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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. I remember an old mod that would prevent engines from twitching around on their gimbals while they were not actually burning, can't find it again. Anyone point me in the right direction?
  2. // ============================================================ // *** kOS @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:NEEDS[KOS] { MODULE { name = kOSProcessor } } @PART[CherryLight|kOSMachineRad|kOSMachine1m|kOSMachine0m|KR-2042|KAL9000]:NEEDS[KOS] { @TechRequired = unresearchable } Sorry, my post was angry. I think this is not the best way to handle kOS. I need multiple processors on craft and adding one to every command pod is not a good neutral solution for all player.s
  3. this causes kOS to have duplicate processors on a single part, it needs a check in the patch so it only applies the KOSProcessor module to parts that do not already have the module.
  4. Yeah i know, does not answer my question. I was copying the numbers from the pdf to a spreadsheet, but it is a mess, so i thought one of the devs may already have them in a spreadsheet they may be willing to share.
  5. Is there a spreadsheet that contains all the CelestialBodies info?
  6. I have really been wanting to play some more KSP and I want to go back into JNSQ, so I am setting up a modded install on 1.9.1. In general terms, are mods with updates for 1.10 backward compatible? Some mod authors list a range of versions their mods work with, while others seem to only list the version the mod was released under. I know there was some changes to fairings in 1.10, so I assume something like Restock, I should stick with the 1.9.1 version. Looking at my list, I see quite a few mods that have new updates that are not flagged as backward compatible in CKAN. Anyone have any recommendations on any of these? B9 Part Switch Better Burn Time Bon Voyage Commnet Connestellation Distant Object Enhancement Dock Rotate Final Frontier Mechjeb 2 Mk2 Expansion Mk3 Expansion Parking Brake Rational Resources Scatterer Stockish Project Orion Tetrix Tech Tree
  7. Another quick question. Its amazing that the mod supports Kerbal Konstructs for different launch sites. But when you use KK what function does this serve?
  8. Will NFA cause issues on older versions? I'm playing on 1.9.1 and its listed as 1.10 only on CKAN?
  9. Apologies if this has been asked before. I did some searching but had no luck. When applying upgrade points in the research area there are two options. The bottom one is #/day and that controls how fast you research a new unlock from the tech tree. What does the other one do? It is #/build points. So is that giving you science points from building craft, or is it also applying to researching new tech?
  10. Lets take an example. We are at the Mun with an Pe of 20km. We know the cutoff between low/high space is at 60km. What does my Ap need to be so that the vessel spends about the same amount of time both above and below the 60km border during a single orbit?
  11. Is there a way to turn off the little fast forward arrows on maneuver nodes? They initiate a max speed time warp which makes kerbalism freak out so I never use them, would love if they were not there. Seems kind of outside the scope of the mod to my anyhow.
  12. does this mod add the little fast forward arrows next to stuff like maneuver nodes? Is there a way to disable that feature?
  13. more testing on my kerbpollo rocket and working on my controller project.
  14. If that is the case, then why is such a big deal made about Starship being able to hit some specific tank pressure?
  15. The wiki should perhaps have a section on contract packs and which ones are recommended to use with Kerbalism.
  16. With all the different part switch modules, how come there is no mod for changing the tank pressure on a given part? I imagine something like where you can double the fuel inside a part and triple its dry mass weight, etc... whatever the balance should be I'm not the expert. Currently I end up just clipping tanks together to get the performance I am after inside the form factor that looks right. Fewer parts for a small mass penalty would be good with me.
  17. finished my first button strip for my mfd controllers.
  18. I have been looking for a while for any great space themed music albums, I think the winner is this for a variety of reasons. Anyone have any challengers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeking_Major_Tom https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ka5zCM_uBDE04ofIifQn5cDbEt2AG5dPw https://music.amazon.com/albums/B005M695TE
  19. You also have to consider that CLS is essentially just putting restrictions on how you can build your rocket, requiring crew parts to be connected to crew parts. I stopped using it long ago because I am going to do that anyhow and less mods means less bugs.
  20. Restock is amazing. yes, but you also need a font that supports it. I am using Unifont for my terminals.
  21. we did not make it to the mun today.
  22. I redesigned my mfd button controller one more time, did half the soldering on the aviation connectors, broke my soldering iron, and did some more programming on the kos side.
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