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Andi K.

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Everything posted by Andi K.

  1. I'm a little hesitant to put a description for each planet on the OP since there are a lot of planets. Maybe I'll add a description to each system so that it's a bit more compact. Yes! There will definitely be one or more habitable planets in REX. Currently, TRAPPIST-1e is the only planet I've made so far that could be considered habitable. I might add more in the future. We'll see The stars are positioned heliocentrically, meaning they orbit the Sun. The simplifies things on my end because stellar coordinates IRL are heliocentric, and it also means I don't have to do things such as change the Sun to the galactic center, re-parent Kerbin to an identical copy of the Sun, etc. The stock version will have kerbalized names and descriptions, and will be scaled down to the same size as the stock system. Other than that, the stock version will be identical to the RSS version.
  2. Hey, I'm glad you're excited! Please note that one of the rules on this section of the forums is to speak in English. However, if you want to speak in your native language, there is a Chinese section of the KSP forums! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/90-chinese-中文/
  3. Don't worry, it will work with both RSS and the stock solar system
  4. When KSP 2 comes out, I do plan on eventually making a new Extrasolar (Extrasolar 2 if you'd like :P) for KSP 2. When an "Extrasolar 2" would come out would be completely dependent on if/when planet modding capabilities are brought to KSP 2. Who knows, maybe planet modding capabilities will come right out of the box.

    In the meantime, there is a small possibility of me making Extrasolar 1.9 and releasing it sometime in the future, maybe on the 4th anniversary of Extrasolar (January 24th, 2020) or on Valentine's day (February 14th, 2020). Extrasolar 1.9, if I do end up releasing it, would probably be one of the last, if not the last major update for Extrasolar, so I'd make sure I clean up lots of things, maybe update a couple of textures, etc, so that I leave it in a state that I'm relatively happy with. I'm wary of changing any textures though, because I don't want people's preexisting landers or bases to blow up because of heightmap changes.

    We'll see what I decide to do.

    1. FreeThinker


      What about the high quality texture feature introduced by KSP 1.8? Will you integrate them into Extra Solar?


    2. Andi K.

      Andi K.

      Yes I will do that once 1.8 comes out.

  5. Once I make TRAPPIST-1h and fix some atmospheres, I'll release an alpha version of REX
  6. I actually believe you're right about Principia not working with multiple solar systems. Either way, the suggestion you are proposing seems needlessly convoluted. I don't need SLIPPIST nor TRAPPIST-1 for Principia to turn TRAPPIST-1 into the home solar system and make it work with principia
  7. Why would I need to do all of that when I could just make Real Exoplanets compatible with Principia?
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mind clarifying for me? In Real Exoplanets, neither Teegarden b nor Teegarden c are habitable. I made Teegarden b a cooler version of Venus, cool enough for sulfuric acid oceans to form (that's what the yellow is) but still hot by Earth standards. I made Teegarden c basically a tidally locked super-Mars.
  9. I'll probably reuse the old texture for some other planet down the road
  10. It would be relatively easy for me to add a REX settings file where you can set your own scale factor for stellar distances. That's not the problem. The problem is that if I place any stars beyond 50 real life light years, it causes some serious bugs that cannot be avoided. However, if I scale down the distances by 100, that would allow me to add objects up to 5000 ly away without anything being beyond 50 real light years away (since 5000 divided by the scale factor (100) equals 50). So the question is: do I scale everything down by some number to allow me to add stuff beyond 50 ly, or do I allow the user to define a scale factor that must be less than or equal to one, and limit myself to stars within 50 ly?
  11. The thing is that I don't want everything to be so far that it's inaccessible or impractical to most players
  12. Some of what I've been working on: TRAPPIST-1d TRAPPIST-1e TRAPPIST-1f TRAPPIST-1g
  13. About Real Exoplanets Real Exoplanets (REX) is planet pack that adds several confirmed exoplanets into KSP. As the name implies, all of these exoplanets are real, and all of the planetary systems are located exactly where they are in real life. All of the planets have accurate characteristics and the visual appearance of all exoplanets are based off of our current understanding of planetary science (as well as some artistic license when necessary ). Real Exoplanets is compatible with both Real Solar System and the stock, default solar system. With RSS, REX is properly scaled by a factor of 10. DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK OR ON GITHUB Exoplanet List Below is a list of all of the exoplanet systems added into the game by Real Exoplanets. Screenshots Sources Changelog Credits Squad for KSP of course @Thomas P. for Kopernicus @NathanKell for Real Solar System @Pkmniako for being my original inspiration to begin planet modding @ProtoJeb21 for helping me for ages to recreate real life exoplanets that have accurate characteristics Check out this video of someone traveling to Proxima Centauri in Real Exoplanets: License: All Rights Reserved
  14. TRAPPIST-1e


    1. JadeOfMaar


      Loving this. I wonder what pod-racing down that major river would look like.

  15. Here are all of the real exoplanets I've made so far, in case y'all are curious.


    1. FreeThinker


      Damn they look good

  16. Hey so, I just want to clarify that yes, both Extrasolar and Real Exoplanets are abandoned. I'm abandoning Extrasolar likely indefinitely but there's a small chance that I'll bring back Real Exoplanets. We'll see.

    1. FreeThinker


      Lets hope so

    2. VelocityPolaris


      Thank you for clarifying

  17. I'd like my username to be shortened to AndrewDraws
  18. Your planets looks soooooo pretty
  19. This seems like something that, you know, should just be in the game.
  20. @Adstriduum So, it looks like you've gotten back some motivation!
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