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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. Allright, now how about a 3 part return?
  2. I think mode 3 would best be done with landing legs and a really small craft, for it seems landing legs withstand up to a certain force. I landed some really small probes with ~60 m/s stably back on the pad. If you would take a panel and add a seat and a ton of legs I think it should work.
  3. How did your guy bounce while staying straight the first time?
  4. I usually launch about at the transfer window, although really I only did one interplanetary manned mission and about 5 probes till now.
  5. Is there anybody with a more reasonable explanation? Perhaps the exact ritual one has to perform?
  6. In chapter 9 I think at the start you say Buill and Bob, should be Bill. also how do you get rocks to fly
  7. That must be a long rulebook, probably as big as a bible.
  8. I use SRB's on my first stage, my engines start at 100% and TWR of about 1.3, but as the kickback's lose fuel I throttle down the main engine in an attempt to keep the TWR below 2, till their turned of and my boosters give me a TWR which sometimes goes to like 5. My gilly lander has used it's first stage for transfer to eve, and then the save file crashed with ~1000 m/s deltaV left in the launcher, 2200 in the transfer stage and 3k in the ion lander
  9. Because of the lag with part count I haven't even maxed the VAB yet, if I see it says to many parts I just change my payload, so 'relatively low part count'it is, but that doesn't mean small, lifters lifting 2.5 red tanks to LKO are still possible.
  10. When you think back to the time they pulled a frieghter in a higher orbit with a railgun in a book in the Sci-Fi series Expanse and then suddenly think: "But the text implies them firing down, telling to stop firing while above the settelment, but they should have fired retrograde to get into a higher orbit!" and then go on to think how to explain that to the person who wrote the text without using prograde marker and radial/anti-radial for the whole church service...
  11. But my accuracy is horrible, so a got no idea where I wil land, even with mechjeb and trajectories helping me.
  12. To go with evanitis, my first orbiters usually have some srb's and one long core, the whole core returns, with double fins that can get it down to like 30 m/s before releasing my chutes, which is hilarious.
  13. Yaeh, that's correct. I just dislike the silence and tend to stop watching if the ksp space music starts playing from my ksp.
  14. Video's tend to become way more awesome when you put music under them...
  15. I build and landed a minmus miner, which turned out to have its drills so low that they lifted the miner...
  16. 4.0 AWD --- Bob forms Advanced Projects Division With the absence of Jeb, and Bob not providing sufficient direction for the Program, Bob Kerman takes it into his own hands to create a seperate research team of the Space Program, the Advanced Projects Division. Unbeknownst to most, it also works on projects for the USKK's spy division. This Bob should be Bill right?
  17. I seem to be unable to find a "main page" do you mean the prologue or am I missing something?
  18. there is one broken link in the site, 4.1-->next says coming soon instead of 4.2. Btw this story is awesome, have you considerd becoming a writer?
  19. When during physics classes about space and rocketry I'm like: "Hans(the teachers name), that's not how it works! " and he just skips the discussion because he knows I'm right... And next lesson a presentation. Guess how I showed lag?
  20. wow! This story is awesome! Can't wait for more
  21. Wow, that's a crazy landing site...
  22. I think the problem is that while he presses like "K" or something, the sas intantly tries te correct with rcs, effectively pressing "I"
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