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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. I'm seeing it as well. It seems to be related to angle snap - the only options for which at the moment are 'off' and '0 degrees'. I tried to go into the settings to see if that's changeable, but the button to open the settings only appears when I'm hovering over the toolbar - and the button itself is *not* on the toolbar. (So it disappears when I go to try to click it.)
  2. Haven't done much with it besides load it up in the SPH, but nice work as always. Quick question: Did you mean to match the bulkhead profile of the Buffalo? It's nice that they work together well. (Though - if you actually meant to do it - I'd report that the wheel attachment points don't *quite* line up, height-wise. If you didn't - well, they work well enough. )
  3. I just wanted to say, you're getting damn close to what I'd consider the ideal resource switcher mod. Thanks. (If you're interested in what I'd consider ideal: Either scans GameData to find out what resources you're using, or has a central config file - with all resources categorized into 'solid', 'liquid', 'gas', 'cryogenic', and maybe 'solid-state' (batteries, science, etc.). Adding switching to a tank would be a one-line (or close) config saying what categories of resources a tank can hold, and total volume. Plugin works out the rest.)
  4. As a side note: There's been some discussion of this general problem in the MM thread recently, and sabian has indicated a willingness to create a different check that would only trigger if a DLL is installed for a module. Which might save @toadicus some work here.
  5. This mod has used stock since about 1.0, I believe. No need for anything else - you just need this. (And MM.) OKS/MKS (AKA: UKS) changes things around quite a bit, but it still works directly with stock. (But the resource chain will change, as will what resources you need to actually build.)
  6. As I'm waiting for KSI Placement Services to be updated, I'm getting a bit Kerbal-starved in my new playthrough - despite hiring any non-stupid Kerbals I see. But I also tend to feel that mod is a bit overpowered, especially when playing in science mode. (Where funds don't matter.) So I wanted to float the idea of a slightly less complex hiring improvement mod. Here is what I'd like to see: The number of Kerbals available to hire is kept stable - You hire one, and another is immediately placed in the available pool. Firing a Kerbal removes them from the game entirely. They don't go back so you can re-hire them. Pool refreshes don't get changed. (So if you leave the pool alone for a couple of days, you get a new collection of Kerbals available, just like in stock.) To me this would be a bit more realistic (NASA gets something like 10,000 applicants for each available astronaut slot, so the 'available to hire' pool is what you'd see after HR gets through screening them), it's still balanced in that costs don't change and in the cost-free modes you can't just specify intelligent fearless badasses, but it means that I'm not going 'oh, I can't launch that trip to Mun because I don't have any scientists or engineers available'. (Even with my orbital stations at one-quarter staffing.) On the other hand, I do have to think about whether I want to hire that low-courage relatively high stupidity engineer for my EL build station, or if I want to wait and see if someone better comes along. Anyone have any interest? At some point I'd like to try my hand at modding, but it'll have to be after I can afford to upgrade my computer to something made this decade, so it'll be a while.
  7. I wouldn't say 'fixed' completely - first rule of cybernetic entomology and all that. And I think it may depend on what you mean by 'crash' - I have a 100% repeatable issue at the moment with another mod where KSP goes unresponsive at full CPU usage, and stays there. (Somehow a part instead of spawning on the launchpad spawns in solar orbit, from the log. But that's a couple lines up from the end, and then nothing else gets written. And it's not related to KIS.)
  8. As a similar issue was causing headaches in the AntennaRange thread: You mean ':NEEDS', not ':FOR'. In MM parlance, ':FOR' creates the mod, it isn't a conditional.
  9. No, because it's one of the documented ways to create a mod in ModuleManager. Basically, these mods are telling MM that RemoteTech is installed. They are installing it, right there - it's not just a reference, by ModuleManager syntax that is RemoteTech. Those patches get treated differently than ':NEEDS' patches - they get run first, among other things. I'd argue that 'for' is the wrong word to use there as the keyword, but it's intentional, documented, and expected behavior. The bug is having patches that create RemoteTech when they don't mean to.
  10. Not at the moment, though Nils has mentioned that he's working on something. In the meantime, I have a couple of MM configs that should get you storage, basic workshops, and survey capability: https://github.com/DanStaal/KSP-Configs/tree/master/Planetary_Base_UKS_Addons (The initial start was to get UKS compatibility, but that overlapped EL, so it should work for both.)
  11. I believe the file you need is the 'EL_USI.cfg' file in UmbraSpaceIndustries/UKS. (I may be wrong, and you may need more than just that.)
  12. The problem is that the PhantomAerospace standard config uses ':FOR[RemoteTech]'. That creates the RemoteTech mod in MM's mind, meaning the AntennaRange's ':NEEDS[!RemoteTech]' triggers, disabling that patch. The Origami Antennas have the same issue: A misuse of ':FOR' where they mean ':NEEDS'. I'm a bit conflicted in the fix. On one hand, the actual misuse occurs in PhantomAerospace and Origami Antennas. On the other, I'm not sure why AntennaRange's config makes sure it disables itself if RemoteTech is also installed - I would expect there to be other issues if you tried installing both, so trying to make it compatible there seems to be causing more headaches than needed. (And it's a bit random - If things break because someone's got both RemoteTech and AntennaRange installed, you tell them not to do that. If they break because someone misconfigured their third-party mod, it becomes hard to track down.)
  13. It's a CRP resource, so the easiest way is to check the CRP. All CRP resources are expected to be 1 unit = 1 liter, and the CRP lists the density at 0.001 for Supplies.
