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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. So I'm pretty sure I solved the problem: it was the "Obey CLS Limits" (or whatever the wording is) option I had enabled in the settings of KeepFit. I've had a couple of flights now that have been a 100% flawless, whereas before it was cutting in and out every ten seconds. It's strange: I have CLS installed, the pods in question were Mk1 pods (usually), usually solo - unconnected to anything, so there shouldn't have been anything for CLS to apply to, although I do usually enable various options related to CLS in the editor when building these pods, so maybe that triggered it. No idea, but I'm calling it case closed. (It also seems to have stopped affecting Ship Manifest as well). Cheers.
  2. Installed the newest version and it's been running it fine for the past few hours; log is clear of obvious errors. Very nice. Thanks for the quick fix.
  3. Quick question: "Custom01-10" are the internal names of KSP's custom hotkeys; what are your's? I seem to remember seeing it once before, but for the life of me I can't find it now and I looked around this thread and briefly through the source code. (If you're curious, I'm trying to use Snark's DefaultActions mod to bind an action to one of your expanded hotkeys). Thanks!
  4. Ah, so then the fact that your engine uses a similar config setup to the ion engine would explain that - mystery solved (I've never used the stock ion engine, or come to think of it, any ion engine).
  5. Oh. Well now, that's what I like to hear! I'll give it another go. All's well that end's well.
  6. Possible bug report: - Used HyperEdit to increase Supplies and decrease Mulch. Both are now frozen (as in stopped increasing/decreasing respectively) in time, and the clock on the in vessel usi-ls monitor has stopped, presumably at the time when supplies would have run out (or maybe when I used HyperEdit, not sure). Clocks off the vessel (back at HQ) are still ticking, and record that the kerbal in question has gone 40+ minutes without supplies, even though he technically have a full stock of supplies. I'll admit, this is a pretty fringe case, but given my propensity for using HyperEdit on things...are you really telling me I can't use it to increase my food supply? That's just...cruel. As an aside, my favorite feature (I only just downloaded the mod), is the fact that you gave the Veterans the possibility of having unique responses to low supplies. That really adds some unique opportunities! Cheers.
  7. I love this mod dearly and would love to be able to replace the stock version with it. Small feature request: when you have a lot of mods installed, sorting the resource panel becomes a chore - anyway we could get a "Move to top" button or something next to the arrows (or a shift click on the arrow moves it to the top or the bottom)? I know you can edit the settings.cfg directly, and I've done that, but that didn't really work either, as things just got repopulated (I was attempting to cut things down to a more manageable level). I'm not sure what "Sort Groups" does either besides override my diligent sorting . Anyway, can't live without the mod; just a suggestion to consider if you have a spare moment. Cheers. ---edit--- Just figured out how to replace the stock version with your version; my day is complete.
  8. Much obliged. Like I said, if this is the first you've heard of it, it's probably a one off issue specific to me, and I wouldn't worry too much about it. A mysterious "mod conflict" maybe, but I have no idea. If you know of any mod incompatibilities, don't be shy about sharing them. The only mod I have that actively goes out of its way to interfere with commanding craft is RemoteTech, so maybe that's it. Again, no idea. Cheers.
  9. I was petitioning the Action Group Extended guy (Diazo, does great work) for something similar, but he has his hands full at the moment; I will most definitely check your mod out. (I think I'll add biomes to Jool while I'm at it too!) Thank you very much - you might have just made my day.
