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Everything posted by OrbitalBuzzsaw

  1. Yeah, well that's Steam KSP... mess for you. The Steam KSP forum is for those who only play KSP once in a while. This forum is the real community
  2. Yes, yes it is. What? That doesn't even make any sense! Yeah, them and the FAR people. I've seen FAR users who can't seem to even understand the concept of using stock aero. Except that it is a problem. It's not artificial sorting, it's just pointing out the group of stock elitists that have sorted themselves into said group. Yes, I can't sentences. So sue me. It's still an issue, though.
  3. Yeah, I know (complete SW nut, me), but it still feels a little convenient. At least someone should've survived the Battle of Scarif, like Baise (Mr. Machine Gun Murder Guy for those not waaaaaaaay into this sort of thing) or someone minor. I gotta say I loved the corvette as Star Destroyer RCS bit.
  4. Yeah, I thought it was good. Loved how the Death Star beam looked, but it's a little convenient that everyone dies at the end.
  5. I'm one of those people for who a "stock" game has about 5 mods in it. I see all of these threads, especially in the Spacecraft Exchange, with (STOCK!) in the title, and I think "why?! what's wrong with mods, which make the game better!?" I understand that some people don't want things like hyperdrives or whatever, but most modders at least try to balance their mods to stock standards. We should be aware of all-stock elitism where all-stock players think they're "better" than modded players, even the ones who play with RemoteTech and/or RO and the like. Who thinks this is a problem? Why does it exist? How can we stop it without being rude? Pinging @Van Disaster
  6. In English, please - Not coder, I'm not fluent enough in that to understand.
  7. KER and KAC. Also the Necrobones stuff and RLAContinued, plus BDAc if you're into that sorta thing.
  8. "Liking Ike" "Remembering Ladders" "Thanking Necrobones" "Transferring Hohmann" "Inventing Witty Loading Hints" "Cleaning Transfer Windows" "Pointing Correct End Towards Space" #XKCD All-Time favorite : "Igniting Sun"
  9. 125000m orbits seem to be the best for me, 100x Timewarp and a relatively low orbit for Mr. Oberth as well.
  10. A flight of F-11s with strike payloads and some F-41s for escorts should be alright. Is 5 planes too many?
  11. @Pds314 - Who is my F-41 going up against? I'll submit a second and third entry when I get back to my desk.
  12. When you dream that you are Jeb landing on the Mun. Every single night for a week.
  13. Here's the fighter I constructed for this challenge - The F-41 'Foil'. Supermanuverable, supersonic, super-deadly. DOWNLOAD : https://www.dropbox.com/s/nyp4t3dbgdda8g6/F-41 'Foil'.craft?dl=0 Edit : Oops! I sent you the wrong version! Please enable roll on the horizontal tailplanes. Also, when you fight it, do it with the Junos on, please. Edit 2 : Nevermind, that is the right version
  14. Just switch to PC. It's better than any fixed version will ever be - A keyboard and mouse, man!
  15. What about a stock SpaceY Kiwi (and stock SpaceY in general, for that matter)?
  16. Even though I speak conversant "proper" French, lots of that still made no sense
  17. 1 - Orbiter/lander combo probe 2 - Kerballed mission 3 - Small mining base and space station (if applicable), Comsats 4 - Proper bases etc.
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