  14. Just wanted to say I'm sad to see AVC support go. Spacedock is nice and fine - but it won't tell me which mods I've missed updating. And CKAN sounds fine when things are stable, but I see a lot of bug reports on it. (And I'm not entirely sure it's supported on my old Mac.) AVC fits a good niche. I understand if it's being to much work, but just wanted to say it'll be missed.
  15. I'll admit I tend to just add a KIS connector to the base station when I'm using SEP... (Hmm. Integrated KIS connector in the base parts, in some places? Interesting idea...) Meanwhile: If people are interested, I've got my first pass at UKS/OSE/EL compatibility. I still need to get wear installed on all the parts and get logistics on all the parts, but as I said I'm still learning MM and that's part filtering - which I haven't messed with much yet. However, I've got two 'workbenches' (small workshops), a survey station in the command hub, and tanks for the various different resources. Those tanks have logistics enabled, when applicable. (There's a RocketParts tank in there for pure EL compatibility, which then doesn't need logistics.) Link: https://github.com/DanStaal/KSP-Configs/tree/master/Planetary_Base_UKS_Addons Nils, I'll give you full permission to grab and copy anything out of that that you like if you want.
  16. Those both sound like possible Module Manager problems, actually. 1.1.2 broke MM - there is a new version available over in it's thread. Try updating that and see if it fixes your problems.
  17. No problem. Just wanted to have the request in place - I'm aware it's not going to be on top of the priority list until you've got a lot more 'tuits.
  18. Kerbodyne Plus also has some huge legs.
  19. Just as a request: Could we get a way to turn off the notifications for 'x Mod has been marked compatible with y version of KSP'? Given that nothing in the mod has changed, I don't personally see much use in it, and it generates a lot of (therefore) spam in my mailbox. (I can see that others might find it useful - hence why I'm asking for user-level option to turn it off.)
  20. For what we're talking about, I think support would be the same for Simple Construction or EPL, as Simple Construction (as I understand it) is basically a re-distribution of the EL dll with a different sent of MM files so that it doesn't need to add any parts. So if we enable workshops/survey functionality it should work with either.
  21. Yep, I've seen it. It's a bit out of date (mostly in that it duplicates some stuff you have in the main mod now), and doesn't deal with what we were talking about really.
  22. I had that a bit under 1.0.5, then it went away. (Possibly on a re-create of the ModuleManager cache file.) Check a bit closer - in my case what was happening was that on *every* part the Kerbal would 'board' the first time asked to, but would stay on EVA. A second attempt to board would remove their EVA, and put them in the vessel - however the part had to have an open space for them to board the second time. (They wouldn't actually take up two seats, but they had to have the second seat available for them to attempt to board - boarding at an airlock then was a recipe for frustration, as it prevented them from boarding the vessel.)
  23. No problem on the timeframe, @Nils277. We can wait for your glorious work. In the meantime though, I'm trying to learn my way around Module Manager, and I'll be giving a stab at a pure MM version. (Though once I get it working, if someone wants to create textures we'd have a 'fully working' add-on parts pack.) My plan is to figure out what needs to be added to enable the logistics, create the MaterialKits and SpecializedParts containers (and probably RocketParts while I'm at it - then we'd have EL as well), and then to dupe the airlocks into workspaces - not a full workshop, really, but a place for Kerbals to store their tools and materials for repairs. While I'm at it, I'll probably add EL survey station capability to the command hub - which makes it basically the equivalent of UKS's Pioneer module, and would allow you to build from from a pure KPBS base. (Though without a real workshop, the build will be slow.)
  24. Thanks, I was hoping to be clear and not try to propose an overload of changes for anyone. My thoughts on your fab module: I'd stick to the normal half-circle form factors for this. At present, the only parts that don't fit that form factor for this mod are the central command hub, and the cross-section. The second is a pure structural part, designed just so you can add things in from different sides, and the command hub is a one-off specialty part. (That you'll never need two of per base.) It's obvious the main intent of this mod is to have most of the parts be in the half-circle factor, and I'd keep that. (Of course, I'm not Nils...)
  25. I don't really think saying what's probably the best colonization mod and what's probably the best base mod should work together somewhat is out of line. While disconnected bases work under UKS, they do require some support by the parts to work correctly, and the wear mechanic should really apply to these bases - which implies they should be able to be repaired as well. I don't think that this mod should replicate the entire resource chain - that would be a lot of work for this specific scenerio, and lead to Nils chasing RoverDude whenever RoverDude tinkered with his supply chain. On the other hand, saying 'use UKS by itself only' doesn't really fit either. What I'd think of as a nice middle ground would be something like this (some of this could be done with MM, and I may play around with doing so): Have modular containers for MaterialKits and Specialized parts. Have the large modular containers (all types) act as warehouses if UKS is installed. Have a workshop part/parts. The first is needed by the third, and basically means the end-resources are available. The workshop could tie to UKS, OSE's Workshop, and EL, much like UKS's various workshops. (And also making it so it's not a part being added just for UKS compatibility.) It also is the part that is needed to support UKS's wear mechanic, the one really problematic mechanic at the moment. Having containers act as warehouses enables all of UKS's logistics options, enabling disconnected base structures. This does mean that you can't make a fully Planetary Base Systems base that does the whole production chain - but you do have UKS installed at this point, so using the MK-III modules as the factories with this as more a living space/science base isn't out of line. (Actually, if you look at it, what the result would be is that this mod would have equivalents of the MK-II modules, which I think fits the design.)
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