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Martian Emigrant

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Everything posted by Martian Emigrant

  1. Hi. Yes. I know and if you look at the Mun landing pic the craft doesn't have a chute. Jeb jumped Gagarin style. And then I killed him. I steered him into the ground wrong. Then I redid the mission with a bona fide chute. Jeb survived but the craft sank in the ocean.....Who knew? There will be practice sessions. I will figure it out. Thanks for the "P". Didn't know that one. I deployed before bailing out. ME
  2. Hey all Kerbalites. I am back. And the first thing I did was a Kerpolo style Mun Mission of course. I forgot everything I ever knew but a few training courses followed by a few failure and it's all coming back. Flew Jeb from Low Kerbin Orbit to the Mun with Xenon. Then flew him back in a great ball of fire. ME
  3. Hi. Sorry if this as been suggested multiple times or if there is a way I am unaware of. Sometime when building a craft you want to add a new custom group but would like to have it sequentially between two other ones. Could we be able to grab a button and put it where we want and the editor would allow the insert and renumbering? Would save us a lot resets and clickings (Is that a word?). Thanks, ME
  4. I have reinstalled 1.6 and am still running test/scared. But it seems to work right now on screen 1 (I dislike that screen as it is smaller), Ran system monitor while playing and my system is not overburdened. 75% of memory, <50% CPU on all 4 cores. The biggest thing is the graphic card me think. If I rotate the camera toward space no lag. If I rotate it to show the Mun below yes lag. Anyway so far no menu offset. And playing offline doesn't seem to be a factor. (I probably called all those windows trying to start the game with that offset). Thanks all. Might see about buying a used graphic card.
  5. Do you also get graphic weirdness on the top of the screen? They seem to be gone with the smaller game on my main screen. But even with the smaller screen the game is now so slow as being unplayable. T'was fine this morning. I played for 3 hours straight with no noticeable lag. The only weird one just before I stopped my playing my Munar Lander exploded coming out of warp....Maybe a bit of the warp core got lodged in the logic core of the software. @steuben suggested a reinstall. I will try that. ME
  6. Hi. No launcher. I tried again and there is a weird graphic and mouse offset. When I aim at he start game button I hit community. Further debugging to be done here. I have moved the game from my second screen to the first. And got out of full screen. Was hard to do.....Clicking while missing. Thanks for answering. ME
  7. Hi. I am running KSP 1.6.0 on Linux Mint 19.1 I have played 1.6 offline a few times without any issues. But now 1.6 stops at the first loader page then select community on it's own and keeps opening multiple instance of my browser (Firefox). Faster that I can kill them. Its crippling my PC and it doesn't want to give up either. So much I can barely close KSP before a crash. What is going on? ME
  8. I once turned Jeb into a deep-sea diver. So he could walk to the other side. ME
  9. Again I have no idea why my original install wouldn't work. I did a clean install then did another on the same drive. (I wanted dual boot so KSP could have is own computer) After the second install the first OS wouldn't boot properly. Gave error messages and hung. The system is now up and running. Single boot this time. The system is pretty much as I like it. Pretty much. KSP 1.6.0 is running fine. I am redoing the training missions to refresh my ageing brain. Thanks for your help guys. I appreciated your pitching in. ME
  10. That is above my knowledge level. Could be a difference in drivers, an install that corrupted a file, a functionality that wasn't used before but was always defective. Don't know. When I used to play I never had shadows (Other players did) I do now. So something is different. 17.1 had a hard time with my dual screens. 19.1 didn't care. Fully native to it. That said my fresh install ended with a corrupted boot. I have to start over and it wont let me format the main drive. Hargggg Computers are our friends. Must surrender to the machines. ME
  11. Hello @space-is-hard My problem is now solved. Or soon will be. I could run version 1.3 but not any newer ones. After loading a newer version of Linux Mint in a partition 1.6 was able to run. I am in the process of reloading my PC with Linux Mint 19.1 When I am done I will re-install KSP 1.6. I expect no trouble this time (Finger crossed). ME
  12. There used to be a mod.......Or a way. Don't quite remember where I got it. Can't find it right now. Didn't quite work for me at the time. Basically it allowed to run two copies of KSP in parallel and share the same files. They could run in parallel on two screens. My potato couldn't handle it at the time. Now with dual cores and more.....Maybe, IDK. Would rather have it native and stock.
