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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @ilancop117, the creator has not visited the forum since 2020 so I don't think this work in progress [WIP] mod will be released.
  2. Thread moved from KSP 1 mod releases to KSP 1 mod development.
  3. Welcome to the forum @Space Shuttle destroyer! Your question has been moved from KSP 1 discussions to KSP 1 Gameplay Questions. You just need to be able to rendezvous and dock and you can build a modular station. Perhaps reading about the construction of the ISS may give you some inspiration.
  4. Welcome to the forum @Justasimplepotato, we have a dedicated team working on KSP 2 bugs and it makes their job a little easier if you read through this post and then submit a report here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/144-ksp2-bug-reports/
  5. I'm sorry but our policy is only to lock threads at the request of the original poster (OP).
  6. Welcome to the forum @warcrimeswilly! As a new member your first 5 posts (outside of the lounge) need to be moderator approved before you are granted full member privileges. This is a measure to protect the forum and we apologize for any inconvenience.
  7. It looks like the post was returned to the new members queue for approval when you edited it and sometimes the forum software is slow to notify the team. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  8. Welcome to the forum from Australia @davidmakurin! Your post has been moved to our dedicated space to welcome new members.
  9. Hi @EndAllFilms, please remember that the great people who make free content for KSP are also subject to real life responsibilities and pressures so while asking for an update is okay (so long as it's polite and not repetitive) it's best just to be patient as we wait for our favorite mods to be updated.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Fergmf, we have added a translation to your post because it is a requirement for all content outside of the international sub forums. Because Minmus is in an inclined orbit I use either the ascending or descending anode (An or Dn in the map view) as the starting point for my maneuver. This means you don't have to adjust your inclination to get an intercept. [Translation] Bienvenido al foro @Fergmf, hemos agregado una traducción a su publicación porque es un requisito para todo el contenido fuera de los subforos internacionales. Debido a que Minmus está en una órbita inclinada, utilizo el ánodo ascendente o descendente (An o Dn en la vista del mapa) como punto de partida para mi maniobra. Esto significa que no tienes que ajustar tu inclinación para obtener una intercepción.
  11. Welcome to the forum @Westinghouse!
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