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Martian Emigrant

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Everything posted by Martian Emigrant

  1. That would be good too. About the sizes I would like to go custom size to another custom size. Say 60% to 200% and back. ME
  2. Hi to all. I like to play with the nav ball off to the left and about 60% size to save on the screen real-estate. But that makes the ball a bit hard to read when trying for a tight manoeuvre while flying manually. So, as the title says can we have a button to go from one size to another on the fly? Thanks for the read. ME
  3. Hey all. Today I sent the usual suspects to the Mün in a biome-hopper. I stretched the fuel for one more hop. Again. So Bob had to get out and push. Again. ME
  4. Hey all. I was looking trough old screenshots and found this: It was Jeb, bill and a few friends going to the annual interdepartmental baseball game on the island. I will try and recreate that. The watermark says v1.2.2 the aero characteristics probably have changed but we will see. ME
  5. Fail Hey all. Today Jeb took the "Tiny-Bill" an experimental smallcraft for a test flight. He was supposed to do a circuit and come right back to test it's landing characteristics. But Jeb being Jeb he decided to test the landings at the old airport. Jeb ran out of fuel in sight of but not within gliding distance to the runway. Jeb deployed is personal chute to try and save the prototype. The prototype was destroyed and lost in the water-landing. Jeb: I saved the gear! The Tiny-Bill was hard to fly at best. My graphic card was struggling as well. The research dept may or may not pursue this. ME
  6. Hey all. Today (after a short 795 days refuelling) my last crew in need of a fifth star departed Minus-Base for Jool. after entering the Joolian system they realized that they had run out of power and Karson had tho get out and rotate the ship by hand. Scene missing. (forgot to take a few pics. But they did land on Pol and leave the system for Kerbin) On the re-entry the ship behaved well, slightly tail heavy but fuel transfer fixed that. Perfect landing with only a slightly used atomic engine busted. ME
  7. Yes. Something like that. At first I thought the sun was shinning through a gap in a valley. But it wasn't there. It might be the sun shinning though one of those terrain suture errors that happens here and there. Though they are not that common on the equator. I landed there a dozen time as the base was being expanded. Half of those times must have been at night. Never happened before. I don't think it can be reproduced. Not easily anyway. As for taste, I didn't taste it myself but the Kerbals seem to like it. All those tasty colourful regoliths. Gotta eat them all. ME
  8. Hey all. Today I broke the game. I sent an SSTO to Minmus, Here is said SSTO decending to Minus-Base. What the heck is the lighted triangle? There are lights on the base and lights on the ship but....What????? I checked and the sun is completely on the other side. A quick refuel and they will be on their way to Jool. ME
  9. My Valentina is currently stored in assigned to the KISS. ME
  10. Challenge Submission Guide Have you tried this? I would love to see an example. ME
  11. Hey all. Today after the Münning alighting landing of Mün Base Bravo. Dudster(Engineer) Kerbal used the Bravo Rover to push Old Mün Base Alpha (About 110m away). He also folded an antenna, removed a solar panel and adjusted the height of the docking port to assure a good docking. Thanks Dudster Kerbal. ME
  12. Hi. You could mount a rescue mission to each of those ships. You could go and edit the quicksave file and add the jetpacks. Or..... You could cheat. You could build a small ship with all the needed packs in storage, cheat them up to your ships with the f12 menu, then store the packs in the needee ships. You can then position the delivery ship back to Kerbin for retrieval. ME
  13. Hey all. Sampled a comet past Eeloo and left behind a science-Relay-Station. Then sent 3 Kerbal to Minmus Base...In a car. Because why not. The contract was for a 5 Kerbal capacity expansion of the base but I figured a rover can hold 5. ME
  14. On the same subject I once heard Scott Manley say "Pro-bo-do-bo-dyne". Probodobodyne Stayputnik I always thought-read, still do it, "Probodyne". Also when I see CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine I always read "Crappier Engine". ME
  15. Today my fearless crew docked with a class E asteroid on a collision course with Kerbin. Before Grabbing it they had over 3000 m/s (I think. I didn't really paid attention) left. Now they have 135 m/s. To save Kerbin but mostly to fulfill a contract the periapsis was raised to 45 km to aerobrake the asteroid. Success! Now the crew will raise the periapsis again to clear the atmosphere and go home. The B-Team will get going to get that thing to the Mun. There is a contract to fulfill here. ME
  16. We have interstellar comets? Cool! I was hoping for interstellar visitors.
  17. Comet Jedul is at apoapsis it will be a longtime before you can see it with your own Kerbals eyes. ME
  18. Hi. Never worried about ladder-drag. I use them only for worlds where Kerbals can't fly. Not an aesthetic consideration, more of a part reduction thing. ME
  19. Hi. Aw-shucks. I am turning red here. Might be outdated. Me think. I had some outdated ideas too. That was an asteroid class D. I also thought it would just reenter and be fine (I wanted the crew to ride it till terminal velocity then land close/next to) but it heated up and exploded. I used to think that asteroids float. But I recently landed splashed a class A and it sank to the bottom of the ocean. So things have been tweaked a bit. I know nothing about bigger nor comets....Yet. Hi. No mods of any kind. I run a vanilla stock game. That was an asteroid class D. I tend to play with the camera angle pointing "Up" away from planets as my video card can't handle it and the game lags way too much. I tried to get a screenshot as it glowed the most. Here is the same reentry with Kerbin in sight. Not as hot as it was 20km higher. ME
  20. Today my fearless crew rode the tail of a fire breathing dragon down into the atmosphere of Kerbin. Haaw. Asteroids explodes. Who knew? The crew is fine. They staged the tank/engines off then released the ball of fire. Then heatshielded and parachuted the normal way. ME
  21. Hi all. Today. Landed a class A asteroid on Kerbin. Success. ME
  22. As I said it's a bug and then it ain't. Du to the way the game run. I don't really care either way. As long as we all know how to play the contracts I guess. I saw it on the launch pad. I always pull out the contract and look to see if satisfy the requirements before launch. Like , say, forgetting a docking port or an antenna. The part about working isn't correct. There is no engine to use the xenon. It's just a tank. It doesn't do anything for the ship (Or Minmus base extension) if I recall the actual contract), except to be counted. for said contract. When a contract stipulate must have an antenna or must have a docking port. It would be very hard to argue that those can be in storage. ME
  23. Hi all. Forum Gurus please move this to the appropriate place if need be. Thank you. Ok. I am running 1.11.0. Got a contract to build a new base on Minmus. Said base must have 400 units of xenon on board. On the build, where to place the container? It's unsightly, wrong size for streamlining, etc... So I put it in the Storage Unit of the Hitchhiker Storage Container. Does this phrase even mean anything? Well that doesn't count for the contract. The contract only says "On board". Not must be included in the resource tab. I understand why it is what it is. Not important. I and others can live with that. Might call it a feature or something like that. But I thought you guys should know. Thanks for reading this. M E
  24. Question? If you use the air on Duna takeoff and land that is. Then open and close the intake again to they refill with "Air" and at what pressure meaning usable quantity? ME
  25. Hi all. I have to amend what I said wrote earlier. Just experimented (1.11.0) abandoning ships on a collision course with Duna and another on a collision course with the Mün. While in the tracking station and another time in another ship at the moment of impact the ships disappear. When checking at the academy the crews are gone. Not listed as missing. Just deleted. I did not try to see the influence of atmosphere or on debris. ME
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