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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. On 06/02/2017 at 6:39 PM, Angel-125 said:

    Looking forward to seeing how this develops, let's hope that Spacelab's termination doesn't end up with a multi-year gap between space stations! :)

    Let's hope it doesn't! The Hybridium wouldn't be too happy if that were the case. :wink: 

    Oh, spoiler for the next chapter down below:


    @KAL 9000, I crashed your rocket. :P It'll be making an appearance in ch 27, just not a very successful one.  

    Don't worry, I'll get it up successfully chapter 28. :) 

    @superstrijder15 Thanks! I'm getting better! And more good news: We have a break starting on Thursday, which means more time to play KSP! :D 

  2. 3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    Bill, Bob, Jeb...

    (Btw, what was the "B" name of shuttles?
    A-tlantis, B-?, C-hallenger/C-olumbia, D-iscovery, E-nterprise)

    The "B" name was the original shuttle prototype, nicknamed the "Bloody Brilliant Idea". :P 


    ^ That's a joke. In case you couldn't tell.


  3. 14 minutes ago, Raven. said:

    Both of which would make me like a little girl in a candy shop. 


    However, considering the dev team and KSP dev history, I think it's more likely to be something along the lines of life support.



    I too would like a comet and outer planets, but after the devs make the current planets more interesting.

    I too think that the history points towards a gameplay change, like life support or a career change. Personally, I think it's going to be a career change.

  4. Just now, KAL 9000 said:

    ITS .craft file: Could you have the Procedural Fairing Structural Fairing extend up until it reaches the top section? Something didn't load right. 

    The ÜberGuppy transport plane is loading all four ITS tests. Standby for delivery to KSC from my super awesome evil fortress top secret science lab deep inside Mount Kerbverest!

    Sure, I can fix it.

    It'll launch in chapter 27. :) 

  5. 21 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:


    'Round here, that's "hide inside under three blankets with the furnace cranking" weather.


    'Round here in Sweden, 15C is put-on-shorts-and-go-outside weather. :P 

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