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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Known issue with KIS and inflatable parts. Stow your tools before entering the bouncy castles, they can't hold them.
  2. Well, there's a link in the initial post for a set of compatibility patches... (Actually, it'll work without them. Those just add in some refinements.)
  3. Non-rotating as in it doesn't rotate separate from the rest of the ship. It's still designed to be used to create artificial gravity for the crew, and to provide usable space under the centrifugal force load - it's just that to do so you intend to rotate the whole ship, instead of dealing with the mechanical and technical complications of a single rotating section. (And that's just the real-life explanation - it's obviously easier to make it non rotating in KSP as well.)
  4. On the centrifuge idea: Could you have a non-rotating one? After all, having one section of the ship that rotates separately causes no end of technical hurdles - as well as being a maintenance nightmare. Realistically, it's more likely you'd just rotate the entire ship. As long as you make it clear in-game that it's intended that the centrifuge habitat doesn't rotate separately, it'd be a nice part.
  5. Atmosphere I know is also used by USI's Exploration Pack, and I think the Freight Transport Technologies pack. It's for when you don't care about oxygen, but do need air of some sort, usually to push against. (Vs. IntakeAir, which is when you do need oxygen.) Basically, you don't care about the composition, just that there's some gas pressure around you. If you're extracting something, you might want to look through the CRP - they may have a better choice someplace, depending on what you're extracting. (If you care, of course...)
  6. Ok, I've got one I'll run by people for sanity, to see if it does what I think it does. (And to see if I'm starting to understand how to do these...) This is for the Field Scientist's Backpack. My config is here. My basic thought is that the backpack provides a (in my mind - none is shown) parabolic antenna with about the same effective range as the base whip antenna. However, as a manually operated directional antenna, it can get much better communication rates at short ranges, while the backpack limits the amount of power it can put out, so it's not really possible to run it much beyond it's nominal range. (Note that in this case I'm completely ignoring the RemoteTech config, which would have it's range limited to 10km. Which could be interesting, but I just can't see a space program fielding a piece of equipment that wasn't designed to communicate at least with a comm relay in orbit.) If people think it looks good, I'll add it to the list of patches, and possibly suggest it to the mod author as well.
  7. It's nice - a bit more of a breakdown of what's going on with the vessel you're designing.
  8. What's worked for me: Click on autorove-enabled part. Click autorove. Enter coordinates in boxes. Note that coordinates are in decimal degrees, not degrees-minutes-seconds. Leave ship. Go do something else. Ignore the ship. (Ignore the autorove status box too - it's somewhat flakey, and doesn't always show moving rovers.) Come back to ship after a significant period of time has passed. It's in a new location! (And will spend a bit of time on load working out what orientation and elevation it should now be at...) That's really all there is to it.
  9. That is incorrect. Macs are case-preserving, but not case-sensitive. (By default: You can format your disks to be case-sensitive, but it breaks many applications.)
  10. The tabs do scroll, and you tend to need these parts all together, and not forget one or two (say, a screwdriver, or a plug, which end up in different places at the moment). Of course, I'm using filter extensions - to me a subgroup of KIS would be perfect.
  11. As I said - I've already grabbed some of those configs, thanks. And I'm not looking for something that works 100% correctly - just something that'll get me in the ballpark, if anyone has any ideas on how to come up with such a thing. Anyway - if people find them useful, I've got my entire set of personal KSP config patches on Github: https://github.com/DanStaal/KSP-Configs Some are grabbed from the forum or other places (if they had attributions in the file I kept them, but I've lost track of where I got some of them that were just bare configs posted into a thread), and there's more than Antenna Range patches in there, but since I play on a different computer than my main computer, it was easier to put it up in public than to be worrying about manually copying it, and if anyone else has a use for them - great! (Anything I created in this is C0 licensed - public domain, basically.) I wouldn't add the ones I've created to your list yet, because I know they aren't well-made. But they get the antennas sorta working, which is all I needed. If people want to suggest improvements - well, I'll take them!
