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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Hi @leroidangleterre, your question has been moved from KSP 1 mod releases to this dedicated thread for GAP.
  2. Granted, unfortunately you didn't check the thread before logging out. I wish for grilled fish.
  3. Welcome to the forum! You could use storage services like google drive (please set the file to public) or dropbox.
  4. Thread moved from KSP 1 Mod Development to KSP 1 Mod Releases.
  5. Welcome to the forum @BettyLarson! Your post has been moved from Tech Support to our welcome section of the forum.
  6. Welcome to the forum @jounce! Your question has been moved from Welcome Aboard to KSP 1 Gameplay Questions.
  7. Welcome to the forum @birb! Holding alt while you move a part around should make it snap node to node.
  8. Welcome to the forum @Muxiphobia!
  9. Welcome to the forum @Yasone, your problem has been moved from KSP 2 Discussion to KSP 2 Bug Reports.
  10. Welcome to the forum @jmbenito71, cool mission report! An English translation has been added to your report because all posts outside of the international section require it. The reason we have this rule is because not all browsers or devices support automatic translation so we encourage you to use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum.
  11. Please let us know if it does not.
  12. Posts in the Lounge/Forum Games subforums do not advance post counts. If you could post in this thread once more you should be able to create a poll. The system is set up this way to protect the forum and we apologize for any inconvenience.
  13. Welcome to the forum @Smellfish, the forum itself cannot host images so we use services like imgur or google drive to upload our pics and then link to them here.
  14. Welcome to the forum @KincaidFrankMF! I am also a noob with many years of experience.
  15. Yes, I was just writing you a PM to ask you the same thing!
  16. Welcome in from the cold, @Piotrr!
  17. Multiple overlapping threads have been merged.
  18. Welcome to the forum @KlunkWorks!
  19. Welcome to the forum @LeroyJenkins!
  20. Overlapping topics have been merged.
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