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Everything posted by Redleg1

  1. Wow, this sounds really similar to ideas I have been kicking around in my head forever but just don't have the time to really knuckle down and figure out. I have a feeling that there are a lot of people that would enjoy a techtree/contract pack mod that are specifically tailored to both BDB and NF mods and of course JNSQ. I also enjoy using Kerbalism, If I could figure anything out it would be some way to integrate colonization mods into Kerbalism as well.
  2. Hey everyone. I am curious if anyone is having an issue with Vernier plume effects not showing up on BDB. I have tried several different engines and on all of the newer engines including the new Titan 1 and Titan 2 upperstage engines that have built in Vernier's the plume FX does not display but the heating effect does display on the nozzle. This is also the case for the newer Atlas Vernier engines as well. I have tested it with Realplume and without it on a fresh install of 1.7.1 and the latest BDB Dev Branch. I am not sure why this keeps happening, any thoughts?
  3. For mods to integrate next I would like to nominate the USI collection of mods, or BDB.
  4. Looks awesome. And now you just need to figure out how to make a cargo bay and ramp to unload the exploration rovers and the nuclear power generator rover!
  5. What size are you making the stages?
  6. Now they just need some solar panels on them!
  7. Heck yeah. I've always tried to recreate Mars Direct missions with various different parts. Never could get it to feel right though. I even attempted to learn how to use Blender so I could try to make it myself. Any way, I hope that you stick with it and good luck! BTW, any plans to make the Hab as well?
  8. That is unfortunate. I was excited to have an in game method of building missions for career mode. If there is one or two things I would greatly appreciate in this game would be an in game, user friendly method to modify the tech tree, and create career missions.
  9. So I have been out of the KSP loop for a while and I have heard that the MH expansion does not integrate with Career Mode in any way. I would like to know for sure if that is true, and if it is then I would suggest that should be the primary focus for future fixes/upgrades to the expansion.
  10. Has anyone tried this mod with Sigma Dimensions? If so did it work for you? I was unable to get it to work.
  11. Does anyone know where I can find the Pruner files that used to come with this mod?
  12. @StarCrusher96 Hey, that screenshot is from Stock Visual Enhancements. I was just using it as an example of how smooth terminators look in game. There are some screenshots on the Scatterer page showing laythe with similar graphics. With KSS the clouds along the edge are black and there is not a smooth transition. I was curious if that is by design or if I am missing something.
  13. Is it possible to get smooth terminators on planets like Kerbin with this mod with the visual packs? I have all the KSS stuff and its dependencies EVE, Scatterer, and that's it on this install. Sort of along the lines of this from SVE? In my game, the clouds along the terminator are all black and there is not really a smooth transition between day and night.
  14. Has anyone had issues with the new Atlas parts in conjunction with FAR? I recently downloaded the latest BDB from development and when I use the new Atlas parts with FAR the craft is uncontrollable. The old parts work fine though.
  15. @Sigma88 Thanks for all the help. The config you posted works. I just had to play around to get the altitude right. The only thing is that on first launch, it always places my craft below where it should be. Reverting to the hanger and re-launching puts it on the correct spawn point though. @Wercho Thanks for the config, it fixed my problem as well.
  16. As far as I can tell the group name is Carrier1 and Carrier 2. Have you had any luck?
  17. The carrier spawns in the same spot.
  18. Thanks Sigma. The carrier is from Kerbin Side Continued: I attempted to use the fix you posted for the carrier as well and it still ends up at about 1200m below sea level when I launch from it.
  19. I am just using SD to resize planets to 3.2x.
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