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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Typing in the save game section also sends your Kerbals flying around if RCS is active while on a moon. Any WSAD typed in the Save Game section gets you a puff of RCS
  2. This is a combination of Bug Report and UI complaint. Has to do with the Parts Manager - but also uncovered a few true bugs while testing this. Loading in a saved game causes a couple of problems immediately. First: Fuel numbers disappear from the little window in the bottom right corner (Delta V Window?). Second: going into Map Mode or Tracking Station view - the Orbital Path has disappeared, and doesn't come back. Maneuver node floating in space - but no orbital path displayed. Let's talk about the fuel: There's a potential existing bug with having a vehicle built with Poodles drawing fuel past a decoupler when the legs I have on the craft are also part of the vehicle. Don't remember the name; you can see them in the video. This problem was identified on the forums earlier today. But the big frustration is not being able to see how much fuel is in each individual tank. Whenever you click on a part to call up the Parts Manager - there's zero granularity about each of the tanks. Apparently, all we get is what's shown in the Delta V window. This is a problem - because when you have a craft built as I do and you want to jettison the stage that brought you here from Kerbin and just land... typically you want to make sure your landing stage has as much fuel as possible. You also don't want to throw away fuel if you need it. But with Parts Manager - you can't do that. In the video, I show that after taking steps to get the Delta V window to show fuel numbers again, there's 0.74 tons of LF remaining. I'd like to transfer all fuel to the lander stage before decoupling from the transfer stage - but I can't. The Parts Manager won't let me. So when I decouple and see how much fuel is in the lander stage - the number decreases to 0.59 tons. That's weird. .15 tons of LF must have remained in the tranfer stage when I decoupled. (Admittedly, that's not a lot of fuel) But the point is; I'd have wanted to put ALL the fuel in the active craft - and the problem is that there's no option to do so, and no way to see whats going on before stage separation. Finally - I don't know how to fix the "Orbital Path Disappearing" bug - but wanted to point it out.
  3. This was driving me BATTY! I generally love to start a burn while watching the ship (animations!) and then switch to map for the final part; and EVERY TIME I got some kind of weird unintended orbit when I finished the burn. Hmmm... This is a problem. Needs to be fixed! Thanks for the explication guys!
  4. That's what I figure: they're somehow stuck in the garage. Still - its weird that I can no longer find Jeb or Val; they used to be so reliable!
  5. I try to grab a maneuver node after passing it - ship is right there, and rather than being able to delete the node... I'm asked to Destroy Vessel? Like - really? Who was asking for THAT feature?
  6. Razz away! When I earn it; feel free to take the wind out of my sails! - I know I'm part of the PC generation: totally inured to spending ungodly sums on my chosen hobby. (I spent $3k in 1994 dollars on a computer back in the day) It's just that I don't blame the Dev team for the prices that AMD & NVidia are charging. Yeah, they have a lot of water to haul in the optimization department... and yeah, after this many years we'd like to see it more complete... but I'm actually happy to have my hands on it, regardless of the state.
  7. Yes and as above when I warped along my transfer to Minmus it did it every time.
  8. I'd second this. Or maybe have a dedicated 'bug' sub that does not allow whining about performance and optimization or 'my mom's 2015 Lenovo won't run KSP2'. True bugs are things like vehicles falling through the ground, parts not working correctly or incorrect text.
  9. Added a video to the OP. 4k Med settings. 20 FPS over Minmus. Totally playable.
  10. First approach on Minmus with Kerbin in the background
  11. Looked at the 'Input' under controls tab in the ESC menu. Can't find anything. Jetpack status when clicking the Kerbal is 'Off'. PAIGE says I have no fuel... which cannot be correct as I just got out of the craft. Anyone know how to turn on the Jetpack?
  12. Gorgeous plane! Would you mind posting a tutorial on how you got the wings like that and how you set up your plane? Like in an original thread? Lots of questions! ...and please ping me when you post!
  13. Yeah - I'm with you. The glitches I've found are relatively minor. Things like a Rover falling through the ground at the KSC... which - how often am I really gonna do that? Poodle's drawing fuel past a decoupler? That's a report it and move on issue. No crashes. Getting playable frames with 3070 at 4k set to Medium.
  14. Now that I see what the giant blue circles are for... I kind of like them. Totally had to learn something new; and I'm okay with that. But as you can see in the video - trying to refine an intercept for a non-physicist Neanderthal gamer is not easy. We need persistence in the PE and AP numbers. Would really like some ability to scale the width of the MN rays. As is, they're so fat they're conflicting with each other and my ability to adjust the MN on the craft's current orbit.
