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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. the alt-click on a hatch to eva a kerb from any pod to that hatch doens't seem to work anymore.
  2. I wish there was a mod that would add a blizzy toolbar button to toggle the stock autostrut visualization.
  3. I dont understand why the stock gui is tied into the PAW. It works fine, but it needs to be split out into its own popup or something. And why is there no collapse header on part inventory space, which you can collapse the inventory space for the crew...
  4. I haven't actually played with it yet, but looking at the configs that come bundled you can harvest.... SPOILERS It looks pretty easy to configure, so I'm sure planet packs will start adding support in the future.
  5. There is no setting called terrain quality specifically. There is a Terrain Detail, which with parallax installed it just says "New Text" and if you change it, when you reload the settings menu it is reset back to "New Text" Is this a known bug? I looked on github for an issue and could not find anything.
  6. I finally make a robotic arm with the stock robotics that isn't completely trash. And a 5m starship with tweakscale parts.
  7. Keep in mind the statement you quoted was from before 1.11 dropped. I believe his intention is to rework KIS to build on the new stock system. The only real thing I miss from KIS is the ability to attach a part to the surface of a planet, but honestly that has such a niche use now that the parking brake mod generally can keep any base I have from kraken attacks.
  8. It is not, KAS is about attaching two vessels together using a winch, tow bar, etc... KIS add inventory and allows you to build with items from inventory.
  9. i want some better landing legs in 1.12
  10. if you are playing on 1.10.1 then you need the version KopernicusBE_1101_Release57.zip from here. https://github.com/R-T-B/kopernicus/releases
  11. When using tweakscale on a crew pod the planner reflects the added space, but the PAW does not. Is this a Kerbalism issue or a tweakscale issue?
  12. you want KopernicusBE_111_Release56.zip from here https://github.com/R-T-B/Kopernicus/releases/tag/UBE-release-56
  13. attempting to build a skylon in stock parts.
  14. I am having an issue where if I open the PAW of a command pod in the editor then the game lags badly and none of the options are clickable, working on tracking it down now. Anyone seen this before? Removing Kerbalism stops the issue. EDIT: So, I pulled out all the career mode mods. KCT, StageRecovery, ScrapYard, Bureaucracy, CC, ContractPacks, CrewR&R, Stratega. And the problem went away, so there must be something conflicting there, no log errors showed up tho. None of it is updated to 1.11, so I think a career mode playthrough may just have to wait a while.
  15. The new stock construction replicates a lot of what you can do with KIS, but I dont see why anything would change with KAS, its is just parts that allow you to connect multiple craft together. Something completely different from what the new stock construction does.
  16. I forgot about that one, I checked it out again and it is pretty nice. Some engines and some ballast tanks, but man that mod is huge. I'm doing my best to have minimum mods so the performance stays decent. The modified prop blades are just too jank to be reliable which makes me sad. Might explain why the official bug tracker issue is still open after over a year. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23271
  17. B opens the body info, the numpad 0-4 toggles belts directly.
  18. I believe this has a new bug, when launching a craft the cabin lights no longer get set on automatically.
  19. KAS would remain unaffected I would imagine, and its pretty easy to make all the KAS parts inventory parts in the stock system.
  20. It works on duna for me, what other mods do you have installed?
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