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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. The Orion Capsule from the Shadow Works mod, here. Link to OrionPod.cfg or the relevant Reaction Wheel info below: MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorgue = 18 YawTorque = 18 RollTorque = 18 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.4 } I mentioned another mod, CTN's Cube Sat, which also have Reaction Wheels, so it might be a similar situation, but they're tiny probes and AMPYear comes back with numbers of 25 and 40 for drainage. They also have built in data transmitters, as do these pods, so maybe it's like you said, when everything is running at full blast (i.e. data fully transmitting, wheels a'spinnin') then AMP's numbers are accurate. That would make sense, as in those situations, my energy supply definitely can't keep up if I've built for the numbers I found on the launch pad.
  2. So...um, there never was any problem. Except that I might be an idiot. When you said "click on the Crew Hatch" I right clicked it. Turns out, it's left click that brings up the option to EVA. I've always done the EVA through the portrait screen and never knew about the crew hatch option (or, apparently left clicking things), so the lack of IVA/portrait threw me. I'll be walking quickly toward the nearest exit now...
  3. Stopping by to give support for a seriously great mod (I seem to be in all your threads lately, heh) and to drop off another bug report, sorry. This has happened a number of times now with a couple of mods (CTN's Cube Sat mod, and now Shadow Works Capsule), where AMPYear reports wildly inflated consumption values in the editor, but the accurate values when you get to the launch pad. Pictures are resized, but if you open in a new tab (or just take my word for it), you'll see AMPYear saying the capsule Drains 24.999 for a Total Drain of 25.35. Here we have the actual value, on the launch pad, from the capsule: 0.050 drain, for a total of 0.066. Which, come to think of it, for a 6 man capsule, is seriously low. Dang. I don't know if there is some weird way these two mods are reporting power usage or what, but I thought you'd want to know. Either way, the work around is easy enough, it just makes things a little difficult in the VAB (not sure how things are in the SPH, probably the same). As mentioned previously, I have lots of other mods installed, so a conflict is definitely possible. Only other one that I can think of that similar functionality, maybe, is Ship Manifest? There is also a MegaJoule Manager (which you can see the icon of in the 2nd picture next to the AMPYear icon); not sure where that's from honestly, but it just measures power output versus theoretical supply and seems harmless, but maybe not. I'll be glad to provide my player.log if you're curious and you think it'll help (I didn't see anything relevant to AMP Year on a cursory examination). This isn't particularly a support request, just a bug report. Cheers. (linux x64 bit, etc etc)
  4. well I'm officially your first download on spacedock. today, I was a good day. oh, and keep up the good work as per usual
  5. I really like this mod, in fact I never use the retched stock contract window. Two questions: - How do I delete a Mission from the mission list? Not a contract from the mission list, but a Mission. I'm assuming there is a config file somewhere that I could edit it directly, but if it could be done in game, that'd be swell. - This might be a bug in KSP itself as I've seen a few mods run into it, but resizing this window in certain scenes causes significantly noticeable performance decreases. IIRC, resizing in the editor is kind of bad, in flight is very bad, at KSC is fine. But like I said, I've seen other mods run into this one, like blizzy's toolbar. I guess this one wasn't a very good question? I'll end it with question marks? Any idea what might be causing it? (It's not game breaking, just somewhat annoying is all). Linux x64 bit, lots of mods installed so it could be me. Cheers.
  6. Hey there, not entirely sure if this is the right spot for this report, or if I should post it in TACLS's thread, since I'm using you're modified version from the first page. I suspect the problem is within TACLS, and thus outside of the realm of your responsibility (if so, say so, it's all good), since I've had this issue for a few versions of Deep Freeze now (which leads me to suspect the problem originates with TACLS). Page after page of this in my player.log: (Filename: Line: 4294967295) -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFA5582A][12434.49]: Error attempting to check DeepFreeze for FrozenKerbals (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) -INFO- Tac.LifeSupportController[FFA5582A][12434.49]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) MissingFieldException: Field '.TemperatureGagueSystem.showGagues' not found. You'll note at the end that "gauge" is spelled "Gague" at the end, which I suspect is the issue (but I really have no idea). I thought it was that I had temperature gauges disabled in game, but I turned them back on, and it didn't change a thing. Also, obviously, his mod is also trying to talk to your mod, so maybe you know more about this too. My question is: is the typo in the modified version that I got from you or in the original version? Basically, my player.log is 6.5 million lines long and over 300 mb in size, heh. Granted, I do have a hundred other mods installed (including all of your other ones by the way, big fan) and even more null refs, errors and exceptions, but this is the number one re-occurring error, and if I could knock it out, that'd be swell. You manage a lot of mods and I know you're busy, so again, if this is his issue, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll hustle over to his thread (which, unfortunately seems a bit lonely). Thanks either way, Cheers. (oh, and I'm on Linux x64bit)
  7. Well, I switched out the old .dll for the new beta one, went and used HyperEdit to get into orbit and land back on KSC Runway/Launch Pad about half a dozen or so times (made sure to jiggle around a lot during landing, just in case!). Probably an insufficient sample size, but...I loaded my log up in sublime text and searched for "HyperEdit.Model.LanderAttachment" (the original nullref) and it came back with zero search results. If I knew the syntax for searching for multiple words together (e.g. "HyperEdit, nullref") then I'd be 100% sure, but I'm not too worried. I'd say that did that trick. I can upload the log for you if you want to double check, but it's a real nightmare (100+ mods and even more null refs, errors and exceptions; sublime text chugged to search through all 6.5 million lines of it and...it's apparently over 300mb big, when it's supposed be 60mb iirc...suspicious... oh well, that's for me to worry about not you). Well, I'd say that's case closed. Looks like I have some work to do. Cheers!
