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Everything posted by CanOmer

  1. I had hoped this helps but, it didn't. Here is the issue: FPS drops significantly when another craft set as target or when a maneuver node is created (fps drops further with the additional maneuver nodes). This is modded KSP but exactly same thing happens to unmodded KSP as well:
  2. Also when I set a vehicle as target in map view, FPS drops more. It goes back to normal again when unset the vehicle as target.
  3. Hi, UI scaling in Waypoint Manager settings does not affect anything. Am I missing something?
  4. Has MKS its own extraplanetary construction functionality or do I need to get other mod for that functionality? If I need other mod I am not sure which one to chose: - Extraplanetary Launchpads: It has the recycler functionality so the built craft can be recycle in to rocket parts to be used again. But download link of this mod is broken. - Global Construction: It does not seem to have recycler functionality. - Simple Construction!: It says it can conflict with MKS in its forum page. Also it lacks the recycler functionality.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to install Kerbalism mod version 3.14. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism Where should I get Community Resource Pack (and which version?) for Kerbalism 3.14? Because link in the "Download and installation" section doesn't have release: https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack/releases Edit1: I found release in here: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/CommunityResourcePack/releases But it says it's for KSP 1.11 I'm installing Kerbalism 3.14 for KSP 1.12.2 and I'm not sure which version of CRP does it need. Edit2: I'm going to use CRP 1.4.2 for KSP 1.12.2
  6. Hello, Where should I get community resource pack for Kerbalism 3.14? Link in the "Download and installation" section doesn't have release: https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack/releases
  7. Creating maneuver node reduces FPS in map view, from 60 to 35-40. If I delete maneuver node FPS increases back to 60 again. GPU usage is around 9%. It must be CPU related but I don't understand why. Any idea to fix this?
  8. 1. I'll try it. 2. Does this mean I have to start new career game? It usually freezes in time acceleration or when switching between orbit view to vehicle view.
  9. Yes, this is the log after freeze (and I closed the program because not responding). KSP.log: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596816756132020247/794660135821377536/KSP.log
  10. Thanks for the answer. Player.log: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596816756132020247/794660143836692490/Player.log
  11. How to make this work with KSP 1.11 ? I used Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 58 before with GPP but my game crashes in the middle of my career game.
  12. I'm playing career with Galileo's planet pack with KSP 1.11 and I installed Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 58 . Game freezes every time when my rocket comes close to Iota. Installed mods are only Kopernicus, GPP and GPP textures. Should I post log, which one?
  13. I'm playing career with Galileo's planet pack with KSP 1.11 and I installed Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 58 . Game freezes every time in the middle of burn to enter Iota's orbit. Installed mods are only Kopernicus, GPP and GPP textures. Should I post log, which one? Edit: Game freezes when I look close to Iota before burning: After 6 freezes in a row I successfully orbited Iota but then few minutes later game freezed again when I sending science around Gael.
  14. I'm currently playing a career with Kerbalism. Would switching to the new version of Kerbalism break my career save?
  15. Hello, I began career with Kerbalism and I liked it very much. I also use Memgraph to reduce garbage collection which is a huge problem for me. But in the editor (SPH or VAB) Memgraph is not working. At first I went to Memgraph topic and we found out that Kerbalism causes the problem. Is there anything you can do about this issue? I use Windows 10 x64 My KSP ver: 1.6.1 ModuleManager.4.0.2 Logs: http://www.mediafire.com/file/atk5h40i0h31dln/logs3.zip Memgraph graph that shown in editor: https://i.imgur.com/uGZ1Fj7.jpg
  16. Thanks, here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/atk5h40i0h31dln/logs3.zip
  17. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6zlz4e8baop43pb/Logs2.zip (But output_log.txt files are old.)
  18. Is there any possible fix? Because this bug drives me mad. I can't design craft without getting disrupted in every 5-8 seconds.
  19. How to proceed with rescue climbers mission? I landed near one of the climbers but I can't control her. Edit: Also I'm getting same missions after completing them instead of new missions. For example I completed "Barnstorm the Island ...." mission, now I have this mission avaliable but no money gain, only reputation.
  20. I hope I created the log correctly: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hcoi7hsm6cg7ynk/Logs.zip
  21. Graph creates red lines frequently (5-8sec) while in editor. In flight red lines appear after 90-120 sec. I feel bad stutter in editor as same as not using Memgraph at all.
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