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Everything posted by Chemp

  1. You know what guys? I'll do the challenge again, featuring "the Flying Board IV", all aound Kerbin and land on the abandoned airfield. I want to do things properly, no half-@ᴚ$€|) attempt that doesn't really qualify for either. I had a lot of fun doing it the first time, so I don't mind at all doing it again. Maybe I'll even remember to hit F3 this time around.
  2. That should hit the spot between having rigid rules and a modlist to Minmus and back. It's clear, and provides a means to compare our different attempts to complete the challenge.
  3. Ooh, I've just realized that your avatar is holding a helmet. Seeing only the cropped picture, I always thought he was holding a planet in his hands. That would have been strangely fitting, Kuzzter playing with worlds...
  4. Originally, I made this "plane" for this challenge by @Geschosskopf. Unfortunately, I didn't make it all around in one go. Some say Nicole Kerman had to land because she had to go for little kerbals, others blame a mysterious force called RL. So technically, it doesn't qualify for this challenge, but I thought I'd enter it anyway. This is a great challenge and maybe there's somebody crazy persevering enough to make it in one leg. Here's the link to the mission report: Powered by a Kerbal
  5. Update: Finished the circumnavigation. Poor Nicole Kerman will never ever touch a bicycle again. Finished landing at the abandoned island base, just because. The craft has a tendency to nose down, but nothing serious. It's been a great experience, and definitely not my last one with this propulsion method.
  6. Thank you, that sure sounds inviting. And don't worry about being a bad influence, you'd be a couple of decades too late for that Then again, no drinking and flying kerbals around the globe
  7. Darn, I totally forgot this one, but of course you're right. Unfortunately, I've already taken the flag down because I thought I'd have to do more landings. Turns out I had a bit too much of time on my hands and finished the circumnavigation. Oh, well... Anyway, I'll post the rest of the flight tomorrow. I don't think it would qualify for another challenge, since I landed. I could always ask though.
  8. I menaced I'd do it and now it's on. I've started a circumnaviagion attempt in this thread I've finished the first let and according to the rules we can't touch down to pause, so this is my entry to the challenge. I admit, you've got me hooked Geschosskopf! Now, I've forgot to take an F3 screenshot, so I have to go by the others I took inflight. Distance : not exactly sure, I travelled about 80º, that's a bit less than 1/4 around, so let's say 800 km. Altitude: 28 147m Top speed: 311m/s, slightly climbing Tomorrow, I'll get on with the next leg, let's see if I have the patience On an unrelated note: how do I mention users correctly? As in @Geschosskopf, but like this:
  9. So, this is going to be my attempt to circumnavigate Kerbin airborne - very slowly. In fact, I'm happy if I reach Mach 1 at all. A few words about the design: Thanks to Geschosskopf, I realized there is an alternate way to power planes. Or rovers. Or boats. Or spacecraft even! It won't get you anywhere fast, it won't even get you outside the atmosphere, but it's a beautiful way to get around. If you want to know more, check this thread. So my plane has a grand total of *drumroll* 13 parts, of which 3 are the launch system with a place for our brave kerbal, since there's no place on the plane itself. All stock, it's designed to weigh as little as possible, since one poor kerbal really can't be expected to move a lot of mass, can he? Credit goes to Geschosskopf for inspiring me to this challenge and to Speeding Mullet for the creative design using a MK1 Lander Can to hold the kerbal. Here's the first leg: Since I'm flying at low speeds, I won't make the whole trip in one go. So stay tuned for moar!
  10. Oh, sorry I forgot to log this. And honestly, I can't remember how much it was, but it wasn't faster than you IIRC. I picked up the challenge because it piqued my curiosity, the concept of propulsion is really fun. Another thing probe cores will never be able to do I might just do a circumnavigtion if I find some time to spare.
  11. What a fitting comment for an alchimist! And yes, I admit that I wouldn't have realized it. It's really not my field of expertise...
  12. Beautiful pictures! Is that a heatshield on the eve probe or a part from a mod?
  13. Wow, what a huge update! In every sense of the word. Now what does Bill mean with his "spiritual journey"? Is he going to find Bill of the Kappaverse?
  14. Who knows, maybe Bill with his editing abilities can help figuring out what's wrong with the Kappaverse
  15. I didn't even know that this was even possible. Of course I had to try it out and who knew - success! After shamelessly copying creatively adapting Geschosskopf's design, I came up with a minimalistic approach dubbed the Flying Board: Dotty refused to mount the ladder with her head pointing forward. Too bad for her, she had to pedal backwards for the whole flight I wonder if it's possible to use multiple Kerbals at once to propell the craft.
  16. Poor Jeb, how will he ever get back? And what if he happens to stumble over his other self from the Kerbfleet Verse? Great setup of that crossover, I never saw it coming. Props to @PotentiallyHabitable578 for his clairvoyant abilities.
  17. Spontaneously exploding flags and kerbals on Kerbin? I've heard of that kind of funky behaviour on other bodies though. Maybe it's associated with terrain joints on the equator, but that definitly shouldn't be happening. Thank Kod I made a naval cirumnavigation. What version are you playing? 1.0.4 or .5?
  18. And we all know how this turned out: "landing" Seriously though, the argument can indeed be made. Others like myself prefer eyeballing trajectories. It's up to you how you want to play the game, but the rules of a challenge are that - rules.
  19. Great vehicle you have there! Lets hope Ted doesn't fall asleep while driving Your rule to stay as close to the equator as possible is certainly an interesting way to complete the challenge. In that spirit: The best is yet to come
  20. Your problem seems to be that your ports are at an angle. Try rising your landing struts (maybe just on the opposite side) and use SAS to wiggle it in.
  21. That's a good idea. I agree with you that there are some really OP mods out there and I think that completely eliminating the tags would be a loss for the challenge. Let's just hope that more categories won't add too much confusion
  22. Thank you for keeping the challenge alive. It would have been a shame to loose it, although I totally understand Fengist getting frustrated. I had also completed the challenge (here) and hope it qualifies. I had a blast doing it, those new jet engines really pack a punch! Let's see if I can get a modified version to Laythe.
  23. You are the proof that not every game needs an "official" storyline. Great to read, your posts are a constant reminder that there is this little thing called imagination that makes all the difference.
  24. I finally made it! In retrosepective I must say that MK2 parts were maybe the wrong choice because of the body lift. I had to throttle down as soon as I reached 200m/s or the boat would make a salto mortale and desintegrate on splashdown. I may modify this design and try it again on Laythe, as soon as I reach Jool in my career.
  25. Well, there's always Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. I remember somebody saying that he refuses to play without it because KSP can't handle joints. I wouldn't go that far, but I've come to rely on it quite a lot, especially as it helps preventing unplanned disassembly when coming out of timewarp. Then again, it's not everybody's cup of tea...
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