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Everything posted by Kerbalstar

  1. Thank you and thanks for the speedy reply, Kerbalstar
  2. I know how to mod the .cfg files of parts but I don't know how to rescale them how do you do that?
  3. Hello @Challenger 1986 and welcome to the forums! For building a space shuttle here's my .50 funds: Use the Kerbondye tanks (the big white ones) instead of the orange tank. It's more balanced that way. Also @Starhawk where are you? He's usually the first greater. Also a moment of silence for the astronauts aboard Challenger that day.
  4. It looks like you're running out of memory. Try uninstalling the high memory ones Hope this helps, Kerbalstar
  5. Mine came from KSP and Space. I was just thinking about what username should be when it came to me.
  6. Is made of dirt. The tier 3 VAB...
  7. Cydonian Monk sorry if this has already been asked but are you planning to replace TAC life support with anything else? Also why did you drop TAC-LS. Also if you are planning to replace it may I suggest Kerbalism. It has the features of TAC-LS* and of remote tech to with much, much more. Also I'm thinking of making a forgotten Space Program Save.** Just a dedicated fan chiming in here. * If you use the default profile it gives you food and oxygen resources but not water which is considered part of the food resource, but if you use the realism profile it gives you food, water, and oxygen. ** Not with a mission report I had one going for my main save but that got destroyed. I will run a few other saves next to that so I will probably use the mission report thread for one of those. EDIT 100th post! Yay! Kerbalstar
  8. I sure hope there are. But there is one mod that does this SM Chute. But you can't have FAR or Real Chute installed.
  9. Thanks. I'll definitely keep that in mind.
  10. Looks cool. I can imagine Duna with this... In the desert under the twin suns...
  11. Space Station. Then a base. If you're doing it stock which it seems like you are then bases are HARD I would use a mod like Pathinder or MKS/OKS. But I see that you say you can't. Maybe try the Lite version of MLS/OKS but that is still memory intensive so I would go for Pathfinder but that's still a bit memory intensive. But that might be the best option.
  12. Lanchpad. It doesn't always provide a stable surface causing rockets to flip over. Whenever that happens I revert to the VAB and add launch clamps.
  13. Hmmm interesting... Me to... on to the testing! To be edited later...
  14. Hello fellow kerbalnuts, I am here today to ask you a very specific question and here it is: Is Take on Mars worth 21 dollars?
  15. TL;DR: Wonderful! Wonderful I love that I'm trying out KCT and would love that for rollout purposes. And I know there are multiple lanchpads with KCT but they don't look like it and there's no clear way to tell which one you have active (I know there's a little text message that tells you in the GUI but it's at the bottom and easy to miss.) for example I was trying out Career and built another launchpad and it switched to that one which was at level one will mine was at level two and I didn't know it and thought it was a bug and deleted the save.
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