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Everything posted by TotallyNotHuman

  1. You should be able to find a quick summary here: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/trigonometry.html Granted, these are the basics. There are a lot of things you can do with trig. Start digging in Wikipedia and you'll see.
  2. doop doop boop boop doop bop dop bop Hello, Virtual Hugs & Co? I'd like to order a virtual hug for someone. Yes, it's @cratercracker. How did you know?
  3. First Flight has been taken down and will remain so indefinitely until issues with the new EULA are resolved. If you would like to read it, please enquire on the Kerbae ad Astra channel, #kerbaeadastra on Freenode. Thank you, @TotallyNotHuman
  4. Another note: Unless I'm wrong (in which case, please correct me), most phone calculators that have trig functions write arcsin, arccos, and arctan as sin-1, cos-1, and tan-1. I think some graphing calculators (TI-84, TI-nSpire, etc) do this too, but I can't confirm it.
  5. @/not/pol/: The mod functions as expected in 1.2.2, but effects for certain engine and tanks (e.g. SSME and the size 3 tanks in stock, and other engine mods that don't provide their own CoolRockets configs) do not exist. You will have to either search the interwebs for them, or whip up your own configs. For the latter, see several pages back.
  6. Okay, okay, I kinda saw that coming. Your flashbacks kinda spoiled it for me.
  7. What. No. I sternly refuse to believe that is what textbook writers are putting in their textbooks today. nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono.
  8. R.I.P Junior Looty Gregmore Kerman Never forget. Seriously. I hear another Gregmore joke on here, I go ballistic. (No, not really.)
  9. Holy crap, that was one subtle pun. I didn't get it either, until you explained it. Rep'd.
  10. Hmm, asby. That's an interesting name. (danke, autocorrect)
  11. Anyway, as the OP I might as well throw my own experience with my school out there. Similar to @Just Jim's tale, I have a deep, burning hatred of the principal (his actual title is called "Director of Instruction", which makes him look like a bigger cheese than he is) of my middle school. What's worse, I'm experiencing this right now. He is no better than a money-mongering middle manager. (Hey, that alliterates! ) On conference day, he literally said to my parents "[my real name] is not mature enough to go to a boarding school; therefore he should stay at [current school] for two more years and then transfer". Excuse me? If you even bothered to walk in on one of my classes, you'd quickly notice that I'm far more mature than most. Those kids snigger at the very mention of genitals, and I'm not mature enough??? Translation: "I haven't plundered your parents' wallet enough with my US$10k per year, therefore your child should stay here for two more years so I can reap it further". We continued to apply to boarding schools, but the paperwork had not been turned in prior to the deadline; some were turned in days before the admission decisions were sent out. Needless to say, I did not get snapped up by my school of choice. Or any school, for that matter. I'm currently in rolling admission, and are working so that I can go to my school of choice. I will not be deterred. My goal is to walk in on the last day of school, sporting a mulch-eating grin, present my acceptance letter to the principal, and laugh in his face as he turns as purple as an eggplant.
  12. I presume Camp NaNo is over? Also, I just realized that I didn't sub to this thread. Fixed. Post-Reading Edit: Looks great! The censor caught some words, though...
  13. 0. I don't play CS:GO. TUBM uses Linux.l
  14. False. TUBM is playing with a rescaled Kerbin (2x, 3.2x, 6.4x, etc). RSS counts.
  15. Whoa, Dark Camwise Kerski is creeping out. Because of my hate for the bureaucracy (bureaucratic middle managers that are the Administration of my school failed to turn in my paperwork for school applications, even when I requested it half a year prior), I sincerely hope that Camwise Kerski will give in to the dark side and listen to his alter-ego... Also: Why does s/he remind me of a certain chemical compound?
  16. Something that came out of one of my discussion threads in PM. Sounds about right.
  17. So the binary form of my coordinates was too long. No matter. TO HEX! :D

  18. First Flight has been taken down and will remain so indefinitely until issues with the new EULA are resolved. If you would like to read it, please enquire on the Kerbae ad Astra channel, #kerbaeadastra on Freenode. Thank you, @TotallyNotHuman
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