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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:


    The countdown timer is to the launch, not the start of the stream. Which is a sign that it has probably been scrubbed.

    Reddit says scrub, SFN says scrub.

    See you all Thursday!

    Yup, webcast says "Waiting for SpaceX".

    Im going back to sleep

  2. 1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    One thing to say about the ITS launch: YAHOO! WE DID IT, TEAM!


    1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Just JAI. SpaceY was because SpaceX is going to make the real ITS :) 

    Alright, thanks

    1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    I was thinking the EL mod so that we could build crafts on Duna, but if you don't want it, that's OK. 

    Yeah, too many gameplay mechanics going on as it is. Thanks for understanding :) 

    1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Got it. Hopefully the 0.625-meter MOLE is compatible with the Clamp-O-Tron Junior. 

    Pretty sure they are, but if they aren't, I can make an adapter for them no problem. :)

  3. 1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Kerbin is getting way too creepy... Put KAL Kerman (Gender = Male, Career = Pilot, Veteran = false, BadS = true, Courage = 0.7, Stupidity = 0.7) on the Heart of Gold ITS as soon as it's ready! 

    Sure. Won't be for a while though, unfortunately.

    1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Crafts That I Will Send To You: 

    Duna Mobile ISRU Base: Testing Phase 

    Duna Extraplanetary Launchpads Equipment: Design Phase 

    Duna Utility Vehicle: Design Phase 

    Duna Space Station: Design Phase 

    SpaceLab Tug: Testing Phase 

    Awesome! I'll try to launch them when I can, but @Kosmonaut's Hope 3 Duna orbiter/lander combo, and @obney kerman's Minmus CSM will launch first. :) Oh, and are these payloads also collaborations with JAI and SpaceY, or just JAI? I'l list them as just JAI until you reply. And extraplanetary launchpads: will that require the EPL mod? Cause I'd rather not introduce most gameplay mechanics, if you understand. I'll exclude it from the Grand Plan until you clarify. :) 

    1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:

    Add this to the Grand Plan: 

    Since SpaceLab has been abandoned, it is no longer needed in Kerbin orbit. Instead of deorbiting it, JAI's plan is to attach a transfer stage (SpaceLab Tug, specifically) to it and tow it to Duna, where it will be the core of the Duna Space Station. Since it's already a space station, it will be a core with life support, power, and all that jazz. Just one question: How big is the largest docking port on SpaceLab? The tug's docking port will be that size.

    Heh, I'm not really following the Grand Plan, but might as well update it. I'll add that to it, but instead of attaching your transfer stage to the current station, I think I'm going to replicate it, and then weld it together using UbioZur welding to reduce lag. I'll probably use HyperEdit to get it into the same orbit as the current SpaceLab, and I guess the original SpaceLab will just... disappear, I guess?

    Oh, btw, the largest docking port is the 0.625 MOLE docking port. 

    Anyway, enjoy the updated, but not yet complete, Grand Plan. :) 



    Time period of Duna Transfer Window 1

    Payloads heading to Duna

    Duna Polar Orbiter - KSP - (launched)

    DuneComms 1-4 - KSP - (launched)

    Destiny I Duna Lander - KSP - (launched)

    Hope 3 Orbiter/Lander - Kosmos Interplanetary Dynamics - (awaiting launch)

    Opportunity Duna Rover - KSP - (under development)

    Duna Mobile ISRU Base - JAI - (Undergoing testing)

    Duna Utility Vehicle - JAI - (under development)

    Duna Space Station - JAI & KSP - (development partially complete; SpaceLab complete, transfer tug incomplete)

    SpaceLab Tug - JAI - (undergoing testing)

    Any other potential payloads

    Other activities

    SpaceCom-1 - SpaceCom & Squared Space Technologies "SST" - (launched)

    Reusable Space Tourism Vehicle "RSTV" test flight - KSP - (launched)

    RSTV commercial flight 1 "RSTV-CF-1" - KSP - (awaiting launch)

    Alchoujian Base 1 expansion module - KSP - (under development)

    Minmus Geostationary Space Station (MGSS) core module - KSP - (under development)

    Minmus "SpaceGun" test vehicle - KSP - (under development)

    Minmus variant of Albatross CSM - Kerbal Academy of Space Exploration "KASE" - (awaiting launch)

    CubeComms 17-32 - KerbinCom & SST - (awaiting launch)

    MGSS solar trusses 1-2 - KSP - (under development)

    Redesigned Minmus ISRU unit - KSP - (under development)

    ITS test flight 2, land on Gilly - JAI & SpaceY - (awaiting launch)

    RSTV-CF-2 - KSP - (awaiting launch)

    Duna Descent, Landing, Ascent Vehicle "DDLAV" - KSP - (awaiting launch)

    Any other potential payloads





    "K-K-Karsie?" Hardfield uttered in a hoarse whisper.

