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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. After fixing some save issues, I've resumed work on my New Shepard / Dragon V2 combination:sOVzGlC.png

    Both the booster and the capsule can be propulsively landed, and I use FMRS to be able to control both.

    Operation procedure is pretty standard, I go up until apoapsis reaches ~106 kilometers, then I shut down the Vector and detach the booster (the booster and capsule are attached using docking ports so they can actually be reused). Once the Dragon reenters the atmosphere, I extend the grid fins for a stable descent. I then ignite the SuperDraco engines on the capsule at roughly 2 kilometers above the ground. The capsule's mission ends with a (hopefully) soft touchdown in the grass just to the west of the KSC. (Obviously, I have emergency chutes in case something goes wrong.)

    I then switch back to the time of separation using FMRS and switch to the booster. The landing procedure is pretty much the same. I extend the grid fins once the booster reenters the atmosphere and start my landing burn at ~3.5 kilometers above ground level. A soft touchdown (hopefully) is completed a few seconds later.

    Some screenshots from my latest test flight (with tourists, because who needs safety? :sticktongue:)


    Tourists loaded:ArfQa5Y.png

    On the launchpad:bEhny5v.png

    And we have liftoff:bmSKCyc.png

    The Vector's plume becomes nearly invisible as the rocket ascends:Q3VNnKI.png

    Apoapsis established:Rufroca.png

    Successful separation of capsule:7Cc8cZr.png

    The view of the booster from the capsule:5DV3a2M.png

    Apoapsis reached:2NScFCH.png

    Grid fins deployed:KEz8xPc.png

    Not a particularly stressful reentry:Kr0kKyI.png

    A grid fin gets stuck (courtesy of DangIt Continued) but that won't affect the landing:XUkNebU.png

    Landing burn starts lower than planned:oG8x2Fs.png

    Landing legs deployed:uNZ4wQ7.png

    And touchdown!uip6FGw.png


    I then use FMRS to switch back to the booster, and deploy the grid fins as it falls back into the atmosphere.Z3IVvNj.png

    Reentry is more stressful for the booster:pPGV6wB.png

    The start of the landing burn puts huge G-forces on the booster, but it pulls through:i0ONl9z.png

    Landing legs deployed:S3fsoBa.png

    And touchdown!qiExybS.png


    I then switched back to the capsule, and got a little surprise:6tkItEU.png

    I had unintentionally landed the capsule and booster next to each other! Oh well, at least the booster didn't land on top of the capsule. :P 

    Mission success!

    I think I've finalized the rocket design, and I'm now working on a crane that's strong enough to lift up the capsule and put it back on the booster (hence the docking ports instead of decouplers) and strong enough to lift the whole contraption and put it back on the launchpad. So far, however, things are going well! :) 

  2. On 3/25/2017 at 1:15 AM, Kosmonaut said:

    rip this series


    I'm really enjoying it and I hope it doesn't go down the crapper...

    *triumphant voice* HAHAHAHAAAAA!!! :D 

    This hasn't gone down the crapper! 

    The issue has been fixed!

    Missions have been launched!

    Screenshots have been taken!

    Ideas have been formed!


    It seems just installing the previous version of Kopernicus fixed the problem. However, I will take steps to try to fix the problem with the current version of Kopernicus, but for now, we're back in business! :cool: 


  3. 23 minutes ago, Mikki said:

    ...Errm sorry all for my funny question but i guess KSP 1.3 and the Making History expansion are unlikely to be released the same time or will they? :rolleyes::confused:

    Dream on... :rolleyes:

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