  15. I'm not sure that is the correct phrase the sim reports - but when I do a timewarp in an orbit about 90 km, when it stops it always says that. The first time it alarmed me; I thought I had misread the PE number and the ship was actually too low and entering the atmosphere. Nope. It was just coming to the spot where I had clicked 'Warp to Here'. Gives that message every time. Why not; 'Approaching Warp Termination' or 'Approaching Warp Location'?
  16. I love KSP. I am also REALLY appreciative of the opportunity to participate in the EA. I want this game to succeed! I also have concerns. The biggest frustration is the Maneuver Nope. Node. There are UI problems (lines too fat, can't keep AP / PE persistent, or move them to the sides) and there are issues with just the gameplay that relate to the UI (Can't easily adjust maneuver nodes or move them). Those are highlighted in the video above. On to other stuff: Let's first start with what I like: The game is beautiful. There are so many things I like about what you guys are doing! Having the ability to adjust the scale of UI elements is a nice-to-have feature; but not a priority. Merely a QOL issue. Then, there's this: So - I get that all of this is chaos; but it also reflects some of what I'm experiencing as a player. Last night I did not know what was going on with fuel - but I think I've figured it out. The Poodles are drawing from both tanks. My presumption was that it was just pulling from the lower tank below the landing stage. Apparently, that's wrong. So - while, yay, I have access to all that fuel; I'm also burning what I thought would be fuel remaining for the landing. I miss having little popups for the parts - especially those callouts that I could move. I don't care for the giant popup on the right side. For what it's worth - the Navball takes up over 4 inches of vertical screen space on my 32" monitor and is about 7 inches wide. That's an uncomfortably large amount of the screen that could be used for looking at the gorgeous artwork the team has created. The Parts Manager is similarly over 4 inches wide and just waaaay too big. Still - we'd like to be able to see AP and PE and have the whole maneuver node tweaking experience to be better. Since posting this - I've figured out the giant blue whatsit... but when it first happened? Not intuitive at all. If you can figure out how to help us work with maneuver nodes better - making the user experience easier - that would be great. Oh - and players? If I'm just too much of a Neanderthal Gamer and there's an obvious and easy fix... please let me know!
  17. The lines are too fat, too. Part of the problem with not being able to grab the node you want is that it's hidden behind the fat line of a different node. They need to be skinnier. The function I want is to be able to click on the PE and AP numbers for my current and prospective orbits, drag the pop up somewhere out of the way so I can see what I'm doing (but have it leave a drag line to its orbit so I can glance and see which is which). I want to be able EASILY grab the whole node and move it around to see if I can get a better Intercept as well as be able to adjust the nodes in some better way than having to blindly click and hope you grabbed the correct arrow. I yelled at the screen last night before quitting the game. Wasn't pretty.
  18. This is driving me batty. It's one of the frustrating things from KSP - the maneuver node twiddling should be easier. I also am not a huge fan of how bright the intercept icon now is; its this giant pulsing blue ring of concentric circles. Frankly - I found the old stuff more intuitive. Combined with not being able to keep the tags open... I can't fiddle with getting my intercept at a decent altitude over a moon. Also - the lines are WAY TOO FAT on the MN. It's kind of UI insanity right now. I don't know. I'm tired and need sleep. Maybe tomorrow I can figure this out, but the blue crazy circles thing just made me decide to quit for the night.
  19. I'm with you. Not a fan of the huge pop-up on the right of the image... and while I really like the Navball and tapes... I wish I could reduce the size by perhaps 25%. Still trying to get used to everything... but I think the popups are WAY too big.
  20. KSP2 can be. We know (or at least I trust) they love the game as much as they say they do. EA was certainly a risk - but one I'm glad they made. However, unlike a lot of the people I see posting - I'm experienced in Beta Testing games and EA in other titles. So I expect bugs, lack of optimization and etc. I'm just really glad to have access to the game... and I think we need to have a couple of weeks of patience as they sort through the chatter and work on the big stuff. I have every expectation that this thing will be patched and patched and patched again over the coming weeks.
  21. I know there's a way to do it... but every time I get the PE/AP tag up showing me my numbers... as soon as I try to fiddle with the maneuver node, the dadgummed tag disappears. Click Click Grumble!
  22. Okay. Just did not want to clog up the forums any more than they already are!
  23. Not a huge thing: I can close the window each time I guess I have a solution and see the balls get updated. But as a QOL issue - it would be nice to see the COM and COL balls adjust in real time.
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