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Everything posted by Kerbalstar

  1. Another mod to try is KRASH Kerbal Ramification Artificial Simulation. I don't remember what the H stands for.
  2. Yup! Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. Over a long period of time? As in not immediately repaired? Although if you played with KCT... Edit: I see because the engineers were killed? Of course KCT should be put into stock maybe with like just seven days between launches? Yes I know that's a preset. Good idea.
  3. It's a skycrane. Thanks. Also look at the name of the three kerbal craft in the later pics after the skycrane. Also I would've edited out edit two in my picture post but post editing is broken. Again awesome mod!
  4. Awesome I love it. Pics: Launch is later today to tomorrow. Awesome! Will post Pics of launch. Edit 2: Will that's the best I can do with the pics if anyone could tell me how to do it better please do.
  5. Downloading when I get back to my modded Game! Awesome!
  6. This! For me trying to launch a hab module unmanned to a space station, but I like realism so I can't place it between the docking port and hab or between habs because my kerbal's couldn't pass though. I have a Mk: 1-2 pod so I put it between that and the hitchhikers.
  7. One word: Awesome! I have my on science game running that I'm thinking of doing a kerbalized mission report for and this is awesome!
  8. Mod's for this include: Pathfinder, porkjets habitat pack, TACLS, USILS, KAS,and KIS. Yes really good game.
  9. Above posts are all right, however your can also get CKAN which is a mod manger and can update them for you, however not all mode are listed on CKAN and it can sometimes be buggy.
  10. Quick question, how do you edit out Kerbals from your ships? Thanks.
  11. Might have already been posted but, when watching Star Trek and they say "Go into orbit helm." You think Turn Retrograde burn at Perigee. Oh just thought of this one. When in the car on a long drive you hit the timewarp keys. Happened to me a few times.
  12. Thanks Magico 13! Just saved my save. I had a corrupted save but managed to get all my ships to a new one. Will all the important ones, with SSS.
  13. Small Problem in Career. Every time I enter Mission Control or R&D. They work fine until I try to leave, The Space Center bottom bar appears with Warp to next Morning, Time Warp Level, and Menu Options. All of these work fine, but so does the building I'm in. Reloading a Save Game Fixes it and I'm at the Space Center again but I can't leave to the Main Menu, The button is still there and clickable but it doesn't work. What's going on and how can I fix it? I tried to put in log but it didn't work.
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