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Everything posted by Kerbalstar

  1. Okay, so after reading @Ultimate Steve‘s mission report, I decided to give the Whirligig world mod a try. @GregroxMun , the creator of the mod has his own “mythology” about the mod which is here: I thought that was fun, but I didn’t like it for this, as it would make it just like every other Whirligig World play through, so I created my own “mythology” about how Kerbals came to be on this world. This is, of course, the dramatic prologue to this story. Now that that's all done with, on to the Mission Reporting bit of this Mission Report! Chapter 1: Sorry about the low quality, the forum is being weird and not respecting the enter key. Also, I usually take to many screenshots, but this time I took too few. It will certainly improve! I hope you liked it!
  2. @vyznev, since neither the badges nor the other challenge or up yet, you are still technically on time, and with docking, with only SRBs, you are eligible for the special @Ultimate Steve mode medal! Great job @vyznev! @doggonemess
  3. Testing, testing... @Ultimate Steve does this, so I figured I would try it. For anybody who cares, the first chapter of Stranded: Chapter 1: Worlds Apart, will be up today. Also, have you ever been listening to a song, and it gave you the perfect idea for something (like a chapter title)? Also, you should try building a mini rocket with KAS and KIS. It's really fun. Just make sure to attach it to the base, otherwise, it'll tip over... I totally do not speak from personal experience. ;) Also, you seem to have to switch to the space center and then back to the rocket to get full control and make sure it's not classified as debris... But it was still a lot of fun! 

    Kerbalstar, signing off.

  4. They are posted, and you copy image address and put it in your sig, I think, I've never actually done that. Be back in a sec... Yup, it works @UnfortuneLess !
  5. The Challenge is now closed! @doggonemess will post the medals as soon as they are ready, and @obney kerman will post the next challenge as soon as it is ready! Thank you all for participating, and I hope you had fun! I certainly did!
  6. That sums up many, many of my early rockets. Also, I played around with KAS, KIS, and @Snark's Snarkerverse, and built and launched IKEA 2 frm the Mun. It was great fun for Bill and me.
  7. @Snark, just wanted to let you know that this works fine with 1.5.1, as far as I can tell.
  8. I agree. @Darth Badie, @SQUAD, @UomoCapra, @Vanamonde, @Snark?
  9. Yeah, you're right about that. As for now, don't worry about a relay network, I never do, and I have a Ike base! Just use a bigger antenna. For now a few HG-5s should work, or just put a Communotron 88-88 on your ship. Don't forget to deploy them! Somehow missed a few posts... Go with the HG5s, you don't have the Communotronn yet. Also don't forget pliots!
  10. Third-Ed. It sounds like you’re using a probe. For Minmus you need more antennas, and need to right click them and deploy them. You also need solar panels and batteries. Or you could try using Kerbals (use a cockpit/command module), but you still need solar panels and batteries. Have fun, it’s a great game! @Interstellar Yeet
  11. I'm out of likes! Also, IKEA 1, ha! I like the KAS assembled rocket! I totally have to do that!
  12. I agree, however, in the VAB’s advanced filters, you can filter parts by tech level. It’s a little bit annoying, as it doesn’t show lower tech parts, but it should help you from building a T4 ship with a magic ladder.
  13. Only 4:30 here, so no not late. Happy Halloween!
  14. Great job on the medals @doggonemess! I am sad to say that @VelocityPolaris has gone missing. He is no longer part of the team, having not been active in our PM thread since September 1st and not having visited the forum since October 13th. @VelocityPolaris, if you are reading this, and you would like to rejoin the team, please just PM us, and you'll have your spot back. Please do not go looking to @VelocityPolaris for any questions are answers. This is also why he has not posted a challenge on this thread. Keep up the good work everybody!
  15. You may use SAS. The point is simply that you can't use it to make the rendezvous easier. You can turn it for docking.
  16. Yes. To clarify, that rule was made so that if you already had a space station in orbit, you could dock with it. However, since the station probably went up not only on SRBs, it cannot assist with the rendezvous.
  17. Wow, great job @Ultimate Steve! Only 3 tech nodes left to unlock... Just wow.
  18. The next Challenge is SRBs to orbit. The rules, in all of their glory: A) You may only use stock solid rocket boosters (SRBs) to reach orbit. Any size of SRBs is allowed. B) At least one Kerbal must be in the vehicle. C) Once in orbit, you must rendezvous and dock with another craft. It can be any craft, whether or not it already existed before this challenge. It can be manned or unmanned. You may use liquid fuel for the rendezvous. Unless the craft also used SRBs only to get to orbit, it can not assist in the rendezvous. If it also used only SRBs to achieve orbit, you may use its engines and the other craft's engines interchangeably. D) You do not need to return the Kerbals to Kerbin. @Ultimate Steve mode: Do the rendezvous with only SRBs and the docking with only SRBs, or Vernors. I was not that crazy. @Ultimate Steve, will... The Micro-Challenger on take-off. The Micro-Challenger and the Micro-Challenger 2 docked in Kerbin orbit.
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