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Everything posted by Mycroft

  1. Me? Other than KSP?! Wait... You mean there are OTHER games?!?! Wow! That sounds cool! But seriously though, apart from KSP, I've been doing some Portal 2 community test chambers, and a cute little driving game I found out I'm good at called Crash Drive 2.
  2. Well, I will definitely have to post my OPT planes here! Problem is, they're mostly from my 1.1.2 career save, since I've been using 1.1.3 for my big B9 space battleships.
  3. I kinda think that wolf spiders are cute. The first time I told my sister, she almost slapped me . But my view on spiders in general is if they don't bother me, I don't bother them. I don't go out of my way to nurse spiders (I'll do it for birds tho), but I don't go out of my way to kill them either. If my sister asks me to get rid of a spider, I usually just toss it outside. But anyway, enough off topic nonsense. I am really pumped that work is continuing on this mod. The wheels in this mod have always been better than the vanilla ones, IMHO.
  4. Hooo boy! My sister would HATE you with a passion! She cannot stand spiders! Many a time she's been paralyzed with fear from a tiny spider the size of a small marble.
  5. @katateochi, I had a request for a new feature. Could you make it so that we can search for various hangars? I don’t think it is already done. If so, please tell me. Thanks!
  6. I’m sorry, I am no longer participating in the Number War. At least not for this round. Since I’m here, I might as well: -7(-). But as I have said before, I will not be actively checking the Number War. I saw you pinged me. I’m sorry, but I do not feel right about leading the charge to -100 if both sides are going to bicker like this. I will be rooting for the dark side, though!
  7. Okay, so I'm gonna say a couple more things and then I'll shut up. First, I agree with you that both sides should slow down. But you do not seem to realize that the problem I was addressing was when some people performed false reverts, or in some cases, arguably planted a mistake in the thread so that they could justify a revert later after the other side made progress toward their goal. That is not a result of sloppy game play. The bickering I'm talking about is when the revert is challenged, because one side sees how terribly convenient for the other side. That's what's bad, and that's not a result of bad game play. That is the result of becoming emotionally attached to one particular side. Since it's kinda impossible to prove it one way or the other, I'm saying we should not bicker over that. Okay, I'll finally shut up.
  8. And what rules did he break, exactly? Tell me, because I just finished looking at the OP, and it doesn't break any rules (unless it's the one about the editing, which hasn't been enforced anyway). It uses only BD Armory, is well within the part limit, and is honestly quite good. If you mean the manufacturer, there is no reason why @HatBat cannot attribute it to whichever company he deems best. Those rules are only if you don't want it to be attributed directly to HKA or GMI. Come on, peeps. Just be nice and acknowledge a good fighter when you see one.
  9. I'm sorry, but I just cannot agree to that statement. Bickering over petty rule violations does nothing but offend people, but most seem to view it as a necessary evil for keeping the game on track. I could not disagree more. People are perfectly capable of holding civil, polite conversations over rules. No one needs to get flustered, but so many, myself included, get overly emotionally invested in our particular side, especially if things seem awfully convenient for the opposing side. This results in heated, unnecessary debates. Really? My side? This is the precise embodiment of the cause of the problem I mentioned above. You do realize that you just (intentionally or unintentionally) blamed the negative side for most of the mistakes, right? Both sides should slow down, and I personally try not to post in a skirmish. But I am not any more in control of the players I fought beside than you are of the wind and sun. People will post at whatever speed they want, and it is unwise to attempt to control it. I have noticed, as I've been on this thread, that skirmishes like that have been happening less and less. So be happy. People are slowing down. Besides, while speed does cause mistakes, it only causes minor ones that do not require reverts, since the rules say that in the event of several posts a minute, the last one wins. But slowing down will not fix the problems. The ones that require reverts are when somebody forgets to turn to the last page, posts a wildly inaccurate number, and the thread continues from that post, as if it was valid. But you should see that even those are usually taken care of quickly. The problem does not lie in the mistakes that we make. No, we deal with them quickly. The real problem is the fact that people from both sides get tremendously emotionally invested in their particular side, leading to them either seeing the other side as playing dirty, and attempting to 'expose' them, to get popular opinion on their side, whether or not they are actually playing dirty, or trying to fudge the rules a bit and see how they can find a way to revert even the tiniest error, all the while making themselves (and by extension, their side) look like they really just want to follow the rules, and the other side look like rule breakers in a desperate attempt to undo the other team's work in any way possible. Both are the real problem with this thread. Both result directly from excessive emotional investment. Both can be fixed only by the people who are overly invested. That is why I am leaving. I was too emotionally invested in the negative side. I am no longer. I will rejoin if both sides become less emotionally invested in winning or making the other side look bad. Thank you for your time and your hard work to make this game more fun for everyone.
