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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Yeah. I'm starting to get a bit of hope back; but it's a whole like doing the Walts. Step forward, step to the side, step back, step to the side. I'm not so much playing as trying to do stuff around the bugs. But the potential is there. That said; I was playing around with the docking bug at KSC - can't recreate it. Had two rovers, docked and was able to dock and undock them on the runway for a bit... then they decided that friction is a meaningless concept and started bouncing and sliding about on their own. (eyeroll)
  2. This is on the road to the farthest launch tower from the VAB
  3. Poo. I clicked on a link and thought I saw it flying and was really enjoying the show... when I glanced over here and saw that NOPE; the rocket I was watching was NOT Terran 1. Ah well, not like this is rocket science or anything!
  4. FTFY These two points should not be ignored. They ran a hype train and overpromised what people should have expected given the state of the game. If it were truly EA, I would expect something along the lines of Satisfactory; a functional game that is still lacking some of the features the team want to present before calling it finished. Sure, some major overhauls could be included along with the added content - but the core aspects of the game are presumed to function in a true EA. The game we got with KSP2 was an Alpha-Beta hybrid with EA elements. Not at all what people thought they were signing up for when they shelled out $50 Further the communication strategy has been woefully inadequate. Nate's one week 'whew' message was well received but five days too late. We should have had that on Monday after all the initial kerfluffle. Then again at least twice more in the intervening 10 days we should have had some kind of original communication. The Nerdy Mike message, attached to the whole 'layoffs doomandgloom fest' thing where he said that we'd get word on the patch 'in a couple of days' was likewise well received - but should have been an original post, not a 'don't panic' response to an already ongoing and unrelated thread.
  5. No. Work takes time. Nate already explained the rationale
  6. Never heard of it - will have to check it out!
  7. I guess some unmitigated optimism is called for at this point. Kudos!
  8. Oh but it did... I just edited that out.
  9. No way to just go over there and lurk from what I can see. You have to have an account. How lame is that? (Now get off my lawn!) Don't mind me... Just carping. Read: https://kotaku.com/please-stop-closing-forums-and-moving-people-to-discord-1847684851
  10. It's a very interesting dilemma. Should someone get access to research from university / NASA indicating that some kind of LEO manufacturing could be profitable - the initial size of any facility isn't going to scale well. 7m sounds huge for a human spaceflight container - but for some kind of factory? (Eyeroll). Also; given launch costs, there are likely to be pressures to combine assets. So - who really wants tourists poking around the factory floor, even here? All that aside; someone has to be first - or we're not getting off this rock!
  11. Great. I'll be driving my kid around to various doctor's appointments. Okay - guess I'll have to watch the replay! (Pulling for the Home Team!)
  12. Am I wrong to be leery of all the 'Space Station Startups'? Even if SS gets up and flying this year or next... Is there a demand for this? Aside from the Billionaire Lookatme crowd - I'd think there would have to be some kind of industrial /commercial need (beyond hostelry) to make even one of these viable.
  13. Note: all he said is 'info about the patch' would be out soon - leaving open the possibility of getting a patch notes post and still waiting for the actual patch. Don't put away the monkey paw just yet!
  14. Check your GPU software. Mine was trying to downscale the game when I wanted to stay in 4k. I haven't tried what you are going for in game but it's possible there is an interaction between the two.
  15. Yeah - not being able to see your own saved crafts is a letdown
  16. This whole flight experience - while positive for the most part - was also a lesson in patience. I doubt I would have finished it were I not both experienced at KSP (and Alpha/Beta/EA) and committed to enjoying KSP2. Were I new to the series - it would have been impossible. Out of the gate I experienced what I'm calling the 'Earthquake bug' - the whole ship, and in fact the entire launch platform / KSC intermittently shaking like there was a series of earthquakes. One launch attempt, the quaking was so violent it broke the ship in half. I'm pretty sure it was caused by the faring. It took several attempts to get a launch where the ship did not break up shortly after launch. The successful orbit was one I did not think would make it - but with an absurdly low attack angle / gravity turn and a LOT of fuel I eventually got an AP above the atmosphere. Saved game. Circularization burn went well - but returning to the ship I found it broken in two with no fuel reported in any part. Reload and try again. After that try it worked and I saved. The ship was still intermittently shaking - a physics event, as I could see Bob's head getting bobbley with each time the ship shook. Faring separation was funny. It did clamshell open (this time) - but then both pieces did an abrupt 90 degree turn and fell straight into the planet. Saved game. Also noted that after this the 'earthquake bug' quit affecting the game. Set Mun as target and went for a Normal burn to change plane. And noticed nothing was changing. Switched to the ship to see it was in two parts. Again. Reload. Finally got it to do the burn while staring at the ship and hoping. Did enjoy the visuals! Returned to the map and I'm within 0.1 of the plane. Good to go! Worked out an incredibly fiddly Intercept