  8. Kind of quiet in here, but I just wanted to say I just discovered this mod and I really like it; kudos. Question though: the Merge feature in the Trip Info. Is it working as intended or...? I tried plotting an initial circularization burn followed by a 90 degree inclination burn and merging the two and the results were not as expected. Numbers below: Node1: 8.6m/s (circularization) Node2: 438.69 m/s (inclination) Total: 447.29m/s Merged: 9.06m/s I executed the maneuver anyway and I don't really know what it did. I was supposed to end up at a 250km polar orbit and I ended up at a 250km Ap with a negative Pe. It's something I guess? I suspect I might be misunderstanding the usage of the entire thing. Either way, the entire mod is excellent. Cheers.
  9. So I was about to make a big post about how I don't have the arrows at the top of the Node Splitter window, when I noticed I didn't have the latest version, and realize that was a feature specific to the latest version. I was even going to include pretty pictures too. Downloaded the latest version to play with later. Also, thanks for turning me on to PreciseNode - didn't know about that mod before. Cheers.
  10. Correct. I have a number of mods that could be causing interference here (chiefly CLS and Ship Manifest, but a few others hook into the EVA feature as well). I did a look through my player.log for all references to the capsule (specifically references to "Almach_Crew_A"), but they were all benign, best I can tell, but I was really only looking for big angry text. I also compared its config to the Mk1 pod, to see if anything jumped out at me, which it didn't, but again, I don't really know my way around these things. As mentioned previously, I have more than a hundred mods installed and with even more null refs, errors and exceptions, (none of which are attributable to you, don't worry!), so discerning the root cause of these kind of things can be more trouble than its worth, especially on such a minor issue. I also did a clean install of the mod, to no discernible effect. Regarding the picture, you'll note the mod Part Commander in the foreground showing you all the available actions I can take with the pod. There should be an EVA action (added from another mod). Likewise, I also have the ability to hotkey "Go On EVA" which has no effect when in the pod, nor does Science Alert's "Go On EVA" popup. I double checked to make sure CLS and Ship Manifest were working correctly, and every other cockpit/pod works fine. I can't help but think it's tied to the lack of IVA? I have Raster Prop Monitor, if that matters at all, maybe a conflict? I'm grasping at straws here. Anyway, if you have any ideas, please let me know. If not, that's cool too, you've been more than helpful enough. Cheers.
  11. Will do. I take it I should then just use the "land here" function as normal, or is there something more you'd like me to try?
  12. very nice, thank you. Still surprised I haven't heard about this mod earlier; looking at the forum thread, there seems to be a slight jump in the time stream, heh. Glad to see it continued.
  13. No IVA? Welp, that explains that mystery. I get the option to transfer crew just fine (and I'm assuming it works just fine too, haven't tested it), but I'm using it as a stand alone capsule and I'm trying to do an EVA report (which is now unlocked) but the only two ways I can currently get my guy out of the capsule are either through a docking port (untested) or through recovering it on Kerbin. I mean, it's fine if we just want to call it a 'safety feature' and call it a day, I just want to make sure something more isn't at work here. I'll do a fresh install of the mod and see if that works. Much obliged, either way.
  14. Enjoying this mod a lot. Pro tip #1: There is a scroll bar at the bottom that goes from left to right! I kept wondering where my Free Icecream was (and the rest of the advisors)! I am not a clever man. Pro tip #2: You can enable multiple policies from the same advisor. Only things I can think of off hand; keep up the good work.
  15. Ah, so my numbers are more in line with reality then. Still, considering what I would probably normally get, what I was flying, and the mods I had installed... And yeah, I know the total burn doesn't include circularization burn, which in the above example was only like 17 m/s iirc. And thanks for the link. I know they talked about #2 in this thread already a few pages back and I'm pretty sure he added a check because to prevent that from happening (or maybe he never got around to it). Either way, it's been brought up before.
