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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. Just a quick follow up to my previous post: it would seem I resolved the issue. It turns out the problem was a conflict with another (out of date) mod, which I uninstalled. No more spam in my log, and everything seems fine. Thanks again for the help.
  2. Hey, so I don't know if this is new to this download (the latest one you just released) or if I just never noticed it in the past, but apparently "Kerbin" is being referred to as "Earth" a number of times, if I'm reading my player.log correctly. This one is for the contract "SoyuzTMA-21" (but there are a few others that I saw); "Earth is not a valid celestial body". I'm assuming this is a contract from HistoricMissions, but it never explicitly states it, but there are others that I'm pretty sure I've done that were listed (V-2), but I could still be wrong, and if so, I apologize. Not sure how it'll affect the contracts in game, if they don't have a correct reference point, or point of origin, it might kill them completely for all I know, I haven't test it, just discovered this now. Anyway, thought you should know (and I know you're busy). Cheers. ---edit--- Reverted to previous version and exceptions/errors disappear. ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'SoyuzTMA-21': Error parsing targetBody (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) ArgumentException: 'Earth' is not a valid CelestialBody. at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.CelestialBodyParser.ParseIdentifier (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseVarOrIdentifier (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[CelestialBody].ParseSimpleStatement[CelestialBody] () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement. Error occurred near '*': Earth .....* <-- HERE at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[CelestialBody] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1 setter, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, .CelestialBody defaultValue, System.Func`2 validation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.LoggingUtil:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, CelestialBody, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, CelestialBody) ContractConfigurator.ContractType:Load(ConfigNode) ContractConfigurator.<LoadContractConfig>d__1e:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator:Update() (Filename: Line: 4294967295)
  3. Quick question for you: is it possible for me to reorient the "up" direction in the configs or is that something more involved? I like to have the opening face up, so I can put an engine on the bottom, but that screws up the nav ball (and MJ), so my work around has been to put tiny probe cores inside the cube sats (yes, even the tiny ones!) and do "control from here" but if there is an easier way, please let me know. All I saw in the configs were attach nodes, but maybe I overlooked something. Thanks again for this great mod.
  4. I apologize; I assumed it was no longer supported - I should have known better considering it is one of your mods; my mistake.
  5. Alright, I made an MM config that adds 200 Ablative Shielding to pretty much the entire shuttle. As I said above, I essentially copied the values from the 1.25m heat shield and applied them to the wings, gears, nose, cockpit, cargobay, shroud, rear engine mounting plate. In total, that's about 2 tons of shielding, which may be over kill, but can be tuned in the VAB (or edited directly in the confg). May also not be enough. I've only checked to see if it added it to the parts and can be edited; haven't checked to test whether this will get you safely down to kerbin in one piece! Enjoy (and please double check my work if you can, I'm not the most experienced config writer, even though everything seems okay). Config And in case the above link goes down, the config contents; hack at it all you want, I don't care: ///Created by Deimos Rast /// ///Values copied from the stock 1.25m Heat Shield /// ///Left Wing @PART[leftwingkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Right Wing @PART[rightwingkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Front Landing Gear @PART[nosegearkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Left Landing Gear @PART[leftgearkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Right Landing Gear @PART[rightgearkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Nose Cone @PART[hingedradomekso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Cockpit @PART[KSO_Cabin] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Rear Engine Mount @PART[rearkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Mounting Shroud @PART[stackmountkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } ///Cargo Hold @PART[cgholdkso] { MODULE { name = ModuleAblator ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -7500 lossConst = 0.1 pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 500 } RESOURCE { name = Ablator amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } }
  6. ooo la la; going to download, I appreciate all the work you've done, these really add a lot of spirit to the game, thanks. One minor complaint, is the pacing seems a bit off. I have kerballed landers on both moons and it's still telling me to do LKO unmanned missions and I've been churning those out like mad (even using the cheat screen at times). I guess it's to be expected with so many missions, but that's the only detailed feedback I can provide besides "it's awesome." Cheers.
  7. That is something of definite interest! I'm working on one now; I'm just copying the values from the stock 1.25m heat shield and applying them to the exposed surfaces. I'm not going to make an effort to balance it, that's something that people can edit themselves, as long as the config does what it says, I'll be happy, and they can always tune it in the VAB. And yeah, I could just increase the maxTemp = xyz I guess, but I'd rather have heatshielding, seems more balanced and something I can tweak in game, but if it doesn't work, that's plan B.
