i use the mod+end method 2 or 3 times the results get to the 90-120 intervalls, thats sooooo nice. Wierdly in the SPH the intervalls go down to like 10sec and vary from 5sec to 30 sec.... Without this mod, KSP wouldnt be playable with mods for me!
  16. I tried Constellations, it loads in 1.3. but ground is bright yellow and the sky is black. But the stars and planets are there, thats a start.
  17. Damn! tried it, no Extrasolar planets and sun appear, earth gets no light, so no it isnt working. had the hope to find a planet pack for RSS.
  18. Does this work with RSS? RSS Extrasolar is RSS Constellations, right? I try to find a Planet Pack that works in 1.3. with RSS as a primary system (in Galactic neighborhood RSS is a secondary System too).
  19. But you have another .dll in your Plugins folder?!
  20. Its should be in the RSS -> Plugins folder. Its the Plugin for the mod to work
  21. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
  22. After a day of trying, i figure i am missing some components in my visual basic install. Dont know which one... @linuxgurugamer could you tell me what components you've installed in your visual-studio installer?!
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