    "Hello, Hardfield..."

    "No, how? It's impossible! Y-You died in the crash! We autopsied you!" Hardfield stammered.

    "The doctors cut you up! There's not a scratch on you! And then we burned your body, and launched you into orbit!" Caldos said.

    "The Hybridium have their ways..."

    It was only then that Hardfield realized that "Karsie" was talking in a strange voice. 

    "Wait a minute, you're not Karsie..."

    Caldos chimed in, "Yeah, y-y-you talk weird-"

    Hardfield interrupted. "What do you mean, the Hybridium have their ways?"

    "What you do not know, Hardfield, is that Karsie's body was never cremated... a copy of her was."

    "What the kraken is that supposed to mean?"

    "The real body of Karsie Kerman was genetically identified and replicated, to the fingerprint. Then, this copy was synthesized and replaced the real Karsie Kerman. It was the ashes of the replica that you launched, not the real one."

    "By SQUAD... you cloned her..." Hardfield uttered. 

    "Well then what happened to the real body?" Caldos demanded.

    "The real body is safe in our storage facilities... and her DNA allows us to transform into her as we please. 

    Comrades, show yourselves!"

    Suddenly, the air started to shimmer.

    Our of nowhere, three more Karsie's appeared! 

    Hardfield, bewildered, looked around, hoping to see anything other than a bunch of Karsie-faces, but to no avail. He started hyperventilating. He looked around for Caldos, but he was nowhere to be found.

    "Hardfield, stay calm. This must be a lot to take in."

    Hardfield could barely hear the alien voice. He slumped to the floor, his legs no longer able to support him. Then, his vision started to disappear, a blackness slowly clouding his vision until he could no longer see a thing, even though his eyes were very much open.

    "Hardfield, do not black out! Stay conscious! Comrades, sedate him! He is agitated!"

    The last thing Hardfield felt was the faint jab of a needle.


    "Hardfield, wake up. Wake up."

    Hardfield opened his eyes. "Where am I?"

    "You're fine. Let me tell you what happened. You fell unconscious, and now you just woke up here. That's about it."

    "Where's here?"

    Hardfield sat up. He looked around, and saw a shimmer of air. Then, a figure hazily appeared, only to hastily disappear again.

    "Hardfield, we cannot talk now. They are listening. Go back to your work. Do not tell anyone about this. Tell Caldos not to as well. I will get it touch soon. Now go!"

    A flash of light, and then Hardfield was back in his office. It was early morning. He should have been tired, but he wasn't. Because a primitive instinct inside him told him that he must keep going, and keep pushing forward. Otherwise, they would all die, as soon as the gamma ray burst hit Kerbin.

    And the effects of the nearing gamma rays was now becoming apparent. The night sky had now taken on a strange structure, with something like a blue nebula taking up most of the sky.E61o4wm.jpg

    Shuddering, Hardfield got to work, and contacted R&D to see how things were going.


    It turned out that things were going very well. The Duna lander had been finalized, with just a few final tests remaining before it could be launched.Ms5eETx.png

    The plan was for the Duna Orbital Vehicle to come down to a lower orbit, and then the lander would be launched to test things like rendezvousing, docking, that sort of thing.

    Meanwhile, an unkerballed Duna lander had been developed to experience landing on Duna. It was called the Destiny I lander, based on a suggestion from the public that it was kerbalkind's destiny to venture out among the stars.auyHOT7.png

    The lander itself was quite small, but packed with science experiments.UuZtDox.png


    It was to be launched on the highly reliable Kerbol Light rocket, which had a 100% success rate.xv6YYYu.png

    Rollout was completed in the early morning.zN3wMKA.png

    With launch happening soon after.y9leULI.png

    The rocket quickly progressed towards orbit.wENkkgW.png


    Stage separation was nominal.RPaInlg.png

    And soon, orbit was achieved.rUhOsg8.png

    A Duna encounter was quickly plotted.9DbSHBN.png

    It was executed successfully.VbFqBgr.png

    After health checks, an orbital insertion maneuver was planned.dwhgZ3K.png

    The timing was good. It would arrive at Duna before DuneComms 1-4, but before the Duna Polar Orbiter. Perfect.OVlqO18.png


    The R&C team wasn't just working on Duna probes, though. They were also looking at how to make LKO more accessible.

