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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. Thanks for taking your time! Well it was not that academic, but the last thing i was teaching my self was how to write Android apps. I then developed a retro/modern mix strategy game from scratch by creating my own game engine (without any framework or something. everything done by myslef. from taking the touch coordinates from the display to putting the images in the right size and vector on it). But after if had finished the engine with all its geometric calculations, made the game playable online against each other, and worked on the AI, this also became boring at a point where all the challenges were done, an it just becomes work like creating menus, Levels, tutorials etc... I sadly have not worked on this for more than a year. Actually i would like to participate in Microsofts project malmo. it really is a shame whats going on there. The things i've seen People do so far, verry far away from what AI really is, But sadly im absolutely exhausted and don't even find the time to install... Following others sadly does not make me happy. Most times it even frustrates me to see what others are doing with their lives. And often it makes me mad, to see that a team of dozens of people gets a lot of attention for things i could have easily developed alone in my garage... if I had the time... the room in my garage... and the money to start something... Anyway, thanks for the kind words! But i don't want to spam this thread with my problems
  2. Well... Where should I start... School was frustrating to me from the beginning on. In first class, there was this "gifted" guy who allways was asked by the teachers, to show that he is better than anyone else. He then jumped over several classes. In fact I was better than him in everything, reading high degree texts or doing math. But the teachers gave me no chance to show this, just because his parents had connections. I went on through the next school classes, until I just could not take it anymore, how boring and underestimating school was. After staying away from school unexcused for more than a hundred days per year over several years, I was kicked out school in the 8. class without any graduation. After staying at home for a year, making my parents desperate, I started some other schools to get a graduation. Never finished them, because I still could not resist the stupidity of them. Still having no degree with 20 years, I was put into a initiative for "problem" kids. There it turned out that my IQ was 165. The teacher was fascinated and almost got mad about it, he said he has never seen such results before (also in other things I've done in this course) , and this MUST be encouraged. A few days later he returned with the same words as everyone else does to me: there is nothing to encourage me, there are only ways to support below average people. Shortly after my father died from cancer, my mother was not able to work anymore, because she was caring for my dad 24/7 over years when cancer slowly ate up his body. And the years before he got ill, they had to take care of my sister, who had a car accident when I was about ten. She was in coma for several month, the doctors wanted to switch of the machines several times. But then she started moving her fingers, rolling her eyes, and in a process over years learned to speak, eat and walk again. So I had to take on a job, if we don't want to loose our house. The only thing I found was an education as electrician. I had to break this off after a half year because of health problem. Luckily (?) I then got a chance to show what I can in an IT-services company, made my education there, and became technical and project leader of this company shortly after my education ended. Besides from administration we had software development in business school, what was not part of my work. My teacher said, he has never seen such programming and understanding skills like mine, even not in the classes specialized for this. He recommended me to quit my education, and do something in development. Sadly he also could not help me by finding a place to do this, and I did not find the courage to start over again. The problem of my leading position was, it was to far away my home (and still underestimating). After almost 10 years of shuttling between work and home, I found a job in my hometown where I won't be technical lead but at least project leader. So I took this on to be more near to my remainig family. Sadly this job is absolutely not what it was said to be. I'm doing customer support on the lowest level. My mind can't take this stupidity anymore, and I feel I'm getting more stupid day by day. The only thing that keeps me from getting crazy are my hobbys like programming video games, playing KSP or developing other things. Now I'm 33 and still feel I'm wasting my life. I think I could do big things in research and development, taking humankind further, or just developing something new. But how? My job takes around 50hours per week, makes me dumb, numb and powerless. So all my private projects are on hold. But I can't quit because I need the money. The only way out would be to study besides my job, but since I still don't have the degree for this, I can only study something related to my job. The best thing here would be informatics, but in the end wouldn't that make me just a stupid undemanding app or website developer? This would not be much better than what I'm doing now, and surely force me to work far from my small hometown again. I don't see a really way out, I also absolutely can't imagine to do this for the rest of my life. I feel I will collapse soon, if it stays this senseless and underestimating. Sorry for this long excursion, this was not planned.