  8. well, you could try Ship Manifest, which does the exact same thing and more. This hasn't had a post since November.
  9. oh, okay. I use this mod, and I have an urgent contract to visit the Sun in low orbit - I need these parts!
  10. Fair points. Interestingly enough, your shuttle inspired me to build my own (first thing I've built that wasn't just a tube with a fuel tank) and showed it off to a couple of friends side by side with your's and they hands down all preferred your's, so what do I know, heh. Quick question: does the shuttle have built in heat shielding? I'm playing with Deadly Re-Entry and that might be relevant... Cheers.
  11. I may have physically relocated "FuelPipe.mu" (as mentioned in the OP). The only two things I did were commenting out those lines and moving the .mu file, which I'm assuming is the graphic associated with the Fuel Pipe in question. I now know I missed a spot (the second config) which was still pointing to the "FuelPipe.mu" I had removed, resulting in the error, causing "VesselLoading Error" to occur. That's my understanding of the issue anyway. I have yet to try editing the newly discovered config, but I'm confident it'll work (what could go wrong?). Currently everything is restored to original order as when I installed the mod and everything is working as intended (although Colored Fuel Lines is still being over written, but, meh).
  12. That's a lot of dependencies...all of which I already had, but still! Hah, anyway. The shuttle looks great, really like the look and size of it. I like that the engines have trim. Only real complaint is that it might be a little too prefabricated (not enough modular pieces), but overall it's pretty solid. Well done. (Haven't launched it yet). Rovers and such: I'm having some issues with the wheels. Not sure if it's a me or you issue, since I have the Joint Reinforcement mod installed, and that's been known in the past to make my rovers not driveable. Initially, it was an issue of my wheels not being on right, but after playing on with for a good 30 minutes, I'm pretty confident I got them pointing in the right direction (how hard can it be I mean?). Of the parts I've unlocked in career mode, there is a nice selection. Oddly enough, I'm most impressed by the attention to detail on the motors/rotors and chasises...chasisi...undercarriages and such of the vehicles. They're really well done. I've only really examined the Rover Mk2 up close, and the texturing seemed a little blurry and low-res (although I do have my textures down a notch so that might be it), and the attention to detail didn't compare to the rest of the pack. Still, a good selection, however, my guess is that I can't use any of the wheels on any rovers that they weren't specifically built for, which would be a shame. Pretty sure I already have the other two mods, but I haven't unlocked any parts for them yet (or if so, they blend in with the other ones). I'm downloading them again just to be sure! Overall, I'm impressed. My major concern, as mentioned, is that they seem to make fantastic setpieces - prefabricated, "these pieces work wonderful together" works of art - that then don't work well with anything else. But again, I'm not that far along in my career game, so I'm withholding final judgment. Cheers, and keep up the good work.
  13. ah, you mean Utility.cfg in Squad/Parts specifically: @PART[fuelLine] { !mesh = DELETE MODEL { model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelPipe } %rescaleFactor = 1 } I did not see that bit before. Sneaky sneaky. Thanks!
  14. Thanks for the quick response, but could you maybe be a be a little more specific? Did I not comment out the above fully? Is there another line within the same config (searching "fuelLine" turns up just that entry)? Is there another config (most likely this)? In the mean time, I reverted my changes and everything works fine again (even brought the revived school children home from their two moon field trip successfully!). Thanks again.
  15. I'll look for the pencil, thanks! Hmm, then it's probably on my end. My hardware resources are stretched pretty thin a lot of times, so it's probably that.