    The result was the Chimera rocket. DBKK9HH.png

    At a glance, it looked just like an ordinary rocket. Rather similar to the Cormorant, actually.

    But Hardfield was very attentive, and noticed a few... "discrepancies".

    "Where's the decoupler?" He asked, surprised. "How'll you separate the first and second stages from each other?"

    The engineer replied, "Ah. There isn't actually a second stage."

    "What do you mean, there isn't a second stage? How's it going to get to orbit?"

    "The team has been working hard, and using enhanced versions of the Vector engines, as well as lighter fuel tanks, they've calculated that this can get to orbit with a single stage, with an acceptable payload margin," the engineer said. "Completely reusable as well! It'll survive reentry and lands using a combination of parachutes and engine thrust. It'll save money, 120 thousand kerbucks per launch!"

    "Well, that's good. Do we have a customer for it yet?"

    "Actually, yes. Squared Space Technologies has built a satellite for SpaceCom, and they've agreed to launch it on the new Chimera SSTO.qz7zmX4.png

    It fit perfectly into the cargo hold.jbIbnDc.png

    Rollout was completed successfully, and checks were completed soon after.2bG61Lq.png

    Then, the two Vectors fired up and the rocket started its ascent.gy5MT7m.png

    The gravity turn was started, as usual.iZbmOaV.png

    Soon, the Chimera SSTO entered space for the first time.x66f8mB.png

    Then, orbit was achieved, and the craft drifted silently through space.9sZbrh4.png

    The cargo bay doors opened.3urfZjz.png

    And the satellite, SpaceCom-1, was released.gDsO73b.png

    As SpaceCom-1 performed health checks, the Chimera deorbited.1NGr2l9.png

    Soon, contact was lost as plasma surrounded the craft.wnelUdh.png

    It appeared that the craft had more drag than expected, and would land in the ocean. That didn't really matter though, as it could still be salvaged with relative ease.VZkTOtJ.png

    The drogue chutes deployed successfully.uRnq8y3.png

    Followed by the main chutes.19uNBt0.png

    Even though they weren't necessary, the landing legs were extended to simulate a land landing.

    The Vectors were briefly ignited just above sea level...gDzjK0k.png

    ... And the rocket splashed safely on its side.KOuTCyg.png

    Salvage vessels would arrive soon.

    Meanwhile, SpaceCom-1 had executed some maneuvers and had successfully inserted itself into keostationary orbit.Jn0lUVb.png

    Another successful mission.


    But the next mission would be very nerve-wracking.

    It was the second launch of the ITS, which so far, had an abysmal 0% success rate.

    However, JAI and SpaceY had been working hard, and hopefully history wouldn't be repeated.Vhfl2GG.png

    Surprisingly, Jedgar, from the first ITS launch, had volunteered to fly again. Rather surprised, Hardfield said yes.

    As usual, rollout was uneventful.raXW8p9.png

    Then, the Quad-Emu engine ignited, easily powering the rocket into the air.kogyqPs.png

    The larger fins helped keep the rocket stable as it ascended.

    But then, something was suddenly wrong.uRxr53S.png

    "Something fell off!" Obkin radioed. "What is it?"

    "Uhh, stand by ITS, we're investigating. Continue on course," Hardfield said.

    An engineer called out, "The crew fairing detached for some reason. It shouldn't affect the mission though, they should be fine."

    Hardfield breathed a sigh of relief.sAyyjxE.png

    The rocket was now going to space with a gaping hole in the fuselage.sXGuhjA.png

    The ITS was soon going very fast.hQMYixO.png

    Then, the first stage ran out of propellant and was separated, along with the interstage. 

