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Everything posted by CanOmer

  1. Great solution, thanks! I usually adjust CoL, CoM and CoT especially in planes for perfection.
  2. Thanks, I didn't know it is stock design, interesting. Because Mk1 cockpits doesn't have. Also I tested Mk1 Pod in flight without any other wing, CoL is ahead of CoM, it flied well. Also I noticed when I press F12 wings has dark blue lift indicator while Mk1 Pod has light blue lift indicator. What is the difference? In the end it causes CoL position in SPH/VAB is not same in flight, right?
  3. I use Ven's Stock Revamp. I think it (or maybe another mod) adds Mk1 command pod a relative wing area of 0.35. I want to remove that body lift. How can I do it? I found this but there is no 0.35 value ...\GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\PartsCommand.cfg: @PART[mk1pod] { @author = Ven !mesh = DELETE !MODEL {} MODEL { model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Command/CommandPods/MK1 } %rescaleFactor = 1 @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3548837, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 %CoMOffset = 0, 0.0, 0.006 }
  4. 1. Why does Mk1 Command Pod have relative wing area of 0.35? It affects my rockets badly; Center of Lift is still ahead of the Center of Mass despite I add winglets to end of rocket. 2. How can I remove it? Edit: It may not be an issue of VSR. Is it vanilla Mk1 Command Pod config?
  5. Why is Center of Lift ahead of the Center of Mass in my rocket? You can see there are 4 small wings and 4 larger wings on it. But center of lift should be close to the larger wings which is behind the Center of Mass. Edit: I found out that Mk1 Command Pod has 0.35 relative wing area. Is it vanilla setting or some mod caused it?
  6. I noticed some LF engines have too great TWR values and very cheap cost (a bit worse ISP but still OP). Are parts balanced properly or their specs outdated?
  7. Why didn't I notice this mod before!? New parts are awesome!
  8. Thanks for the info. So, if you compare, which big visual mods use considerably more CPU than other visual mods? (Spectra, SVE, AVP, KSPRC...etc) Or are they all similar? Does texture size choice make difference on CPU?
  9. I want to use visual mods which use GPU rather than CPU. I tried Spectra, Astronomer's Visual Pack alongside with SVE and all visal submods which they require or recommend. But I don't know sure what should I choose. Also I want to know if other minor-visual and non-visual mods are CPU heavy? (For example distant objects or realplume, mechjeb, USI-LF...etc)
  10. I am not new to KSP but new to modded KSP. After I discovered mods are real game changer I added a lot of them (nearly 50 mods!) My specs: Core i7 920 @3.6GHz GTX 1080, 12GB DDR3, SSD and I use Windows 10 with 64bit KSP on max settings at 1920x1200 resolution. Mods I use (I used CKAN for all of them): With these mods in the game my main limitation is large vehicles 150+ parts drops FPS. It is related to CPU. Now, I want to know which mods add to CPU load which cripples simulation speed. An example for my experience: 161 parts shuttle at launchpad (PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.01): CPU usage: 33% GPU usage: 41% Memory usage: 6.7GB I want to use my GPU with visual mods but don't want to use CPU much which cripples simulation speed.
  11. Ok, I downloaded Spectra independent from CKAN and checked the steps. It seems CKAN installed KSPRC with Textures only. But in your steps Spectra needs its Terrain folder, not Textures. So I added Terrain folder in it. Now surface terrains is back. A quick CKAN update for this would be great.
  12. When I download Spectra in CKAN, it automatically installed KSPRC as well because KSPRC is on the depends list of Spectra. I didn't find any steps on the download link. So if I copy terrain folder, will it disrupt CKAN?
  13. (In the OP) Mun texture on the flight mode should be like this: But I get horrible Mun textures on the flight mode (worse than stock textures, maybe stock textures with lowest setting). Why? My mod list:
  14. I uninstalled many mods to fix this problem in vain. In the end mods wasn't the source of it, but the game is! Thanks a lot for this great mod. I have 12 GB memory. Should I change something to increase memory usage for longer intervals?
  15. Is this mod compatible with Mission Controller 2?
  16. Hello KSP community I just begin using CKAN and I installed some mods. I want to know are there any conflicts between any of these mods: (Also I am eager to see your mod suggestions.)
  17. I insalled this mod and Spectra in CKAN because it doesn't say conflict. But it seems there is conflict, isn't it?
  18. I have both ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll and ModuleManager.3.0.1.dll in GameData folder.
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