  10. Does what it says on the tin; many thanks. (and works with hotkeys too, although that might be one of my other mods coming into play)
  11. So I downloaded the latest version (it's the only version I've tried), and it's throwing a lot of NullRef's in my log. And by a lot I mean like...8 million lines worth and searching "NullRef" returns 142,667 entries...so yeah. Now, to be fair, I'm not saying every single NullRef is from Krash, as I have a hundred other mods installed, but I've never seen so many before. I'll provide a log below in case you're curious (you'll note there are other issues going on in the log as well, like TACLS spamming on its own for a million lines, but it's my interpretation that those, while annoying, aren't as serious, and aren't nullrefs). To be clear, I'm not asking for support (because narrowing down potential conflicts would take forever, and I have other issues that are causing problems that are outside of the scope of this problem) - I'm just letting you know that there is something violent in the mix. Let me know if there are any more details that you need. I'm on Linux 64 bit. Note: I never actually damaged anything (saw anything as damaged, saw anything above 0%); time in game was 10 minutes in the VAB building a pod and 5 minutes on the launch pad, and maybe 2 minutes flying majestically through the air, then the game crashed (out of memory, which even being on linux 64 bit with 16gb of ram, is not unusual for me). Also: it looks like, if I'm reading the log right, it started throwing the null refs while I was in the VAB, since the log refers to "Updating Untitled Space Craft" which was a new craft I was working on, which is right when the null refs started. The craft consisted of a khelb pod from tantares, the stock octo probe core, and a remote tech kr-7 dish (was a pretty deluxe ship, heh). I also fiddled around with a few other pieces from dangit and a couple of other mods (namely smart parts). I then launched a different ship, which was bigger. I have craft files of both ships if you want them, but they're riddled with mods. Cheers. Krash Karnage Log - Null Refs Xtreme
  12. Just downloaded this for the first time and, although I haven't had any mishaps yet, looking at the spare parts kit in the VAB...that's easily one of the best pieces I've ever seen - well done! The inside work is fantastic. Now to figure out what to do with it... Cheers. p.s. I quoted you because I'm a forum newb and don't know how to tag users normally, like /u/xyz on reddit, so this will have to do
  13. You get upgrade points for clearing out your inventory. If it's filled with a lot of low-tier items you no longer use...makes sense in my opinion.
  14. So I just started playing with this mod, and all though it makes me rather uneasy not being able to instantly create ships and launch them willy nilly, I'm enjoying the depth it adds. It adds a sense of scope to the game, and life support actually has meaning now, as does recovery of assets (I did it before using your other excellent mod out of habit, but now I got to even greater lengths). It's clear you've spent a lot of time on it, and I'm really impressed; well done! One thing I would like to see, off the top of my head, is selectively cleaning out of my inventory, rather than just dumping it whole sale. Also, I noticed it didn't clean everything out (maybe they were damaged or resized pieces from "recover active craft"?) once, but it was only a couple of items. Very impressed - keep up the good work!
  15. Good work and glad to see some of what we talked about made it into this update. Downloading now.
  16. So, I like the concept of this mod a lot, as my game is fairly unstable (never had a corrupted save, mind you, just a lot of crashes). However, I found myself running low on hard drive space and when I went to see was the culprit was...it was your mod. Or rather, the backup folder, which is 138.6gb and contains 70,567 items. Is this normal behavior? I highly doubt it, and maybe I have the save interval too high, but I thought there was a delete after x number of days feature which should clear out out saves, and I've manually cleared out past backups myself once or twice for dead games. Looking over the settings below, and thinking about it now, my max number of backups is set to 200, which seems extremely high. Even still, looking at the save directory in KSP, the save game files don't seem to take up that much space, and 200 of them surely doesn't equal 138.6gb. Anyway, I'm confused where these high numbers are coming from, but my settings do seem on the high side, so maybe that's it. I hate to say it, but I've had to uninstall the mod and delete all the backups, because I literally got a warning saying I only had 7mb of space left while writing this. Again, not saying any of this is your fault or normal behavior - I have a lot (a lot) of mods installed, so there could be some issues some where. Linux, 64 bit Cheers Highlighted backup folder: My Settings:
