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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. @RoverDudeI figured it out. If you stage the engine with the spacebar, it works. If you click "activate engine" on the PAW it does not work.
  2. I have tried that thinking that maybe I got a partly corrupted download the first time. And I also downloaded it a 3rd time when making the video.
  3. Thanks for the help anyhow. It is a boring ass video, but here, I recorded doing a clean install and showing that it does not work. Maybe something is missing from the constellation download? And here are the log files from the recording https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dv04AEzai0jRfc68hZiLwfx1_E5u0Gg0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xq4xtMs-MiZtrFaN3SFZf2XoIZPyxCdK/view?usp=sharing
  4. I saw something strange the other day that I haven't tested further yet. Take your rover that is mutated, EVA someone (assuming it was manned), use the cheat menu to warp to another body so the rover gets unloaded, then warp back to where you were to reload it. I suspect it may de-mutate.
  5. As it should be, but I didn't know if OP had any plans for that in the future or if it was just going to be Kerbin weather.
  6. my rovers don't explode, but do get mangled when trying to use this on 1.11
  7. Dynamic Battery Storage is Nertea's mod for this. He includes a list of all the modules that it supports, but I'm not familiar enough with the inner workings of MKS to know what all modules it uses.
  8. I think both mods are still "supported" so you can use them but he has hinted at making his own version of vessel construction within MKS.
  9. we need to be able to re-root a craft in-flight just like in the editor.
  10. is there an electricity planner that works with MKS, so I can look at all the power input/output on a base before I start deploying it?
  11. there is an option in the stock game to enable kerbal xp in sandbox.
  12. Kerbalism is getting a major redesign for 4.0, so no idea how everything will land when the dust settles. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/commit/41e40ff83050236c029c51f19528ac894f531947
  13. This is what I did, I did not use anything from my regular modded install and did not launch CKAN after the fresh download from steam.
  14. I deleted KSP, reinstalled via steam, launched the game to the main menu, quit out. copied over everything in the constellation beta folder, restarted the game, changed the resolution to be 1080p fullscreen, started a new sandbox game, made the vessel in the video, used cheat menu to put it in orbit. Does ksp save/load any settings outside of the main directory that could be mucking things up?
  15. I have not tried it, but I can reliably wreck my base by using the cheat menu to move a vessel near the base.
  16. I just noticed that the github release includes module manager watchdog, but CKAN does not.
  17. this is what my config cache looks like for the orion engine. ok so I copied my game to a new folder and removed everything but the constellation. Same result... The plot thickens... So, I have installed firespitter via CKAN because I don't like all the parts that come with the one bundled, so let me swap that over. Fuduzhamuca, still not working.... so must be a problem with my core game, something corrupted or something.... Hmm, back to steam for a brand new clean copy. Ok, so I brand new clean copy of 1.11, I launch it once and quit. I install the USI constellation, go slap together an craft with the orion. Still not working. I dont know what else to do at this point. Logs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WTYvOciVQHCSVyXkbedg3Fl9IYH6BQlX/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s_uAnIrP5DwI_x7wyAbSb9cvPsQIKOc8/view?usp=sharing
  18. yes, so you can do things like having a big airship with a landing strip on it. Because the game will normally remove vessels that are in flight that are below a certain altitude if they get unloaded because you either got too far away or went to the tracking station, etc... I've missed having this mod.
  19. I have not had those problems. Pic of rover?
  20. Yeah, i must be missing something cause it doens't work for me. I am using the constellation beta you released, but I also tried it a week ago from CKAN and had the same results.
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