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Everything posted by CanOmer

  1. Amazing mod, thank you! It quickly became one of my "must to have" mods.
  2. CPU's single core performance is the bottleneck. Check this out: PassMark: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html UserBenchmark: http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/ (Sort the list by S-Core Pts) ----------------------------------------- For more details:
  3. I created PDF KSPedia for KSP 1.4.5 version. To view it in my tablet and phone. It has bookmarks and high image quality. Am I allowed to share it here?
  4. - First person camera: Moving in craft as a kerbal. - Better performance: Allowing building much bigger crafts, stations with thousands of parts. To achieve this I think there should be somewhat grid system similar to Space Engineers which would make some sections of a station act as one physical part that's actually made of a lot of parts. For example, all parts inside an hangar could be physically part of the hangar. So, when hangar moves, parts inside of it don't vobble due to acceleration, collision...etc - Ability to build real ground bases, not a craft landed on landing legs or wheels. - Supply, survival elements such as USI Life Support - CPU multicore support - And fix the garbage collection!
  5. After I decouple the smallar craft on top of this to collect science. Main ship became debris in Tracking Station. I can't control it. As you can see there are solar panels can generate power but still I can't control it. Why? (My KSP version is 1.3.1) Edit: I found the problem. I mistakenly in control of Stack Seperator, not the ship. Sorry.
  6. I want electric engine. I added these links because of [INDO]dimas_1502 said that it is not realistic and there is no operational electric aircraft in real life. I'm not for realism here. So, electric engines should be more powerful than in real life to balance non-existence of ultralight parts in KSP.
  7. Where did you get this info? If it is restricted to real life engines, there must be few examples at least: https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/Lange_Antares https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/Diamond_HK36_Super_Dimona https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/Solar_Impulse https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/Sikorsky_Firefly https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/AgustaWestland_Project_Zero (In development) https://en.wikipedi0.org/wiki/Airbus_CityAirbus (In development)
  8. This is a game, not real life. And electric propeller engine is not science-fiction.
  9. Realism Overhaul link doesn't work.
  10. I get mini freezes between red lines which can be seen as mini drops in green graph. Why is it happening? (I'm using KSP v1.3.1)
  11. Mun was on the way of my planned route. So I made the burn an hour earlier. Nuclear engines made 8 min (2400 Delta-V) burn from Kerbin orbit to Moho. Insertion burn to enter Moho orbit was supposed to be around 2800 Delta-V according to Transfer Window Planner. But after the Kerbin departure burn, now maneuver node says it requires 4550 Delta-V. Ho can long burn time and an hour early burn create such difference?
  12. Is there a mod which adds electric propeller engine other than KAX (which is for 1.2.2)?
  13. What are the most "Kerbal" movies you watch? It doesn't have to be space related movie. (I'm looking for a movie to watch and I like KSP a lot.)
  14. I begin using nuclear and ion engines and I am not sure how to use them efficiently. I created maneuver node to Mun. Burn time is 4 minutes. I divided the burn in to two 2 minutes burns to make it more efficient. How much is my gain from it? What is the maximum acceptable burn time? If I'd burn 4 minutes at once how much delta-v would I lose?
  15. Reusable SSTO rocket which carries 18100kg Nuclear Mun Science Hopper. Landing of the rocket is failed due to wrong landing location. Payload is on its way.
  16. Adding two external fuel ducts (one forward, one backward) is my solution.
  17. I docked without using "deploy bumper" feature. What would happen if I use deploy bumper before docking? Is it VSR feature or vanilla?
  18. What is your recommended Life Support Setup for realism? In my opinion all effects except habitation should kill (K.I.A.) crew. Habitation should make crew grouchy (tourist). But I want to hear your recommendation.
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