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Everything posted by sentania

  1. I didn't log any significant play time, but with KSP 1.1.3 Kopernicus 1.1.2, the pre-release of GN linked above things look fantastic. You can zoom out and focus on differenct starts and return to your ship with no overheating explosions. Solar panels work. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Load time you can suck it.
  2. Seems as if the newest version of Kopernicus may have improved things from an overheating perspective, though it looks like it is still doing something funky with the solar panels - it appears they are always wanting to point towards the core and not the local star. I was able to get some EC from them from the core if I got a Line of sight - atleast I think it was the core - definitely not the Sun. FYI - I tried this on 1.1.3 w/ the newest Kopernicus and the Solar + heat patches disabled in GN
  3. Using an earlier reference to "stargate" rules, I vote no. Look at Stargate Universe - when they made the initial connection to Destiny, they needed the tremendous powersource on the naquida planet, and I believe there was an episode where they were able to dial Earth when they were in the midst of a "refueling"
  4. Is the fuel cost determined by the source or the destination beacon?
  5. Is the IB-1 drive functional at this point? edit: Oh I see, the IB-1 contains an integreted source beacon, but you still need a destination beacon! Edit 2: I'd love to see a version of the drive that can function as a source and destination beacon, balanced by being super massive and super fuel costly, such that you would use it to construct jumpship type ships. Edit 3: 9.8k karborundum for a jump from kerbin->Jool - holy buckets. Edit 4: I think leveraging karb as the end game resource for this is fine.
  6. Well I guess that answers that question!
  7. A completely random thought regarding overheating in GN due to reparenting kerbin What would happen if didn't reparent Kerbin? Instead made Kerbin a dark body orbiting the core - I know you want the core to be boring, but then created a newKerbin that is parented to stockSun, with the Mun and Minimus reparted to newKerbin and the KSC moved the newKerbin? I would try it out right now, but won't be able to until later tonight.
  8. @Sigma88 During a flight you are only able to revert to flight as long as you keep that flight as the active ship. Once you move away from the active flight, to the KSC, to a different flight, etc, you lose the option to revert.
  9. I have the latest of both of those installed, I redownloaded them and checked to make sure cryotanks wasn't off, and am still getting an error. Suggested next steps for digging? cc: @Nertea @NecroBones
  10. @Kerbas_ad_astra I'll double check and make sure I have the most recent of all three. AVC doesn't complain, but I'll do a manual check of the contents in case of a mis-package.
  11. I've been working to set up a 10x game, and found this mod that will make my life easier. Anways - I dropped in the current version and module manager is reporting 31 errors: They all appear to be related to LH2 and FuelTanksPlus [LOG 06:44:28.067] [ModuleManager] Applying node SMURFF/SMURFF/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[@SUBTYPE[LH2]]]:FOR[zzz_SMURFF] to Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankOscarB/fuelTankOscarB/miniFuelTank [LOG 06:44:28.069] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key modMass = #$/MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]/SUBTYPE[LH2]/addedMass$
  12. Error from my log with MM 2.6.25 (didn't receive the error on 2.6.24) [LOG 21:33:40.980] [ModuleManager] Applying node OtherWorlds/CercaniSystem/-CONFIGS-/PrimaSecunda_SigmaBinary/@Kopernicus:BEFORE[Squad] to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kerbol System [LOG 21:33:41.004] [ModuleManager] Cannot find key mass in Properties [LOG 21:33:41.005] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key sphereOfInfluence = #$mass$ [LOG 21:33:41.008] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key referenceBody = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/name$ [LOG 21:33:41.022] [ModuleManager] Cannot find key mass in Properties [LOG 21:33:41.023] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key semiMajorAxis = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Properties/mass$ [LOG 21:33:41.024] [ModuleManager] Cannot find key mass in Properties [LOG 21:33:41.025] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key semiMajorAxis = #$../Properties/mass$ [LOG 21:33:41.027] [ModuleManager] Cannot find key mass in Properties [LOG 21:33:41.028] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key semiMajorAxis = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Properties/mass$ [LOG 21:33:41.040] [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key sphereOfInfluence = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/Properties/sphereOfInfluence$
  13. I am trying to pull the bodies from my game, and I'm getting an error message that it was not able to pull the bodies and to make sure I am in the flight screen (which I am) It appears that the DLL + Program are talking about something is goign wrong. KSPTOT Log: Except from KSP.log body pull
  14. Guess that means including more science containers on missions to places then....
  15. Did science labs change with 1.1 in that they consume the experiments when you process them, so that you cannot recover them or process them in a new lab?
  16. The way I read it, it's not that you consume them quicker, it's 15 kerbal days, so if you are doing Earth time that means there are 4 kerbal days per earth day.....
  17. @NecroBones I was referring to the simple boiloff side of cyro tanks,.... something like this: @PART[TPtank*Nuke]:NEEDS[SimpleBoiloff] { MODULE { name = ModuleCryoTank FuelName = LqdHydrogen // in % per hour BoiloffRate = 0.05 // in Ec per 1000 units per second CoolingCost = 0.08 } }
  18. Would it be possible to add a patch that converts the nuclear fuel tanks to Lqd Hydrogen and implement the cyrotank module when the appropriate near future mods are installed? I can work on a patch, but it probably won't be for a few days.
  19. Awesome, will fix it locally and then wait for the patch. Thanks gang.
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