    However, it turned out the second stage had more drag than the interstage fairings, and so the ITS would fly past its own fairing version of a Korolev's Cross.76q9xjW.png


    Soon, the second stage was in space, on its way to orbit.AIBmjrf.png

    And with a quick engine burn, orbit was achieved.QNUvdot.png

    Then, the craft systems were tested, starting with the RCS.rSGeDQW.png

    Eventually, the checks were complete, all with the gaping hole in the fuselage.VeUbg6x.png

    A deorbit burn was plotted that would put the craft down in the water east of the KSC.zgp0e6e.png

    The gargantuan craft was incredibly hard to keep on the proper attitude.vWfWMA7.png

    Eventually, the craft's RCS couldn't cope and it flipped retrograde.8FeRRdX.png

    Now was the hardest part: propulsively landing the huge spacecraft.

    The RCS stabilized on retrograde.RupI5O9.png

    The landing legs were extended as the landing burn started.TvuS6Ub.png

    Thrust increased as the sea neared...EotFRwW.png

    The exhaust started to impact the water, sending splashes everywhere.wKKFlmm.png

    And then the craft splashed down safely.VL5nEtw.png


    Recovery crews quickly salvaged the intrepid crew and their rocket.5G0ENlt.png

    A 50% success rate now. Getting there, getting there...


    Meanwhile at R&D...

    A rocket had been developed.sOVzGlC.png

    The rocket was intended to be reusable, both the capsule and the booster. 

    The booster would be landed propulsively as a secondary objective to the mission. The capsule also had monopropellant engines for a propulsive landing, but was fitted with parachutes in case of an emergency.

    The actual mission of this rocket was to provide cheap access to space, mainly for space tourism: a potentially giant income source, if handled correctly.

    Surprisingly, many kerbonauts had requested to be on the maiden launch of the spacecraft, even though it was untested. Eventually, Hardfield reluctantly agreed. It had an abort system, what could possibly go wrong?

    The rocket was rolled out to the launchpad fairly quickly, and the landing legs were tested.gEnBoj5.png

    Launch occurred shortly afterwards. j4LbIxN.png


    Soon, the Vector had pushed the rocket high in the air.mKphYem.png

    The engine was shut off once the target apoapsis of 106 kilometers was reached.mGjJFp9.png

    Just seconds after main engine cutoff (MECO), capsule separation occurred.tGRpS9x.png

    Eventually, the capsule sped past the official border of space.9zG9IiN.png

    After a few minutes of weightlessness, the capsule fell into the atmosphere and the stabilizing grid fins deployed.AD3flTs.png

    Below, the booster was also falling towards the ground. The Booster Recovery team at mission control were already working on it.FoDuNNK.png

    Reentry wasn't particularly stressing.ZSyqY5q.png

    The engines were ignited at 1.6 kilometers above ground level to slow the capsule down for a soft touchdown.xslR0uf.png

    The landing legs deployed.oHSNkx6.png

    As the capsule neared the surface, all was good so far.UxuFx0i.png

    The automated komputer adjusted thruster power for the optimal descent.Y456MvY.png

    And then, the capsule had landed.vS4BiWV.png

    Meanwhile, engineers at mission control were working on the booster as soon as it separated, prepping it for reentry and landing.kQ8tT3T.png

    The grid fins deployed as the rocket passed through 63 kilometers.ER9cYMM.png

    Reentry was more stressing on the booster.ZX6bbjH.png

    At 3.7 kilometers, the Vector ignited, immediately putting the booster under huge g-forces, which were already piling up from reentry.8ITOwp5.png

    Luckily, the craft held together. The booster continued to descend.QGgVfiU.png

    The landing legs were deployed as the rocket fell past 600 meters.kW0dD0O.png

    Everyone held their breath as the ground quickly approached.erlB4NT.png

    And then, it was on the ground. Mission control was ecstatic.6WJyhcM.png

    The booster was recovered as soon as it landed. This particular one wouldn't be reused, since the KSC crew wanted to examine it. Meanwhile, the crew in the capsule were still winding down and doing post-flight checks.vwv0btZ.png

    Eventually, they were recovered as well, ending the mission and officially putting it into the "successful mission" log.


    Meanwhile, Hardfield was worrying about the Hybridium. They hadn't contacted him yet, but somehow, instinctively, he knew something would happen soon.

    Something big.


  5. 1 hour ago, lajoswinkler said:

    This is very interesting, but it's way too close to Kerbol. As it has been said, it's within Plock-Karen orbit. I'd push this at least 10x further away and that's really, really close.

