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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Just now, eloquentJane said:

    Xen's Planet Collection. It's a set of five mods, three which modify stock planets, and two which each add a new planet. The Moons of Duna sub-mod also adds a moon to Duna, as its name would imply.

    Also, you might not realize unless you're very familiar with the stock appearance of Duna, but I'm also using Duna Restoration Project to improve the geographical features and appearance of Duna (by reverting it to what it once was in stock before an update made it look less interesting).

    Thanks! And yeah, I use duna restoration project myself. :) 

  2. 32 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

    Perhaps a sly admission of guilt at liking his own posts from a secret non square and mundane account?

    But yes some people have done that.

    Naw, I'm clean. A simple square wouldn't do something so terrible, would he?

    (Well, I did once get a minor warning for using asterisks in place of a swear word in my location, so I guess nobody's safe :P

  3. Well, this is going to get beaten VERY easily, since it's just 16 satellites, but here you go (this is for my Through Hardships to the Stars mission report, btw)


    The satellite, CubeComm:wQvZI0r.png

    It has an antenna, power generation & storing capabilities, can be controlled, and has a reaction wheel inside the solar panels.

    16 of these fit snugly into the fairing of the Cormorant A-0 rocket (technically, I could lift like 500 of these, but it would be unplayably laggy):sSuvtrY.png


    The Cormorant A-0 with its payload:Q2lbhCt.png

    Launch site is the Zebedee Polar Launch Facility (a glitch meant that the rocket is tilted south on launch):T21bMJS.png


    Flight is nominal:J1bcSKH.png

    The Mun and Kerbol can both be seen in this picture (which may become my desktop background):Z5E9SjC.png

    Stage separation:uUIo1Qo.png

    Apoapsis established:XKu2Htu.png

    Fairings separated:dOnd3Ip.png

    Orbital insertion burn:lT6pN05.png

    Orbit achived:eQQVEMw.png

    First satellite separated:dpDyxqD.png

    Another one:bVrdRlb.png

    All sats have been deployed and are in their target orbits:9t7d0bk.png

    Deorbit burn:bDFMZ7R.png

    Hot hot hot:s7E338G.png

    Boom boom:TfAoObf.png


    There you go, modded (the sats were tweakscaled down) entry with 16 satellites, intended for communication.


  4. On 2/20/2017 at 6:35 PM, KAL 9000 said:

    New idea: @TheEpicSquared, add enourmous control fins to the first stage. And bring the Procedural Interstage Fairings up so that they connect, it's messing up the aerodynamics.

    Like, Tweakscale those Big-S wings and elvons to make 'em ginormous!


    On 2/21/2017 at 5:07 PM, KAL 9000 said:

    And I think Stage 2 needs more fuel. Can you Tweakscale up the Procedural Tank so it's taller? Thanks :).


    On 2/21/2017 at 7:41 PM, Kosmonaut said:

    RIP Carsie

    Also, a while ago, I created a "Duna Survey". Its a very large, and has no landers. Do you want it? It involves a large scanner and a bunch of small commsats. Thoughts? THanks

    Sure, thanks! I'll try to get it in chapter 29, along with KAL's ITS. :) 

    1 hour ago, obney kerman said:

    Dear Hardfield, I have a Minmus lander I think you should use. It is the Minmus variant of our Albatross CSM. I think you will want it. Don't worry, It has an abort system and parachutes. The Kerbals will be quite safe. Here are the specs:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Payload name: Minmus rocket MK1

    • Payload provider: Kerbin academy of space exploration (KASE)
    • Type of payload:
    • Payload mass: 197 tons
    • Payload height: 29 meters
    • Payload length: 9.1 meters
    • Payload width: 4.3 meters
    • Payload part count: 95
    • Is the payload stock or modded: stock
    • Which body should it orbit: land on minmus 
    • Intended orbit: launch to 70 KM kerbin orbit, burn for minmus.
    • Short description of the payload A new kind of CSM
    • .Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Obney_Kerman/Minmus-rocket-MK1

    Warning: picture is misleading.

    P.S. I'm sorry about Karsie. She knew the risks.

    Sincerely,             Gene Kerman

                                   Director, KASE

    Thanks! I think I'll be able to get it in sometime around chapter 30. :) 

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