  17. I just discovered that HyperEdit has tool tips explaining what all the terms are in the orbit editor are! You realize that makes you the only mod in KSP history that bothers to actually provide in game explanations or documentation? As someone who barely knows which direction is up, I appreciate that greatly! This makes adjusting the placement of my satellites infinitely easier now that I actually know what the numbers I'm adjusting mean. Damn, you guys are on the ball. Although, one down side to using Hyper to manipulate orbits is that it has a tendency to use the same location (if you choose 100km, it'll be the same spot at 100km) when teleporting objects. I've accidentally teleported into other ships and even once teleported an asteroid into me - I did not see that coming! Keep up the good work. (and the beta build is still going strong)
  18. Yeah, that's something you don't do. Like at all. Now he has to deal with you and spacedock and prove he's the rightful owner of the mod, and...you just don't do that. Anyway, moving on to why I'm here: I downloaded this recently (not from spacedock, thank you very much) and I really like flavor it adds. Pretty much, I like everything about it. It could use a little more documentation, as to the different levels of G whatevers...G(I), G(S), G(L) and what they mean. But the main problem is...it keeps cutting out mid flight for me. The roster registers Bob Kermin as (correctly) loaded, but the inflight/vessel displays show zero crew! What's more, I think, but am not certain, that this could be affecting, or at least connected some how, to Ship Manifest, as during these times, I am unable to use that mod either, which generally only happens when I...have no crew on the ship (even probes don't count for that mod). So what gives? Is Bob Kermin a soulless/lifeless Kerbal (I think he's the only one I've really tested it on) and I'm piloting ghost ships? (I seriously thought he had died on my from the Gee's the first time it happened). Oh, one other thing: going on EVA seems to jog the mod back into working. Sometimes it starts working on its own again too (probably when an internal update triggers or something?). I should also add that I have a lot of other mods installed, and as always, a conflict could be occurring somewhere else along the chain and it just happens to show up here. I'm looking through my log at the moment to see if anything related to keepfit showed up, but so far it looks fine (although it's a mess at the moment). I'm on Linux, x64 bit, by the way. If you, or anyone else for that matter, has any ideas, let me know. Thanks. Cheers. ---edit--- The only thing close to an error relating to keepfit in the 427 references to it in my player.log was: 2/26/2016 6:19:53 PM,KeepFit,Unable to find Style: Tooltip in Skin: KSP window 7
  19. So it turns out Deadly Re-Entry comes included with config files for the KSO shuttle and Super Orbiter 25 that change around the max temperatures. And considering his configs specifically have checks to see whether the shuttle pieces have the Ablator resource, I'm not entirely sure my efforts were necessary (in fact they may have been counter productive). The configs are, appropriately titled "DeadlyReentry-KSO.cfg" and "DeadlyReentry-KSO25.cfg" in the main DRE folder. I'd post them, but I forget what his license is. Welp. ---edit--- I suppose it's still useful for people who don't use DRE.
  20. Hmmm, never mind them. Regarding the solar panels, they more or less work as intended. I say more or less because the big one is as expensive as the smaller one, and they've been exploding on me lately. Namely, on launch, but I suspect that's and issue with FAR not recognizing the fairing they were in (which is weird that they were the only part affected, but whatever) or them exploding on deployment (which might have been a clipping issue), which I worked around by enabling invulnerability/unbreakable joints. They do fold up kind of funny at times (clip inside the cube body). Not sure any of those issues though are problems inherent to the panels though. I was just using them and they worked fine. One tip on transforms for the cube sat is that it matters a lot if you have on "c" (in the editor) which will affect if your panels snap to the inside of the cube or the outside of the cube. That's probably your issue with the solar panels.
  21. So, um, hypothetically, if I were to use the orbit editor to put my ship into orbit from the launch pad...while the launch clamps were still attached, what would happen? Besides make my game crash (which may or may not have happened instantly). What I mean is, does it have a built in "detach clamps" feature or does it take everything with it? Just curious...
  22. Spacedock, and upon closer examination, I had installed the pack incorrectly (I installed the entire thing without separating out the RSS/Regular). Derp. That would explain the reference to Earth... Mystery solved! Thanks.
  23. FYI: Just went to download and clicked the download link in the OP and it points to: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealHeat/releases/download/v2/RealHeat_v2.zip I believe the current version is v3? So it would be: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealHeat/releases/download/v3/RealHeat_v3.zip Cheers. I'm sure it's been asked, and I'll take a second to search after posting (I know, backwards), but how does this play with Deadly Re-Entry? --edit-- starwasher himself has been here; disregard question
  24. I want to download it but there are just so many download options to choose from! (downloading now)
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