  13. Hello all. I am an I-diot. An I apologize. Just installed a new fresh version of Linux Mint in a partition and 1.6 runs. Something is messed up in my OS and I shouldn't have bothered the forum. So I will reinstall my PC from scratch. Somehow 19.1 seemed faster too. Should I delete this or leave it as a warning to others?
  14. Thanks I will. That is about 2 inches higher than my skill level but I will research and do it. I didn't know that. But I thought I might update anyway (To cover a possible OS corruption or something funny about my video card drivers and all that) and I am downloading 19.1 as I write this. Are those .logs in the main folder? Because they aren't there. Note I will get to that link you included. Just too many cats to herd right now. Again 2 inches above my head. Start with the terminal and see? WILCO. I will try that. As I am getting a bit frustrated with this I have backed-up all the files I care for and am downloading the latest version of Linux Mint as I write this (25 mins to go and definitively 64 bits). I will install it on a new partition or on another drive (I have several working drives from defunct PCs). Do no creature comfort adjustments and see if it runs. If it runs then problem solved. If it doesn't.......I don't know. Play solitaire forever I guess. PS I will try those solutions that were just offered to me. ME
  15. Hello again. Ok. If I get you right up to 1.5 there was support for 32 bits. So you suggest that thought my processor is 64 bits I might have a 32 bits OS on top of it? Just googled and "A 64-bit processor can run both 32 and 64-bit operating systems, however, a 32-bit processor can only run a 32-bit operating systems" So I don't think that is the case for my problem. I just checked and the i5 CPU is 64 bits. And as you see Linus (Using System Info) declares itself as the 64 bits version. Edit: If I knew for sure that is the problem then I can and would reinstall my OS but I really would hate to do that as it is set the way I like it. ME
  16. hi. Thanks for the reply. I downloaded from the store. My computer is 64 bits, OS is Linus Mint 17.1 Cinnamon. All the updates are in. Everything works as it should. No issues. Processor Intel Core i5 CPU 750@2.67GHz x4 Memory 3.9 GIB Hard Drive 597.3 GB of which 260 is available. Graphic cards RV730 XT , Radeon HD 4670 In doubt I clicked all for start points. x86 x86_64 Launcher.x86 Launcher.86_64 All do the same. a quick flashing window that shuts down. I have reloaded (From the store) 1.3 and it works no troubles. 1.5 does not. I have not tried 1.4 yet.....Was there a hardware requirement change? In say the video card required? ME
  17. Hi. I am sure this as been mentioned before. Like more than a few other users I use two screens on my PC. It would be so nice to be able to have one screen on the animations and another on the map mode or say the tracking center. Thanks all. I know, I know there is a mod for that. ME
  18. Hi. Returning to KSP after a long hiatus. Just downloaded 1.6.0 unzipped it and it won't start. I get a flashing window and nothing. Tried launching with the launcher and without. 64 bit and not. No difference. Tried reducing my screens resolution. No joy. There is no error log. No cfg file either. Any ideas? ADDENDUM Just downlaoded 1.3 which is the last one I played before taking a break. Runs just fine. Just downloaded 1.6 and same result: A flickering window, no messages and no joy. ********************************************************************************************** EDIT SPOILER FOR ANY NEW READER ********************************************************************************************** My problem is now solved. Don't know why it would run 1.3 and not anything newer. But after trying a newer version of Linux the game worked flawlessly. I now have a clean install of Linux Mint 19.1 and all is well. Thanks ME
  19. You mean like layers? Successive rings around the nav ball? Works for me. ME
  20. I hadn't thought of that. Stabilizing an antenna to transmit toward earth. That in itself is an exercise far beyond just "Fun" and PR. Plus, in my opinion, what about showing a rapidly deteriorating Tesla? Could happen. That would show badly. Or the camera, stabilisation, transmitter or something, anything goes wrong and then people say "Spacex can't do right and they want to send people to Mars". ME
  21. Hey all. I did it again. I am NOT trying to break the game. It just breaks I started a new caveman game and wanted to see if I could get in space on the very first mission. You can. I did. What's with that? You aren't supposed to see the KSC from that high at that stage of the game? Jeb died on that one. The ship crashed a bit over 100m above the square hole. So I tried and succeeded to make a survivable flight and got these. What gives? Is this new? I run 1.3 with only MecJeb. It's not even on the ship. ME
  22. I really broke the game this time. When I went to the tracking station it showed "Debris". "What debris is that?" I said. They are the parachutes. Travelling at something like 10 x C ME
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