  3. But is that invisible from the outside too? That's what made it hard
  4. Using alt + q/w/e/a/s/d to trim the controlls
  5. Can I find the changelog somewhere online? I'm stuck at work until late all dasy this week...
  6. I don't have Linux and the download was canceled... It really disappeared from the store now and the link that I cached does now lead to the server maintenance message
  7. I think, if that's really implemented one day, it should be per save game with the option to export and import those settings to other savegames/installs. This should also be easier to realize than switching between global and per savegame. But at first we should give them a break! I'm really looking forward to all of these great new features! Thanks squad! Exploring will be completely different with new motivations to launch probes to scan for biomes and eggs, which then motivates you to land there targeted, instead of just guessing and landing somewhere. All the other improvements and challenge to set up comnet are just great too, the game feels more and more complete!
  8. Great new function! This can bring the milliseconds that make the difference between crash or land on hard reentrys But does this work on debris too (for example reusable boosters), or only on the active vessel?
  9. Thanks! Does anyone know if fueltanks can now also be opened/closed by action groups?
  10. Are the orbital and insertion calculations now accurate again? I mean: if I'm in kerbin orbit and set a Duna intercept with 10km pe, will it still be 10km pe when I reach Duna?
  11. There is a career mode savegame in the first post starting at day 1 where the ultimate challenge contract is unlocked and accepted. I would use this. You can use all transfer windows and will have the confirmation of finishing the contract in the end.
  12. Will thatmo and OPM Tilt be included, when the mod gets updated to 1.2?
  13. Does it really make a difference in the game if you use one engine on full throttle instead of two on half throttle?
  14. That might be right if you are in orbit and want to change it. How would you do that in an atmosphere that always tries to kill you with friction heat while you try to manually hit a 100x100m landing site from 3200m/s without any guidance mods? If you do periodic burns on landing you will first get so slow that you don't make much use of atmospheric breaking and then the gravity quickly accelerates you so much that you will burn off if you don't do your next burn, you would have to do that repeatedly for the entire landing. I'm always keeping close to the maximum possible speed to maximize aerobraking while I'm focused on aiming at my launchsite. On launch its the same thing, you will just burn off if you are to fast, but by cutting off throttle you quickly lose a lot of speed, and that doesn't seem to be efficient to have a mix of accelerating and braking on a gravity turn. Once out of the atmosphere, how do you want to do full throttle precision maneuvers with a few hundred units of fuel on 8 mammoth?
  15. Have you eve said what exactly is your final goal or mission plan? Then I could rethink the design
  16. I can only say why I did it: "not because it makes any sense, but because it's hard!" Well I think I wouldn't use this in career mode, but in fact this ship can reach any place on eve up to sea level, you just need to jump back to that hill before leaving and that's possible from almost everywhere in one launch. This place could also be used as spaceport and you can travel to any place on eve using rovers and rocketplanes from there. A fixed position spaceport is not that unrealistic for colonizing a planet I think. Also this thing can be further optimized as it got at least 10tons payload from there (maybe much more, never tested... but the remaining fuel in orbit didn't change by adding 3 seats, experiments and isru compared to the naked model). My first SSTO was launched from 6.800 and I also have a 2 seats manned version for that. I think it can be tuned to launch from 6.500m, and that makes it able to land on much more sites. I'm also have ideas how to land this thing without using fuel, so no isru is required on the ground. So maybe it really is time for a new eve limbo contest, if this should end here?
  17. The sine curve is exactly what I have tried in my first ~50 plane attempts. I then realized that ascending in a direct line and the go into a gravity turn is much more efficient. After ~100 more attempts I started to test out how rockets work on eve, and quickly gave up the idea to use a plane. Since all this was from 6.800m, I have now tested some of my plane designs from 7.500m, and they do not perform any better than from 6.800.
  18. This and maybe this too maybe i will combine both in the near future
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