  16. Firstly, let me say I like (almost entirely), what you've done. Your engines are gorgeous. Unfortunately, taking off the top butts (or whatever they're called) on the skipper/terrier/etc makes it so they look weird with fuel tanks from, say, KW Rocketry, which don't have naturally flush end pieces, but that can't be helped I guess, since most tanks do. Some bad news: I use the mod Colored Fuel Lines, which allows you to switch the skin colors of the fuel lines (as the mod title would suggest, heh). Your mod over rides that. Not a problem I said, and I decided to perform mod surgery. I removed "FuelPipe.mu" and looked around for a config file to hack away at. Utility-PathPatches.cfg was my victim, and I commented out: ///@MODEL,* { /// @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/fuelLine/fuelLine:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelPipe: /// } Satisfied with my butchery, I loaded my game up and...bad stuff happened. Like really bad. "Vessel loading errors" everywhere. That tourist contract to take a rocket load of school children to the Mun with Val? They're all dead now. My Minmus and Mun landers? Deleted. Wreckage everywhere, little green bodies strewn about and...okay maybe not that last part. So...what did I do wrong? Is there another config I need to savage or was my implementation just haphazard? Anyway, I like the mod - it's different, but not enough to be too far from stock. Biggest improvement are engines in my opinions, the detailing is fantastic. Solar panels look great too (although I was a bit surprised you changed the dimensions). Cheers. (p.s. Jeb is fine.)
  17. Yeah I do use nVidia, thanks for the link, I'll check it out. And thanks for not taking my suggestion the wrong way, some people get kind of cranky about such things, but rumor has it some linux users have strong opinions about Wine... but seeing as we're all playing with Mono, meh (not that I actually know what either of them do, from a technical perspective, but to my untrained eye they both seemed designed to run windows "stuff" but that's another topic). Anyway, thanks again.
  18. There is a settings.cfg file in CactEye/Resources which contains: CactEye2 { DebugMode = True SunDamage = True GyroDecay = True } You could try that. Not sure why there needs to be a button in the applauncher myself (would love to see blizzy support personally). And on the second point, that's better than I've done. I managed Jool, because it's a fattie planet. My only suggestion would be to try the better of the two gyros. In the telescope view, if you didn't notice, there is the second slider on the bottom, which increases the sensitivity of the gyros if you slide it to the right, I believe, which might be counter-intuitive. If you're desperate, you could turn to the configs again, and look at the part.cfg for each gryo, found in folders tele_gru1 and tele_gru2 (in the Parts folder) at: gyroScale = 0.2 gyroFineScale = 0.05 Mind you, I haven't tested any of this, so I don't know what it will do, or whether it should be scaled up or down. Obviously, make a backup of either, or both before editing, yada yada. Maybe try an MM config instead if you're so able/inclinded. That's all I can think of to be honest, but I agree with you. I couldn't even get Duna but I got a lot of centerfold shots (real racy stuff) of the Mun and Minmus. Cheers.
  19. The Rusty Racer (note - I've never actually made it off the runway before, so this is progress) ft. Jeb: Moments Earlier (impromptu parachute testing):
  20. Quick bug report: the Iguana Radon engine doesn't quite stage right. Well, sort of - it turns on correctly and fires and everything, but there is no little fuel bar next to the rocket icon in the staging bar. I looked at the config for it and it seems to be the same as the stock ion engine config and the setting for staging is present and enabled, so I don't know. It could be a mod conflict (I have a lot of mods), but this is a new issue, if so. Or it could be an issue with the Radon fuel tank, maybe? 30minute burn time for one tank, maybe at those high of times, it doesn't register? No idea really. I really like the Radon Engine/Tank combo and the green flames look lovely. The price tag...not so much, but we can't have everything. Currently sending one to Eve in the name of Science. Cheers.
