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Draco T stand-up guy

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Everything posted by Draco T stand-up guy

  1. I usually use the z-200 for those. Just one will do most jobs (career satellite contracts) and it's easy to add several. Of course, you can always just add 8 z100s to a 1.25 service bay: You can also do that with the z400: Service Bays - for all your battery needs
  2. Actually, you're not. You've played the game enough that you've got a sense of what works even if you're not working the maths out specifically. It's like any learned skill. To the uninitiated it may look like you're just throwing stuff together but you're actually using several hours/days/weeks of experience to get a craft that works. About the only person who would be guessing is the person who's just opened the game for the first time and they can read the specs and do the math as well.
  3. I consider those to be essential features missing from vanilla. You don't design rockets by guesswork even in a game like KSP.
  4. I've had both happen. One when the asparagus got way out of hand for lifting a tiny amount (IIRC, it had 8 boosters around the core with another 8 onioned lifting a mk1 cmd pod and two man passenger cabin to Munar orbit). One where I went from a super tall 2.5m that could barely lift off even with the SRBs on the side to a core + 4 asparagus lifter that had less stages and less fuel while lifting about 4 times as much and costing far less.
  5. It gives departure time, arrival time and DeltaV which everything you asked for. That departure time can then be loaded into KAC with a single click if you've got it installed. For it not to give you what you asked for would mean that you actually wanted something different than what you wrote.
  6. And the important bit - the Delta V as you build your rockets. It's the only reason why I have KER still installed.
  7. Your wish has been granted: Transfer Window planner
  8. In the options screen you can give yourself 500k of funds. Easy or hard mode makes a difference to how far that will go. I start hard mode with 500k and 1400 science. That allows upgrades to Admin and Lauchpad and enough science to fill up the tech tree to the stock 100 level.
  9. Did you note that he said that it was on special on Steam? It's presently half the price that you would pay on GOG.
  10. I'm more amazed that some people keep old versions. Really, why would you keep a buggier version?
  11. Launched a tourist party of 5 plus scientist and pilot to Minmus: Despite appearances there was nobody on board called Blake Worked as planned with that Poodle having just enough go in it to drop me out of Minmus orbit and then using the three outer engines to land (twice), escape to a Kerbin orbit and then de-orbit at Kerbin periapsis (I'm playing hard mode career and so try not to enter atmosphere at high speed - killing pilots and tourists is expensive).
  12. It helps you by suggesting that there may actually be something wrong with your PC set up rather than the game itself. A simple delete and reinstall may fix the issue, or it could be your anti-virus causing havoc, or the graphics driver needs updating. Sure, we hear of a few people having problems with game crashes but the vast majority of people just aren't having those issues. For the vast majority, the game plays fine. I'd suggest a delete and reinstall.
  13. Having multiple missions going at once. Three at Minmus (a satellite placement, a land/plant flag and a rescue) and two at Mun (both were rescues). Did the rescues in one ship going to Minmus first and then back to Mun where one of the rescues was retrograde.
  14. Well, I've done the 275m/s speed difference but not the 10k. I like to able to see the ship when I leave
  15. If you want to play with moving large planets around then you'd probably want to play in this sandbox.
  16. Yes, this thing is quite capable of leaving the Kerbol solar system *Escaped. and yes, solar panels do stop generating power as you go further from Kerbol. You can follow Voyager on Twitter @NASAVoyager Yes, after 40+ years, it's still operational.
  17. I killed Jebidiah - again But it was glorious while it lasted The cmd module disintegrated when I activated the two tr18 radial decouplers. It was going good up to that point.
  18. Don't think so. There's, IMO, still too much that is simply wrong. Mostly in the KSC itself. Mission Control isn't where you go to control the missions you have in progress but where you go to collect contracts. Tracking is where you should go to plan your missions. Plan the burns, gravity swings etc. Instead you go there to control your missions. Administration is almost on track. You go there to administer programs that are external to the space program itself. IMO, this is also where you should go to pick up your contracts.
  19. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-21/planet-nine-new-giant-planet-may-lurk-beyond-pluto/7103838
  20. I want to move one or more of these batteries over to the other base: Can it be done? The kerbal standing there is an engineer.
  21. Nope, install ForScience and then take a lander to Minmus with one science jr, one goo, one tmp, one pressure, one scientist and one pilot. Visit two biomes to gather science and don't transmit any of it (not that you could - the batteries aren't good enough) and when you return to Kerbin get 1600 science. Yes, that is what I got from one trip. There's a huge amount of science in the game and I suspect that most people are missing most of it. I doubt if people have actually got the time to actually process all of it. Besides, you can probably fill out the entire tech tree without the processing. I feel that that mod takes out a large part of the game but I also think that Squad went a little bit overboard in sheer tedium of gathering all that science.
  22. It seems fine with standard joysticks but iffy with anything more advanced even though Windows recognises it and has all the bells and whistles working perfectly. This indicative that they haven't fully integrated with Windows. I can't speak for Linux or Mac interfaces.
  23. To change inclination the best place is either of the Ascending or Descending nodes. Don't know about you but I find it impossible to do the really minor adjustments to a node at Kerbin to be sure of the intercept angle at Mun. Bodies further away get more difficult. This is why I use MehJeb but I do wish it would plan orbits for bodies that can be orbited rather than intercepts.
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