  12. Does anyone have a 'cheat sheet' for converting RemoteTech-compatible antennas to AntennaRange? I've found several mods with fun antennas I'd like to include in my game, but often they include RemoteTech configs but not AntennaRange configs. I think there's enough information in there to devise author intent and translate that over, but I'm not up enough on antenna physics to do so. I just want an equation I can plug the numbers into and get broadly equivalent results in AntennaRange numbers. (There's a lot of info in this thread for people designing antennas, but I don't want to do design. Just translation work. And yes, I've grabbed configs from this thread where applicable.)
  13. I know RoverDude has claimed he has plans for stuff which sound like they will go into those nodes, and Civilian Population uses one of them.
  14. Just wanted to say this looks awesome, and I'll be trying it out immediately. If you're taking requests, I immediately thought of uses for Glykerol from DeepFreeze and EnrichedUranium (CTT, used by both USI and NearFuture mods). The latter of course should be heavily shielded.
  15. That's already possible. It's not so much the warehouse itself that's the limit, it's supplying the warehouse. (And supplying a small warehouse takes more work - in that it takes more trips to get everything there.)
  16. For you, a slightly more direct version of the link 5 posts up: https://github.com/BobPalmer/SubPack/releases
  17. SXT has one of those. And you can download it as a stand-alone part. (It's also got my all-time favorite manufacturer name. ) (And I've managed to fit a mystery goo into a sounding rocket without that... Admittedly not the .65 sounding rocket.)
  18. Ok, let's start with the basic questions: Which mod? What browser did you use to download it? What OS are you running? How were you trying to open it?
  19. Don't particularly care about which is the forward side of landing gear. Only ones I care about are the ones which you can click 'control from here' on. (Of course, if the easiest is to have it for all parts, I can see that.)
  20. Looks good; I'll be trying it out shortly. Quick feature request, if you're interested: Orientation guides ('front' and 'up', at least) for any/all command parts - capsules and pods. I use a few that aren't clear when looking at them, and I'm usually using them so I can have one facing the correct way for a particular phase of a mission.
  21. First line of the first post has the link you need. (Second line is out of date, as KerbalStuff is no more.)
  22. That 2500 I gave was an estimate - and an estimate for what it would take for a ship somehow placed 80k up with no horizontal velocity versus an theoretical stationary Kerbin to achieve orbit. As I said, it takes another few hundred m/s just to get it up there. (And Kerbin is rotating, and you probably had some gravity effects, etc, all of which increase and decrease the amount of delta-v you get on the way, and how much you need to spend.) So, yeah, that number's completely unrealistic for anything - it was just to give you some idea of what the scale of the different parts of the problem is.
  23. And that load is on more than just the server, it's on the people in the forms of time and money. (And forums cause a lot larger dent on time, as they require more active involvement.) This forum works - although I hate a couple of things about the software running it, the result is mostly usable and it's a good discussion site. Curse has some major usability problems in my opinion, so SpaceDock is a large improvement. Making a similar level of improvement with a forum would be hard. (Most of my issues with this forum have to do with how it tends to fall over on my mobile devices.) And, as far as I can tell, there really isn't high levels of antimony for Squad over distancing themselves from SpaceDock/KerbalStuff. The point isn't to distance themselves from Squad, it's to provide a good home for mods. Which they are doing well.
  24. Because the SpaceDock people want others to play nice as well? And that it's a good idea to spell out what terms any service is used under? Basically, it's good practice. The terms don't have to match Squad's, but those are basic enough rules that just about everyone agrees they are worth asking people to follow. Besides those four rules boil down to 'Don't be a dick, or we'll kick you off. Don't steal from others. Don't come crying to us when people use this site to download your mod.'
  25. More like 5 minutes on my computer... But it does eventually load. It spends way more processing power than that should need on the issue however. Literally KSP doesn't hit my CPU as hard.
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