  16. ... You know, when I posted, I think you might have been right, I didn't have it unlocked. However, I just tested it again now, and it still doesn't work. Also, that doesn't explain the lack of an IVA or Kerbal Portrait. I checked the OP and there doesn't seem to be any dependency I'm missing (or any dependencies at all?). I looked again through the log and every mention of the capsule is benign, best I can tell. I suppose I can try a reinstall of the mod and see if that works (maybe a RASTER Prop conflict?), no idea really. Not the end of the world, I'm just fond of the little capsule. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  17. 2500m/s you say, I have work to do! The wiki states that it takes, under optimal situations, 4450–4700 m/s delta V to get into LKO. This mod just got my 3 seater tourist 'bus' (consisting of three Mk1 capsules bolted together) to a 80km LKO for 3,300 delta V (assuming I'm reading the 'total burn' right, and that number includes the follow up MJ circularization burn). Either way, in the editor, KER said the best I could hope for was 3,900 vacuum, so yeah.... This was with FAR and Deadly Re-Entry both installed. I'm kind of impressed. Just a bit. And thanks for the explanation. I'm getting the vague outline of an understanding, but all I know is that it works, and at the moment that's enough for me. Oh, and I had a fairing in an earlier ascent, but that kind of got melted (~70% critical, on normal). Cheers.
  18. Balloons, from Kerballoons. The mod is in development at the moment, but it works well enough; adds a few balloons to the 'start' node, engineering 101, and I forget the rest. Some more feedback: take a look at the Parachute node: the K&K Planetary recycling building parts show up there for some reason (water splitter elektron, water purifier, etc.) Also, it seems odd that a lot of times I would unlock the more advanced piece of tech before the basic tech, like the most advanced piece of kOS hardware before the other two. Yeah, Linux x64 bit. A list of mods, heh, okay, here goes. Just the major ones that add parts, copied from the folder structure: Atomic Age B9 / B9 HX CactEye Contrares CryoEngines/CryoTanks CTN's Cube Sat & CRS Capsule DMagic Orbital Science Extraplanetary Launchpads FASA Firespitter Fuel Tanks Plus Heat Control Heat Management HGA's Proton Infernal Robotics KAS KAX Kerbal Atomics Kerballoons KerbodynePlus KIS kOS KW Rocketry LETech Lack Luster Labs Mod Rocket Systems Nazari's VTS Packs Near Future Technologies (Construction, Electrical, Props, Propulsion, Solar, Spacecraft) Planetary Base Inc Real Chute Remote Tech REPOSoftTech's AmpYear & Deep Freeze RS Capsuledyne SCANSat Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module Shadow Works Solaris Hypernautics SpaceY Lifters Station Parts Expansion SXMk2 SXT Tantares / TantaresLV Thunder Aerospace LS Universal Storage KSP Interstellar Extended Wild Blue Industries Buffalo/DSEV/Pathfinder OSE Workshop USI ART/Exp PACK/FTT/FX/Karbonite/Karbonite+/Karibou/Kolonization/Kontainers/Orion/ReactorPack/SoundingRockets/SrvPack/SubPack/UKS/WarpDrive I spend half my time in the editor trying to organize the parts with the Filter Extension mod. One of these days I'll actually launch a rocket! Keep up the good work.
  19. This mod has quickly become a favorite, very nicely done. Only had one issue so far, and that's when I was re-reimbursed to the tune of 9 million kredits after a mission went bad (it was a cheapo ship too). I have VOID, which has a transaction log, which I checked and it was filled with page after page of 'VesselRecovery' entries all occurring at the exact same time for like $7,000 each, or some low amount. Was a definite one off event though, as I've used it a lot before and since, with no other issues. Could be something else was interacting with the mod, since I have a lot of other mods installed and conflicts are frequent. Sadly, this was a while ago, and that save game has be scrapped, otherwise I could provide more info. Anyway, just stopping by to pickup the latest version. Definitely a fan. Cheers.
  20. been playing with this a little bit, very slick. I hacked together a mm config for TACLS support for the mulch/supplies crates, which seems to be working (literally my first mm config ever, go me). I like the inclusion of the little generators as well. Very nice.