  21. I'm prefacing this post my stating that I'm a total linux newb, so please keep that in mind. But I went to install this (Linux Mint) and found it seems to require Wine, yet you don't mention this in your OP (nor is it mentioned anywhere in this thread) or the fact that the installation script will install it. I've never used Wine, so I try not to have any opinions about its merits, but the few times I've tried to install it, it's tried to uninstall my graphics drivers. Obviously, that's an issue beyond the scope of this thread, but it raises the point: maybe consider including Wine as a dependency in the OP for the Linux version? Unless, I'm completely misreading the below from "install.sh". Anyway, your app looks awesome; kind of bummed now I won't be able to try it out. Again, not trying to accuse you of anything, please don't take it that way; KSP definitely needs more Linux app developers! Cheers. if [ -f /usr/bin/wine ] then echo "##Wine is installed. Continuing" else echo "##Installing Wine" sudo apt-get install wine echo "##Wine is installed. Continuing"
  22. Holy. Crap. I'm just blown away here, and I have well over a hundred mods, so I've seen a lot. I'm not a trained art critic or anything, but your models and textures are outstanding. Initial first impressions on playing for 30 minutes in the VAB, haven't actually flown anything, or unlocked all the parts (career), but I feel compelled to offer feedback because you've created a masterpiece here. - The pods are excellent (the ones I've seen, oh, and you left some underscores "_" in the titles of a few). This is big for me. (The pricing on the mini pod (which looks awesome, I love building small) seems way high, but can be fixed with a config.) - The Oil Can tanks (rcs engines, radial engines, etc) are glorious; seriously well done. - The custom fairing. The thumbnail looks a bit weird, so when I saw that I thought the texture was going to come out all wonky, but I'll be damned if the set of rusted plates came out perfectly stretched across the custom fairing I built. - Your solar panels (static) are excellent. - Biggest point of criticism: there is too much orange (I know, download a rusty mod, complain about rust). This is a pretty minor point, and might be an issue on my side of things, since I'm using Ambient Light Adjuster so my brightness in the VAB might be jacked up a bit, so saturation might be a bit off to me. Some pieces (e.g. the strut, fixed landing gear), are obviously the stock piece given a coating of orange. Meh, I kind of struggled with this one. - Some titles and descriptions are missing, but considering the sheer amount of content delivered, that is perfectly reasonable. That's it for now. I really don't know where this mod has been hiding, but you have some serious talent. Very well done, indeed. Cheers. Oh, and one more config (and icon) to consider including is Filter Extensions. --edit-- and realchutes
  23. Obligatory "these don't look stock." Only joking - I hate it when people say that! Downloading down (and your zpe) from space dock - this is a big download. I might have to kill off a few other mods to fit this one in, but sacrifices must be made! Regarding your last post (and I don't know what's in the pack already), but are there going to be emissive lights? I'm assuming those are the kind that actually radiate light, like you think an actual light would. That might be straying a bit far from the original idea, but you could have a light with cracked glass or flickering light. I'm thinking (and this is the light I use the most currently) something like the spotlights from B9, if you're familiar. They flicker when they come on, which is a nice touch (they also light up the surface of the planet from space...which, I guess they are spot lights). They have a stainless metal casing, which obviously you'd rustify. Bulb seems to be halogen of some sort. Just an idea. Oh, and another vote for tweakscale integration, although as I a saw above, an MM config should be enough. Although, maybe not add tweakscale to the command modules, as (at least for me) that has caused issues. Another MM config to consider adding, or getting a "volunteer" to (I would but I don't really know my way around MM just yet), would be Remote Tech, assuming this pack contains some relevant parts (i.e. antennas, probes). And...maybe the Community Tech Tree or Connected Living Spaces. Just a few ideas, from someone who, you know, hasn't actually played with your pack yet so take them for what they're worth. Download is done! Time to get this beauty installed. Cheers (and pictures look fantastic, really looking forward to this, keep up the good work).
  24. Oh, it's 18ec times 3? I thought the wheel as a whole used 18, not per axis. I should probably mention I'm pretty new, and am lucky to know which way is up (which is why I need AMPYear, obviously). Glad, we got that sorted. By the way, what's the 'booster' function? Oh, and an idea that might a nice feature: the power savings feature you have - let the player customize what actions to take. It could be as simple as choosing from a predefined list (turn off lights, antenna, deploy solar panels, etc) or action key/groups compatible (maybe even tie in with the Action Group Extended Mod). I have no idea how feasible it would be, or how much work it'd take, but it'd be nice. Also, I forget which mod does it, but I have the ability to lock electricity (by hotkey/actiongroup), to prevent the automatic draining of my reserve battery packs, which is a nice feature, since sometimes I want to save my reserve power for the right moment. Giving the player a little more control over the usage of the reserve power packs instead of "automatic drain" would also be nice. Just a couple ideas, take 'em or leave 'em. Thanks again.
  25. If you read the Comm 16 text that RT adds to (on the right hand side) it says "Snaps Under Dynamic Pressure" or something like that. This only occurs when it's extended. This also happens to certain dishes (DTS-M1 for example). Maybe HyperEdit applies some form of acceleration momentarily that triggers the check? I have no idea how it works, but to me this doesn't sound like a bug.
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