with Mun. Started the burn (afraid to switch views) in map mode... And noticed nothing was changing. Switched to the ship to see it was in two parts. Again. Except this time my docking ports are floating in space between the two pieces, but acting like they're connected. Reload. Reworked the Intercept and ran the burn from ship view. Switched to map to see the results... Game froze. Alt+Tab shut down externally and restart the game. Reworked the Intercept, did the burn, checked the map and all is well. Saved. Time warped to close to the Intercept to work out the capture burn. Found the changes to be odd - and different from KSP - and only noticed the pathing around the Mun once it was close to circular. Gonna take a mental shift to adjust to the new normal - but it's way less intuitive than KSP was. Really enjoying the visuals from space at this point. The lighting is spectacular. Space and Kerbin and Mun are gorgeous. Ship looks cool with the changing light. Time warped to the burn and did the whole thing staring at the ship and the burn timer, afraid to shift to map view and just hoping everything works. Timer complete and engine off - map view shows success! I've got a low PE but AP is a bit high. Saved game. Went back to ship view and just had to watch the sunrise on Mun. Absolutely gorgeous and worth the effort! The details are awesome! Went back to the map to set a MN to reduce AP. Did the whole thing in ship view and going back to the map - it worked! Saved game. Time to get a plane change for the landing site. Started the burn in map view and nothing happens. Go to the ship and my engines and lower tank are floating next to the landing stage - which now has no fuel. Reload. Finally get the plane lined up with my intended landing site and the game saved. (took two more attempts). Pretty clear that I want to get to where I'm going! Orbit is stable. Plan is to undock the lander and land then see if I can get back up there and redock after playing around on the Mun. That goes awry immediately. Despite several reloads I cannot get the ships to undock cleanly. Every undock sends both crafts onto a crash course (when I can see orbit lines at all). Finally get a separation where I retain control of the lander and it has fuel. Saved game. Even though the return ship shows fuel and has a RC pod - anything I do to it sends it into the death spin with an impact trajectory. I switch back to the lander and it's controllable. Some misaligned parts, like the docking port and battery - but it flies. Manually burn prograde to see if I can raise the impact trajectory into an orbit (coming in too hot according to the track to even mess with a MN). That works. Save game. Return to the ship to look around at the low altitude view of the Mun. Gorgeous! Notice I'm getting 20-30 FPS and enjoying it. Back to the map and I have no orbital track. Decide to just try for a landing anyway using nothing but experience, my view of the Mun and the Navball. First landing completed! Way off from the target, but worth planting a flag. Launched the lander in the eyeballed direction of my target and flew manually until I spot it in the distance. Landed. Got out and then realized that I was really too far away to walk and got back in to fly it closer. Worked like a charm! Got out, looked around, enjoyed the artwork, planted a flag, hopped on some rocks, flew RCS to the top and took a bunch of screens. Vurrah Niise. Success! Oh - and during one of the burns... I noticed that hitting CNTRL + Print Screen is a dangerous combo. Ship deceleration and all that.
  17. Anyone know why they're (or any studio) posting changes and candidates to Steam? Why not do the work in house and then distribute a final approved patch just the one time?
  18. If you are correct, that means they have tamed the current Kraken, gotten the pieces picked up, the whole train reassembled, put back on the tracks and are chugging down the road in the direction the hype train led us to believe was possible /probable.
  19. With some slight difficulty, a few loaded saves and a couple of game restarts... I made it to the interesting Arch. Was overall quite pleased with today's gaming. Sadly I could not get a save where both my lander and booster/return ship survived the HorribleTerribleTraumaticKrakenSummoning experience of undocking. So... Bob? ...Enjoy the view!
  20. If you are trying to run in 4k: 3070 is playable. Ryz5 5600x and 16GB of memory round out the particulars. Running Medium settings with 4xAA. Worst case scenario is I've had 15FPS in places on Kerbin. Most of the time I'm running about 20-30 when out at one of the moons. Have gotten upwards of 40 when there's not a lot going on at a moon... but in some of the denser areas of Kerbin? 15 will give you a headache. But for what KSP is - at this point - 20-30 is playable. Just don't pan the camera often - or if you do, just know it's not smooth.
  21. No - and sometimes I can't find saved vehicles in the same 'save game' file I just left. It's weird and needs explication.
  22. I'm running native 4k and was able to select it from the menu. Fiddling around with my GPU software - I saw that KSP2 has 'optimization' options... and then I noticed the GPU wanted to downscale me for performance. Did not want that. I don't know if that is the issue for those with this problem - but it might be a place to start looking. If the GPU software is limiting your options, the game might not offer the resolution you want.
  23. Thank god for saves! I visited a thing! Don't peek if you want to avoid 'spoilers'. As you can see, my docking port and parts of the ship came un-aligned when I separated (and lost) my booster / return stage... but I still managed to land. Bob. You go, man! I've never made it to Duna my whole time playing KSP. Made it to it's moon... But, now this Neanderthal Gamer is gonna give that a shot.
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