  21. Been playing with this for a little bit now, and a couple of point: - First, as someone who is rather new to KSP and doesn't really know which way is up or down, thank you for including basic explanations next to each number, big help, and a first I've seen in almost any mod. - Second, I preface this by saying I know nothing about efficient ascent curves, but it seems I stay in the atmosphere too long. I'll be honest, I don't get the math behind it, but what I do understand is that the air friction from such sustain periods in the atmosphere causes my newbie solar panels (and attached parts, namely my Mk1 capsule) to reach 50-70% critical temperatures, according to KER and glow red hot. Granted, I do have both FAR and Deadly Reentry installed, neither of which you have stated are supported, so, I'll attribute it to that. Likewise, I was always under the impression it was best to escape the atmosphere as soon as possible, but I get the impression from this thread your mod is designed (and gravity turns in general) to let Kerbin's rotation and gravity do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. And also to minimize air drag, which I noticed from the readouts seems to stay near or at a constant zero. - Third, this mod can stretch a tank of gas. Like, a lot. - Fourth, not to mention the competition, but maybe something that tells you what the mod is doing every step of the way? At some points it just seems to be sitting there tooting my engine and I wonder if its hung up or coasting. Also, maybe a limited Time Acceleration to edge of atmosphere, because some of these shallow ascents take a while to get there. Up till now I've been using Mech Jeb's Ascent Tool, but I'm always will to try new mods. Especially since your's has time to ApA...not that I know what that means (I think it's the rate/shallowness of your ascent profile?), but it's something new to play around with while I try not to blow up. Anyway, enjoying the mod; does what it says on the tin, main issues so far are user error Cheers.
  22. Greetings! I come to you with dire tidings - it would seem the hatch on my A541A Ballistic Capsule is stuck in the closed position, and there is no IVA portrait. Working as intended? She still flies true and is keeping Bob safe and sound in orbit, it's just...I wouldn't mind doing a my first EVA, yeah know? I also could have sworn I've used the hatch in previous play throughs... Looking through the log, nothing specific to Tantares/LV jumped out at me, but I have a lot of mods installed (and a lot of other null refs and exceptions as well), so it could just be that. If this is the first you've heard of it, then it's probably an issue on my end. Otherwise, love the mod, especially all the communication devices (but why so many docking ports ). Really love what you've managed to do with the color grey. Cheers. Oh, Linux, x64 bit and such.
  23. So I just downloaded this and started playing with it (an hour in a new game at most) and I have maybe 30 science points invested in the tree. I have to say, coming from CTT, this tree feels fresh, and after a cursory examination, seems very well laid out, on a macro level (although there are two free floating nodes on the bottom that you can unlock from the start, they are Cryogenic Freezing from Deep Freeze and USI Nuclear Recycling or something, which seems a bit advanced when I can't even field a probe yet). Aside from that though, well done, seriously. (Oh, as a general aside, I should add that I have well over a hundred mods installed, so there are bound to be some holes in the tech tree, understandable, just wanted to point out some trends). Some issues, however, on the micro level, within the nodes themselves. With those 30 points I grabbed, I don't remember exactly, maybe General Construction, Landing, Rocket Stuff Something Something, Electrics, Stability, Survivability, etc. Whatever, all the the cheap as chips stuff. I had 5 points left over after taking biplane. The good: capsules, probes, tech, and rocket engines (for the most parts), stock and modded seemed spot on. My first test flight was actually a hot air-balloon, in a ballistic capsule with a hatch that didn't open! Felt very early-space race to me, very authentic; Jeb approved. The not as good: heat shields; decouplers, airplane engines. I never took airplane tech, aside from biplane (a 3 point tech node), yet I had at least a dozen propeller engines, including the monster $5000 three bladed stacked 'Bear' propeller engine, which is normally a later tech engine, unlocked at the same time as the $100 tiny propeller engine. I forget which mod these are from, but they're not from Firespitter, I know that. Heatshields: I had half a dozen modded heat shields, didn't unlock any stock ones yet. Decouplers: I had a couple of 2.5m modded decouplers, nothing stock unlocked. Anyway, just my first impression. Overall, I'm impressed with the layout and looking forward to this play through. And no, I don't expect you to account for every mod in existence, obviously, I only mentioned the above since it jumped out at me. Just wanted to make sure a category/module flag didn't get missed or something. Cheers.
  24. Hot damn! So I tried my MM config idea first, because I figured it was "safest." Didn't work. I was about to make the lab play a game of "Kiss the Mun" when I figured I would try your idea after all, since if it didn't work, you might want to know that too. Well, it worked. And the Odyssey Airlock works now too. Thanks again, again.
  25. This mod definitely appeals to me, as I have all three mods installed, and have found myself overwhelmed by using some of the more complex ones (to the point of not using them entirely). Even reading through this thread made me realize how much I need something like this. Regarding your last post: so like break it out into three different folders for separate installs? Honestly, I feel like that might be more work for you than would be necessary or more confusing for people. But running with your idea, would the 'Core Package' basically be your own version of what we already get in the three separate mods? If so, it feels like reinventing the wheel, but if you have a strong stylistic direction you want to take it in...eh, why not. Personally, the 'Integration Package' sounds more my speed, since I'd rather not replace anything outright from the mods, just, you know, get them talking a little better. Either way, whatever direction you take it in, you've piqued my interest. Cheers.
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