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  1. 1.2 > 1.3 > 1.4 > ... I just set it to 1.x.x, because mod uses basic game functions like stock ModuleResourceConverter, and will work fine for every future release, that does not change way MRC works.
  2. 1) Use CKAN, it is thebest tool for easy mod installing with all depencies included. What is CKAN? and Where to download? 2) In .zip that you download manually you can see "Jenyaza" folder. Each mod author has own folder(s). Even "Squad" inside GameData is "master" mod folder. Place ""Jenyaza" folder into your Gamedata folder, not just game folder. Download manually ModuleManager. and place the .dll next to my and Squad foler. What is MM; If you use CKAN, it already did this Run game, go into sandbox (you may need to create new save) and search for new parts. In career you might not see any new parts as you did not research them yet. Keeep in mind, that SmallTweaks and Kerbin2,5x do only tweaks, not add any parts. BWT parts must be under "Payload" category. If you stil has no result, send KSP.log file (or ksp.x64, if y run x64 exe)
  3. Thx, I know that. Maybe "Pump" will be better than "Compressor". I'll change that... somedays. (upd: done)
  4. Great mod, and i has some features request) 1) When EC is totally out, lights are disabled. But animation in SearchLight still playing. If rotation caused by servomotor, what about stopping or pausing that animation? 2) Use cheat option (alt+f12, infinite electricity) to power up again
  5. What about copying the whole part +PART[Part1] { @name = Part2 } You can !remove unnecessary variables|nodes. Look at the first page for more syntax detail
  6. Just noticed: PART{} node has attachRules parrameter. For example, part KIS_bomb1 has _ attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 stack attachment allowed /\ radial attachment allowed /\ Looks like you solving problem with node_attach, but maybe it helps too
  7. @jrolson, It`s easy, but what if I add 2,5m sized large tank, it will be enough? (or tell what size you need?) That part(s) will be available for all, not only for TweakScale users. Next update include it, and brand new powerful underwater engine (don`t look at it 0.5 kH stats, there`s more)! (concept under testing)
  8. Both Texture changes and check ship`s status needs a plugin, because this is not in stock, I want to make it as stock as possible. I heard about Firespitter texture (or mesh) change feature, try to look in some days. Added this to ToDo list
  9. Hi. I`m the creator of BWT mod, and it was my BIG mistake to do not create a topic earlier. Sorry about it! Now i has thread for it: Compressor that can precisely change amount of ballast in flight is a standalone part, looks like one more Sensor Atmosphere. In my case, it`s simply Tanks that can be filled with Ballast Water resource. Really, not the best name, google agrees. I'll think about it.
  10. Ballast Water Tanks: add few parts with changeable mass in flight. Designed for submarines, act good if used as payload weight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SmallTweaks: so small, so useless useful... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kerbin2.5x: so large... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KSP Primitives: more 3D forms, when you need 'em -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... another mods incoming. Use MM and have fun!
  11. @kball, are you Neo? You won this time. I still get same error without your mod installed, it must be KSP bug. Even more sorry for even more inconvenience. Good luck. I`ll be back o/
  12. Hi. It's me again and new bug found. I put more than 1 maneuver node on the orbit ( actually two -> Circularise - Inclimination (for docking)) When I select this ship in the tracking station, i see [ERR] string (but all work fine). In KSP.log i found this: [LOG 16:18:09.845] [Tracking Station]: SetVessel(1p1 Kerbin HighOrbit) [LOG 16:18:09.846] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: 1p1 Kerbin HighOrbit [ERR 16:18:09.897] [Maneuver Solver Error]: No patch found for node at UT:784288.8 [EXC 16:18:09.899] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[PatchRendering].get_Item (Int32 index) OrbitTargeter.ReferencePatchSelect () OrbitTargeter.LateUpdate () In savefile i found this maneuvweres VESSEL // this vessel { ... parts, modules, other saved info about this vessel FLIGHTPLAN { MANEUVER // node #1 - transfer { UT = 784288.84139113559 // error show same time dV = 0,0,275.47391022391349 } MANEUVER // node #2 { UT = 800514.64365520899 dV = -16.503627328156316,202.63909140046093,-0.085387019258648889 } } } I have 5 ships with man. nodes (your mod really helps), two of them with two nodes, and both ships with two nodes show this error. All game/system data are same as before Thanks
  13. One more idea. As we know, solar panels, even static, can broke (not explode) on hit with something. I drived rover with two static solar banels. It ollided with sitting down aircraft (science purposes ) Rover is operational, on wheels, get some KKS damage (leaking battery, ets). And both solar panels has "Status: Broken" and "Damage: 45%". Engineer repaired panels, now we have "Damage: 0%", but stil "Status: Broken". Can you implement solarPanel damage type: MM applies it to SP only, output will be nominal - damage percent (10% damage is 0.9 of nominal generating, 60% is 0.4 efficiency, if damage >= 100% -> no output or/and forced "Status: Broken".). When Engineer try to repair SP, status going back to nominal. And what about "repair resource"? You use it when repair something. Repairing 6% damage on FL-T100 will need a small amount, but restoring a Jumbo-64 with 140% must be much harder.
  14. Nope. It was me. All does fine, no errors. Looks like i download v0.4.0 JUST before you upload v0.4.1. Sorry for inconvenience
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