    There are mods that allow travel to great distances, much greater than OPM gives us. Why not use this fact?


    If you're gonna add a wormhole (somehow), make it an addon for Sarnus from OPM. :)

    I agree with the distance being too close, but I think the wormhole should be with Jool, not Sarnus, so people that don't use OPM can still benefit from the mod. Sure, I know may people do use OPM, but there are those who do not. :wink: 

  6. On 3/7/2017 at 1:22 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

    @TheEpicSquared, how did you get KerbinSide to work?

    IIRC, the same way as I've been saying, download the latest Kerbal Konstructs, and then download the outdated Kerbinside. However, as that evidently isn't working for some people, I'll try again with a clean install tomorrow. :) 


    On 3/9/2017 at 10:16 PM, obney kerman said:

    Is she a shaman?

    Maybe... maybe not... :wink: 

    Chapter up today or tomorrow folks! 

  7. Taking inspiration from Blue Origin's recent New Glenn video, I decided to take SpaceX and Blue Origin, and mesh them together, creating this:sOVzGlC.png

    The Dragon 2 capsule from @tygoo7's excellent Tundra Exploration is capable of propulsively landing itself, as is the booster.

    The booster is based on the New Shepard, but has SpaceX's grid fins for control. It's connected to the capsule with docking ports, so the same capsule and booster can be reattached and reflown.

    Moar pics:


    Testing legs:gEnBoj5.png


    FMRS is armed.9da0H5F.png

    The rocket ascends. The Vector plume is now nearly invisible.mKphYem.png

    Apoapsis established, and the Vector shuts down.mGjJFp9.png

    The capsule separates from the booster.tGRpS9x.png

    FMRS is working as expected.9zG9IiN.png

    The capsule falls back in the atmosphere and the four grid fins extend for control.AD3flTs.png

    Reentry is not very stressful.ZSyqY5q.png

    As 1.5 kilometers above sea level, the engines on the capsule ignite for a propulsive landing.xslR0uf.png

    Gears deployed.oHSNkx6.png


    And touchdown!vS4BiWV.png

    Now for the booster landing.

    FMRS is used to switch back to the booster.kQ8tT3T.png

    Grid fins deployed.ER9cYMM.png

    Reentry is more stressful for the booster.ZX6bbjH.png

    Engine ignition at 3.7 kilometers.8ITOwp5.png

    Gears deployed.kW0dD0O.png

    Almost there...erlB4NT.png

    And touchdown!6WJyhcM.png

    Switching back to the landed capsule. Mission success!vwv0btZ.png

    I'll provide a download link soon. :) 

  8. Taking inspiration from Blue Origin's recent New Glenn video, I decided to take SpaceX and Blue Origin, and mesh them together, creating this:sOVzGlC.png

    The Dragon 2 capsule from @tygoo7's excellent Tundra Exploration is capable of propulsively landing itself, as is the booster.

    The booster is based on the New Shepard, but has SpaceX's grid fins for control. It's connected to the capsule with docking ports, so the same capsule and booster can be reattached and reflown.

    Moar pics:


    Testing legs:gEnBoj5.png


    FMRS is armed.9da0H5F.png

    The rocket ascends. The Vector plume is now nearly invisible.mKphYem.png

    Apoapsis established, and the Vector shuts down.mGjJFp9.png

    The capsule separates from the booster.tGRpS9x.png

    FMRS is working as expected.9zG9IiN.png

    The capsule falls back in the atmosphere and the four grid fins extend for control.AD3flTs.png

    Reentry is not very stressful.ZSyqY5q.png

    As 1.5 kilometers above sea level, the engines on the capsule ignite for a propulsive landing.xslR0uf.png

    Gears deployed.oHSNkx6.png


    And touchdown!vS4BiWV.png

    Now for the booster landing.

    FMRS is used to switch back to the booster.kQ8tT3T.png

    Grid fins deployed.ER9cYMM.png

    Reentry is more stressful for the booster.ZX6bbjH.png

    Engine ignition at 3.7 kilometers.8ITOwp5.png

    Gears deployed.kW0dD0O.png

    Almost there...erlB4NT.png

    And touchdown!6WJyhcM.png

    Switching back to the landed capsule. Mission success!vwv0btZ.png

    I'll provide a download link soon. :) 

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