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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. On 3/23/2017 at 0:06 AM, Kosmonaut said:

    @TheEpicSquared I really hope that works out for you

    Thanks. I hope so too. 

    18 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

    I made a logo for the Duna program! 


    And the mission patch version: 


    That is awesome! Thanks! :) 

    @Angel-125, I should have some free time after school today, so I can probably post the logs today. Do you need the KSP.log, or the output log, or both? Thanks :) 

  2. 13 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Is it getting stuck in ksp 1.2.2? If so, post your logs and maybe I can see where it is getting stuck. If you updated Kopernicus recently, that might be why you are seeing a blank screen. I had a similar problem on my career game.

    Yup, 1.2.2. I think I updated kopernicus along with all the other mods, so that might be the cause. At any rate, I'll see if I can post the logs during the weekend. :) 


  3. The weather during the last half-hour (no pictures, sorry):

    17:05 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: Clear skies, sunny, no wind.

    17:05 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: Suddenly cloudy, heavy sleets of rain.

    17:10 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: Sunny again.

    17:15 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: Raining.

    17:25 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: Sunny once again.

    17:30 CET, Helsingborg, Sweden: GODDAMN HAILSTORM.

    Swedish weather, folks. More unpredictable than next Saturday's lottery numbers. 



  4. 3 minutes ago, Rath said:

    I want range to be a viable way of accumulating points too, and I'm afraid that reducing the value of range or putting it into brackets could harm that.  If it is too good I would prefer dividing it by two or something.

    I though dividing by 2 was too much for high-capacity, low-range planes, and multiplying it would give an unfair incentive for high-range planes, so I went in between, resulting in dividing by 1.5.

    Untimately it's up to you of course, it's your challenge :) 

  5. 13 hours ago, Rath said:

    Anybody else have some ideas on how to improve scoring?  Recalculation will be easy because you have to post your base statistics.  Otherwise I think the scoring will change soon.

    I'd say something like:

    MaxSpeed + ( Range / 1.5 ) + ( PassengerCapacity * 3 ) + ( FlightAttendants * 2 ) + ( BonusPoints * 3 )


    Not sure how balanced that is though :) 

  6. @Rath I'd like to suggest a change in the scoring system. Right now it seems to favor the number of passengers (the x5 multiplier) over anything else. This means that if you have the most amount of passengers, you pretty much win regardless of every other statistic.

    I think that more incentive should be given to other statistics, like range and other things that I can't come up with right now.


  7. Alright, some bad news everybody. 

    I was backing up my 1.2.2 install in advance of the 1.2.9 prerelease coming out, so I copied everything to another location, updated all the mods, loaded up the game, and...

    The save won't open.

    The game itself loads normally, all the way through the main screen. Then I click "Resume Saved", as usual, and then the save for this mission report.

    Then, the screen goes to the black loading screen with the word "loading" and the circling planets at the bottom, as usual.

    The problem is that it gets stuck there. I left my computer on for over 6 hours to make sure that it wasn't just slow loading, but no luck. :( 

    I'll try to fix it the next time I can play (probably Friday), but I'm at a loss as to what I can do to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas?


    Oh, and on another note, @The Raging Sandwich, I tried installing Kerbinside on a stock install the way I've been saying, and it worked perfectly. Download Kerbal Konstructs from Ger_space's thread, and then download Kerbinside Complete from the outdated Kerbinside thread. I'm not sure what's going on, maybe you installed it wrong? Anyway, here's a photo of my GameData folder, in case that helps.HHONp32.jpg


  8. I've been working on an entry, haven't finished yet, but this is my score based on preliminary tests. 


    Max speed = 265 m/s

    Max distance = 6,288.189 km (more than circumnavigating Kerbin going east, not sure how much more though)

    Max passengers = 80 (5 Mk3 cabins) (Super-Heavy Aircraft)

    Number of flight attendants = 2 (the two rear seats in the Mk3 cockpit)


    Bonus points:

    • Your plane cannot tailstrike no matter how hard you pull up on takeoff (20 points)
    • Your plane stalls at less than 50 m/s (5 points)
    • Your plane has two engines and can fly on one (20 points)
    • Your plane can belly land with all crew and passengers surviving (20 points)
    • Your plane has airbrakes (10 points)
    • Your plane can ditch in the water with no damage (20 points)
    • Your plane can take off and immediately land back on the runway without turning around, and is heavy size or above (20 points)

    Total bonus points = 115



       265 + ( 6288.189 / 10 ) + ( ( 80 * 5 ) * 1 + ( 2 / 2 ) ) + 115

    1409.8189 points

    But don't put this into the leaderboard yet, as I've yet to finish the plane and I can think of a million ways to improve it.

    Also, I don't have pictures yet. :) 

  9. 9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:


    Interesting bits in here. Apparently the boosters for the FH demo might be USED cores. :o Good way to save a couple bucks but sounds kinda daring, too. Also, booster for SES-10 was refurbished in 4 months. GS says their short-term goal for refurbishment is to cut that down to two months, with less than a day turnaround on a longer timeframe. 

    Interesting read, but I think it would be better to use new cores for the first FH flight. Seems safer :/ 

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