  10. And rockets! And the Space Center! Aaaannnd just about everything else.... He's just great at breaking things...
  11. Actually, the highest RCS power in the mod is in the Avatar Shuttle Cockpit. If you have literally just the cockpit sitting on the runway, the built in RCS system actually has enough power to lift the cockpit off the ground and fly it for a couple kilometers. What this could be made into, with the addition of a decoupler sharing the same cross section as the cockpit, you could perhaps use them as little landers or escape pods. THAT would be AWESOME. But I digress. What I originally intended to say was that that's the cockpit I'd recommend for a large spaceplane.
  12. So I was experimenting with Procedural Wings, and having a really frustrating time of it (can I just say that the procedural control surfaces suck majorly) and I wanted to finish off a bomber I had set aside against the day I got around to downloading P-wings or some similar mod. Anyway, I was very frustrated with the awful way the control surfaces behaved, and thought: "You know? Screw this! I'll just drop the bombs and be done! At least I get explosions out of it." So I started dropping the bombs. But I was going way too fast, so they hit a rack of bombs I had on the back of the cargo bay. What followed made the Big Bang look small by comparison. Jeb would have loved it. But then the explosions didn't stop. They just got bigger and bigger. KSP turned my bomber into a flying, constant explosion. BEST. GLITCH. EVAR!! Who needs more boosters when you can have MOAR EXPLOSIONS!!! After a while, this trail of... explosions... started to look like something that would put Destruction FX to shame. That is possibly one of my favorite KSP pictures ever.
  13. What about fuel mods that let you fill an orange tank with Monopropellant? Are they allowed? I think they should be IMHO.
  14. I am sad to announce that I will be keeping my participation in the next round to an absolute minimum, if at all. The reason for this is that, as I see it, this thread has wandered too far from the intended spirit of the OP. On this thread, we now spend so much time bickering over the rules, and not enough time having fun. So many people are seeking ways to use the complex rules of the game to their advantage and their opponents' disadvantage and certain people who shall not be named even used old, already corrected mistakes from several pages ago to try to completely undo the hard work done by their opponents, in a desperate attempt to save a losing game. These behaviors make the game far less fun for me, and lately, I haven't actually been having any fun. I just wanted to be done with this last round. Now that it's over, I think it is the perfect time for me to leave. Hence, this post. I hope that things go better in the future, and I will return if that is the case. Right now though, I have actually been hearing several people in and out of the game say that they haven't seen this game this messed up in a long time. Frankly, I agree. I have been watching this thread and others a lot longer than I have actually had an account on the forums, and I joined this thread after I created my account because I thought it was incredibly fun. The last few rounds, though, have felt extremely hollow and dirty. I therefore believe I need a good long break. I may pop in now and then to see how things are going, but I will not be playing a major role. I would like to thank everyone on the negative side for all the help in the win. I would also like to thank those on the positive side. I'm happy that I was able to get to know several people like @JoseEduardo, @Wildcat111, and @legoclone09. Thanks to @Dman979, @RainDreamer, and @Deutherius for allowing me to participate. P.S. I'm no longer following this thread, so if you want me to see something, you'll have to ping me.
  15. Finally! I got a number in that wasn't a duplicate!
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